Hi everyone and welcome to your horoscope for the week of September 9-15. We have a very active sky and the energies are going to feel quite dual, even though we have a lot of harmonious celestial conversation, at least at the beginning of the week and leading up to September's full Moon (13-14 Sept, depending on which side of the planet you're on), the sky is going to be dominated by the very potent Neptune opposing of all the personal planets in Virgo, but also the very potent square between Neptune and Jupiter and Jupiter also forms squares with most of the personal planets in Virgo, so this is going to feel very heavy, where we might not be fully in control of our emotions, our emotional outbursts, and despite the very potent earth energy dominating the sky, we still may struggle to ground ourselves in physical reality, because Neptune empowered by Jupiter, not in the best of ways, this time around, will confuse us, put us in states of altered consciousness, and tide us over with an overflow of feeling and emotions. This energy is going to feel quite heavy, quite potent, but this can be felt in number of different ways, depending on each person's unique psychology. For some people, usually those who are always very down to earth and always have a very rational approach to everything, this may simply represent a moment of maximum spirituality, when they get the chance to observe life through a spiritual lens, something which might not be a very common occurrence to them, but ultimately, this energy can be quite positive and constructive, because it can offer them magical moments, when they can feel deeply connected to a spiritual source, despite then not desiring this, and ultimately these unusual feelings, can spark up their interest in the unseen aspects of the world. Alternatively this can be very philosophical energy which might challenges us to think very deeply. For other people the very potent opposition of all the personal planets in Virgo (Mercury, Sun, Venus, Mars) with Neptune, both sides being squared by Jupiter can represent an emotional roller coaster ride, where different states oscillate between each other. Sometimes this energy can represent a reality check, where the individual would like nothing more than to be grounded in physical reality, in order to feel safe and secure, while half hour later, there might be an irresistible urge to escape reality, not wanting to face anything that sources from the outside. Jupiter, especially in his home sign of Sagittarius, expands all of this, so feeling of strong pessimism, depression, anxiety, emotional vulnerability may come to the surface, during which the individual might perceive everything in their lives as failures, they might be feeling totally worthless in society, as professionals, or as simple human beings and they simply won't be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, all of this while an hour later, the exact opposite state might be felt, where they might have the impression that a miracle, a lucky opportunity, divine help will surely come to their rescue and offer them the life which they want to be living. This energy can be quite maddening, can cause psychological instabilities, the best way to navigate through this, is simply to try and very best and not take anything that you may be feeling too seriously, but simply be aware that your thoughts and feelings are a little bit overactive, and all of this is going to quiet down in a couple of days. Another thing that we might need to consider is that dark moon Lilith is dancing very closely to Neptune, so her energies must also be taken into consideration, and in the sign of Pisces she may bring out our true inner ugliness, which we have to face and overcome. This aspect might overwhelm us with feeling of guilt, shame, we might see ourselves in the most negative light, there is a huge tendency for self victimization, we might feel as if all out lives the Universe conspired against us, to hurt us or punish us, forgetting all the important life lessons and wisdom which we gained from our hardships and tough situations. This energy is also very likely to remind us of all out traumas, all our fears, all of our insecurities, and since Venus is in a very strong earth sign, we might not be pleased with our psychical appearances, our sex appeal, our bodies, we might not feel very attractive, the opposition to Mars may make us question our choices, our ambitions, our personal power, the opposition to Mercury might highlight all of our unwise choices and we might feel very unprofessional, we might be very dissatisfied with our skills, studies, talents, everything that we have learned and our problem solving skills, this might also make it extremely difficult for us to communicate, express ourselves, there might be chances for misunderstandings, confusions, misinterpretation of gestures, and lastly the oppositions with the Sun, might be the one which truly hits a nerve, because we might simply not be stratified with ourselves from any perspective, the person who we became, there might be a big conflict between the soul and the ego. The very best way to navigate through this very difficult, emotionally drowning energy is to simply accept to see the truth for what it truly is, in the knowledge that in the world where we are living in, nothing is just black or white, everything can be seen through a myriad of different perspectives, one man's failure, can be absolute success and happiness for another person and vice versa, so take everything that you feel, every inner state, or altered consciousness with a pinch of