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Weekly horoscope: September 2 - 8

Hi everyone and welcome to your horoscope for the week of September 2- 8, we have an absolutely amazing and very active sky playing out all throughout the month with some very powerful celestial conversation taking place at this time, the emphasis being put on earth energy since the majority of planets are speaking from earth signs, which makes this period extremely fertile, and quite flexible, susceptible to change and even manifestation. There is so much happening next week, that it would take hours to analyze every connection that is going to take place, so that is why I have chosen the most relevant ones and which present the most potential for change and ultimately to make progress and achieve success. It is worth mentioning, that the beginning of the week is still under the influence of the super new moon from the 30th of august, so regardless of the other celestial dances, there is still a very high chance for a significant new beginning to take place in that area of your life which is ruled by Virgo. We begin the week with a conversation that we inherit from last week, which is Saturn from his home sign of Capricorn trining Venus in Virgo. This is a very positive energy, whenever Saturn forms a positive aspect, we can be sure that there are rewards waiting for us “at the end of the tunnel”, and this aspect also promises us exactly that. This can play out in a number of different ways, for some of us this can represent a very powerful connection with an influential person who values our work, the refinement of our skills, the beauty and value that we put into our work, and they might come to offer us a helping hand, support or present us with a fantastic new opportunity work-wise. This can also represent a teacher who is going to help us perfect our knowledge and skills, and maybe learn some new problem solving methods. Another version of this celestial dance may come from the past, and in this sense Saturn may be offering us very palpable rewards for some past work, that we have performed, regardless if this was actual career/job related work, or just time, effort, and ambition invested in something that was important for us, maybe inner work, or maybe a sacrifice which we have made in order to help or facilitate another person, it's this that can show potential and shower us with some kind of reward. Another version of this can be related to the present, where the rewards come from the current work that we do, and in this sense, determination, ambitions, meticulous approach, but also being very aware and in tune with our true worth and value may present us with amazing opportunities to progress and advance. Since Capricorn rules hierarchy and power structures, this can also appear in our lives as an opportunity to advance in rank and position, maybe a leadership role is gonna be vacant and your fantastic worth ethic might put you in the position of the most supported candidate. There is also a similar potent and powerful celestial dance happening a little bit later in the week, and that is Pluto reaching out to Venus and conversing in supreme harmony in a type of connection called a trine. This can be a very potent, almost fated energy which can provide you with a number of different blessings, one of them being a chance for fated professional connections to take place during this time. If you are destined to meet a person who can have a real big impact on you materially, professionally speaking, then there are good chances for that to appear in your life. This is also a very empowering aspect for change and transformation, during this aspect everything and anything new that you learn can give you the potential to achieve a greater sense of success in the future, it can also help you by finding the strength, determination, wisdom and ultimately power within you to enforce significant changes in that area of your life that is ruled by Virgo. Pluto's symbolism is also related to death and endings, so if such a fated ending is taking place in your life, for example the end of a career, job, association, then know that this is for your very best interest, and that whatever is going to come next it's fated and it's for your greater good. As Mars picks up speed towards the end of the week, Pluto is also going to trine Mars, which is it's lower octave. This can fill your with incredible energy, vitality, ambition, it can help you follow through with all your plans and ambitions to achieve what you desire, to accomplish everything that you need to in order to change, transform your professional life, maybe eliminate old deeply rooted routines, unhealthy habits, that require a lot of willpower, and it's also very empowering to take action, follow up your choices with action, the right attitude, it can also empower you with a higher degree of self confidence, it can unite you with your own power and position of power. Both Saturn and Pluto are eventually going to form trines with all the Planets in Virgo as we had into next week, depending on the speed of the planet, so this can be a very powerful and fated time, where things come together, where our desires manifest, where we reach that level of power and determination in order to advance, change, eliminate that which no longer serves us, and also in it's most extreme manifestation it can also represent a feeling of being totally reborn in that area of life ruled by Virgo. There is another supreme harmonious aspect, that also adds a fated feeling to the events of next week, and that conversation is Mercury from it's home sign of