salt, and know that you are going to feel totally different, much more normal and stable in the next couple of days, after this aspect starts to break. From a strict spiritual perspective, this Pisces-Virgo opposition and the Jupiter squares, will represent an irresistible call to go within and find balance. This may be an extremely difficult task, because clarity may not come easily, and it might have us question everything about our faith, our spiritual paths, our choices, everything that we may have sacrificed in order to enable our spiritual sides, this energy might even get us as far as to question the intentions of the divine, and because we are going to have a very potent and unaspected Uranus retrograde, there will be a tendency to rebel, to demand our rights from the divine, to demand more freedom in our lives, more help and guidance, especially when it comes to navigating through matter, there might be a tendency to feel abandoned, alone, lost, unsupported. Of course even this can oscillate very quickly, because we might feel the exact opposite, depending on our moods, in which case we must fight against our idealism, we must limit our own beliefs that yes anything is possible, but those possibilities have to respect the laws of matter and balance, so miracles may happen but not necessarily in the way you would expect them, and the sextiles of both Pluto and Saturn, conversations of harmony that they hold with Neptune, might show us, that nothing comes freely, we need to work invest time, effort, and energy even into spirituality, in order to be in a position where we like to be and in order to have the permanent clarity which we desire. Regardless of how seriously you take spirituality, this aspect, in the short term (the Neptune's opposition to the planets in Virgo) and long term (the square to Neptune) is challenging our faiths, this is inviting us to find the very best, most authentic expression of faith for us personally, so during this time there might be existential crisis's, there may be severe doubts, a tendency to question everything, a tendency to go deeply into conspiracy theories, a tendency not to believe physical reality, to question even what we can palpably see and feel, and this might cause fear and paranoia to some people. The best way to navigate through all of this is to simply acknowledge, that the square may be a negative force promoting tension, stress, friction, but ultimately it serves us to push us in a right direction. Every healthy expression of faith has doubts, belief should never be rigid, should never ever blind us, it always has to be open for evolution, change, “upgrade” if you will, because just as human kind continuously evolves, so does spirituality and all of these principles. Not having doubts, and blindly, fanatically, immersing in a rigid, fixed faith is always very unhealthy and it ultimately leads to violence and intolerance. Another very important thing to consider is that, the Neptune opposition can take a huge toll on people who are struggling with depression, have strong pessimistic tendencies, are suffering from mental health problems, have recently experienced a very painful experience (like a divorce, separation, loss of someone dear), have severe self esteem issues, or are going through a time of material instability, have addiction problems. All of these one way or another, or at least partially fall under the rulership of Neptune and Pisces, in their most unfavorable expressions, so Jupiter is going to greatly amplify all these feeling, and the fact that it squares the planets in Virgo also doesn't help, because it will just put material pressure on all of us. If you are facing any situation above, you must be very careful, very diligent and not let your negative self talk, uncontrollable emotions and self harming tendencies get out of control, because it can reach very dangerous and deadly levels, because among other things Virgo also rules health and the healthy balance, well functioning of the physical body, so the stress, worry pain may cause you severe digestive problems, or if the illusions of Neptune become way too strong you might have the fake impression that escaping life is a solution. A word of warning for everyone who uses escapism in for of substance abuse, there is a tendency to overdo it, which can lead to severe health problems and accidents, please be careful and know the limits. There can also be a very strong conflict between the ego and the soul, because another negative expression of Neptune is self sacrifice, martyrdom. Compassion, wanting to help, empathy are all very important virtues, and at the end of the day, these are what make us human, but please do not allow yourself to go to extremes, especially that the Jupiter square might make us blindly idealistic. Know that being loyal to the Self, and never neglecting your own needs and well being, is not selfish, it is perfectly healthy, and even kindness, mercy, compassion when excessive can have negative effect both on you and the beneficiary. There is the saying that “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions” , so please know your limits, and help in such a measure that doesn't cripple or disadvantage your own situation. If you ever feel really down, know that this is just an imbalance of the mind, you are NOT your thoughts and you do have a choice to control your feelings, it might not work every single time, but you can try and try and ultimately succeed, and also there is HELP out there, there are so many people, who dedicate themselves to fight mental health problems, to fight depression, so if you feel the need to talk, to vent, to release stress, you can find help anywhere, local charities, free helplines, free chat services, psychologists, good Samaritans, spiritualists, who don't charge for their services, but most importantly friends, family, loved ones, partner, or sometimes even a total stranger, there is help out there, so never give up, and the impression that you are totally alone, is NOT real unless you choose to make it real, society may not be the brightest place in the present moment, but there is help and there are a LOT of good people out there who if nothing else are always there to listen and offer a loving thought, a good word, or a virtual embrace. One last thing I would like to write about, regarding the Neptune opposition, even though this energy can feel very confusing, it can be a hidden blessing for all artists, creators, those who use their emotional states to create and express themselves. Such a powerful Neptune, amplified by Jupiter, is all the inspiration you could ever ask for, so during this time it is highly recommended to write a journal, write down your thoughts, feeling, the oscillation from one state to another, and use this to empower your creativity. Whatever you may be going through right now, even if it's confusing, even if it feels very strange and usual, can push your artistic talents and expression sky high, especially with a very powerful Uranus, there is no telling what epiphanies, ideas, inspiration, breakthrough, moments of pure genius you are going to have, so document everything and use it to create, the way you never done before, this can lead to massive success. Fortunately, we also have a lot of harmonious conversations, that can help us balance out all of this confusion and inner turmoil, which I have written about, and because of the increased activity of Pluto, all of this may turn to our biggest advantage. Firstly the trine that Saturn forms with the Sun, Mars, and Mercury is a saving grace, because both Saturn and the personal planets speak from earth signs, and these are supremely harmonious conversations, which serve to ground us, keep us in reality, empower our soul, mind, ambition, sense of Self, to work towards our own well being, not to be discouraged by our feeling and our perceptions, and it might always show us, that whatever overly negative, or overly optimistic state that we are experiencing is not real, and not reflected in matter. This energy can also bestow many blessings, especially in that area of our lives ruled by Virgo, and this can mean significant financial gains, this can mean material rewards for our hard work, even that of the past, it can mean good karma making us feel valued by other people (especially superiors) and the divine it's self, it can solidify our wills to take action, to invest time and effort into whatever we want to accomplish, and the trine with Mercury can bring out our most down to earth, rational and logical ways of thinking allow us to surpass whatever emotional turmoil we are experiencing. Most people who took work seriously, in all of it's expressions, so it might not necessarily have to be job/career related, it can even represent inner work, trying to be a better version of yourself, trying to overcome your own limitations, helping other people, working for charitable purposes, working for all the things you love doing, like hobbies personal interests, studies etc. can reap rewards one way or another, if nothing else then good karma is sure to advantage you in some way. This energy might play out very differently for those people who usually rebelled against work, who refused to accept rules and regulations, who may have squandered their potential and used their strength to fulfill selfish, egoistical purposes, because Saturn might not have anything to reward them with, expect to empower their Mars and Mercury to connect them with future work opportunities, which can manifest in a number of different ways, so it doesn't necessarily have to mean job/career related work, but rather it's an invitation to put time, effort and energy into those things which they would like to accomplish in the future, so this can play out as opportunities and relevant connections. Especially at the beginning of the week, before the full Moon, this won't be as easy as it sounds, because Jupiter also squares these personal planets, so there is going to be some stress, you might find yourself very busy, you might be overwhelmed by chores, tasks, you may feel as if time is pressing, but if you manage to overcome all of this, and make wise choices acting from a place of diligence and follow those with actions, then all of this is going to turn to your greatest advantage, and even if you might not see it this way in the present moment, everything that you do in the present moment and especially all throughout next week, can turn into a major breakthrough in your life, from a material perspective. There is also another very important harmonious conversation between Pluto and the personal planets in Virgo, at the beginning of the week it trines Mercury, Venus and the Sun, later on in the week Mars is also going to benefit from this. Now, this can be interpreted in a number of different ways, but I think the most relevant way of seeing this is the power to change everything that you don't find useful in your life materially, spiritually and even deep within you. This conversation works very well with Neptune and Jupiter square, because if you maintain balance and discipline your emotions and thoughts and not allow them to run out of control, then especially around the full Moon in Pisces, you will find a lot of clarity, your intuition, your intelligence, your groundedness (Saturn's harmonious aspects) come to your aid, and will reflect everything that you do not wish in your life on a soul level, and you will know exactly what you need to change about your life. This will also be followed by opportunities and finding the most appropriate means to accomplish those changes, some of these depend solely on your choice and initiative to enable the change through actions, while with those things which might not really depend on you fate can come to your help, by enabling closures and giving you the power to begin anew. This is also quite a magical aspect, which can also represent healing, because all the traumas, shame, guilt, insecurities, that the Neptune opposition may bring to the surface, can be eliminated, changed, healed, or at least greatly improved, because Pluto is going to give you the power, either to accomplish all of this yourself, or it can also bring fated connections encounters in your life, with people who can help, inspire and empower you. Pluto also forms sextiles with Neptune, so this can mean that your spiritual power, your practices, your own personal power, can help you manifest significant solutions and changes in your life, if you stay focused and balanced. Later on in the week Mars is also going to form a trine with Pluto, it's higher octave, and this can play out in a number of different ways, mostly it can represent will power, ambition, strength, which you will use to accomplish what you desire materially, but it can also represent standing up for yourself, expressing everything that you desire and expect from others very clearly, it can also empower you to eliminate even the most difficult obstacles from your life, for example bad habits, finally ambitioning yourself to go to a doctors checkup and solve medical problems, it can also empower you not to shy away from conflicts and have a very firm, assertive, self righteous attitude, all of which promises significant progress, doing what is necessary, helping yourself and making changes attracting solutions. During this time, there might also be a signification increase in sexual urges, sexuality, the need to experience bodily pleasures, sexual hormones may run a little bit out of control, but since this is a harmonious dance, chances are you are going to attract exactly what you desire, or better said what your body desires. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, there is a chance for this aspect to cause infidelity and third party situations to arise, which can threaten established bonds. Also, another way to look at this aspect, especially if Virgo belongs to your 7th house, certain arguments or dialogues may put you in a much fairer position of power in a relationship, expressing yourself and your desires might advantage you very much and it may lead to your partner accepting compromise and recognizing your power, your equal position in the relationship. Last, but not least, towards the end of the week (13-14 of Spet. Depending on which side of the planet you're on), we are going to have the very powerful, mystical full moon in the sign of Pisces. This can be a time of great spiritual breakthrough, revelation, significant manifestations can take place, this can also provide a very relevant sense of completion in that area of your life which is ruled by Pisces, this celestial dance can also bombard us with inspiration, altered, magical states of consciousness where we have access to spiritual truths, connections to higher planes which we couldn't even dream of, this can represent a huge boost in inspiration and creativity for all artists, writers, musicians, poets etc. This aspect can also represent floods, and the destructive force of water, tsunamis, tides, heavy rainfall, storms, and since Uranus is unsuspected and extremely potent, we can expect other extreme weather phenomenons to take place. This full Moon, besides the magical states of consciousness, can also have a very potent effect on the world stage, because Pisces rules secrets, concealed things, skeletons in the closet so to speak, so this full Moon conjunct to Neptune might shed light on some things which were intentionally hidden from our awareness, the true natures of certain relevant people can be exposed, their past actions way be seen under a totally different light, and this can also lead to new, and very relevant historical, archaeological even paleontological discoveries. An extreme expression of this can be disclosures, conspiracy theories and speculations reaching a very high level, the light of the full moon may also reveal to us inconsistencies, lies, deceptions, concealment regarding history and our pasts, secret societies and their leaders may be exposed during this aspect. Last, but not least, this full moon can be an excellent time for magic, magical workings, ceremonies, meditations, inner journeys, harnessing ethereal energies and using them for self empowerment, accessing past lives, the subconscious, receiving prophetic visions, and being more connected to the Source then usual, especially that by this time the Neptune opposition won't be as strong and will start to lose intensity. Thank you so much for reading, please be strong and try your very best to keep yourself balanced, grounded and disciplined during this Neptune opposition and if you feel like you need help, do not shy away from reaching out, there are very many good intended people out there, including myself who are willing to listen and help.