Virgo trining Uranus in Taurus, it's higher octave. This can be a period of some amazing synchronicity, surprises, ideas, epiphanies, realizations, communications entering into our lives. All activities via the internet are going to be blessed with the speed and magnetism of Uranus, so the energy of Mercury can connect you with the most ideal people, who can truly advantage you and of course vice versa. If you perform any type of work which may fall under the expertise of Mercury (writing, communication, public relations, traveling, programming, public speech, or just working via the internet etc.) or Uranus (I.T., any kind of predictions, technology, advanced science, robotics etc.) then it is highly advised that during this celestial dance you put everything you've got out there, to increase your chances of being found, being connected. This energy is also a very cerebral one, powerful ideas, plans, inventions, the most ingenious ways of doing things may reach your awareness during this time, also it can reveal very powerful truths, it can attract very significant, powerful and potentially life changing communications, but regardless of how all of this plays out know that it's lucky energy and very fast moving. Also, what I would like to further add to this interpretations is that Mercury is also close to the Sun, and with the trine to Uranus it gives us all a chance to glimpse into the future in our own unique ways, and this can give us moments when we know exactly what to expect and what are our true chances in accomplishing certain things that we desire. This energy can represent an important intellectual, mental boost for all of us. Another event which is going to take place all throughout next week and the week after is that the Sun is going to one by one conjunct all the planets in Virgo, which can be a time of great empowerment, and it can further add to the sense that we are making progress. The conjunction with Mars, can make us very courageous, bold, and determined to take all the right actions, and serve our own highest purpose; the conjunction with Venus can greatly increase our sense of self worth and it can help us see the beauty of everything that we create, but also the beauty and pleasure of the whole creation process, it can also represent a time of healing and regeneration from a physical perspective, and ultimately it can connect us with people who are going to be extremely valuable in our lives for the future; the conjunction with Mercury has the potential to bring out our wisest, most skilled, most meticulous, professional version, where we can use the multitude of our skills and out intelligence and the strength of our minds to achieve progress, but also contribute to the well being of others. Before I get into writing about the negative aspects and the challenges, I would like to mention that the conversations of harmony that Saturn performs with the planets in Virgo serves to ground us, it can offer us a permanent feeling of being in touch with material reality, it can represent the anchor that makes sure that we stay in the physical, material world and even if our thoughts might wander away from time to time, we can always return to a place where we are at our wisest, most diligent and mindful selves and to make important decisions acting from such a place of wisdom and being grounded. This is probably the biggest blessing of Saturn, a sense of realism, being perfectly in tune with reality and knowing our own limits and possibilities, and this is a very much need energy, because the negative aspects, have the tendency to rip us out of reality and put our heads and hearts somewhere in the clouds, and this can oscillate from being super positive and hopeful, to depression, hopelessness and negativity. One of these negative aspects is the ongoing square between Jupiter and Neptune, both of this planets conversing tensionately from their home signs, making this energy very intense, but this conversation isn't anything new, we had it most of the year and we survived so it's not big deal right? Well, Jupiter also squares Venus, and this can be a big deal, especially that towards the middle of the week it is going to stand across the sky from Neptune forming an opposition. Jupiter's ongoing square to Neptune, can signify either a heightened sense of optimism, or pessimism, or oscillation between the 2 states, it can also guide us towards finding the true expression of our faiths, it can unite us with our inner truth and most valued principles, it can bring out our idealistic, maybe at time native selves, but when Venus from the earth sign of Virgo is also part of this celestial dance of stress and friction, then we are called upon to analyze, think and rethink, align everything to our hearts, to our feelings and emotions, but also to our rationality and cold logic and attempt to create balance between the two, which is a very challenging task to accomplish. We might be challenged to become aware of what it is that we truly love doing and if we are actually doing that type of work or activity as much as we would like to, we are also being challenged to analyze what our options are, if that which is important to our hearts and feeling is palpable and compatible with material reality or is it just a fantasy, we are being challenged to express a true and very healthy sense of self worth based on actual facts and accomplishments, not just what we might think and feel about ourselves. We might be challenged to change the way we look at our lives, to take off the rose tinted glasses and take on new perspectives and approaches which are way more grounded in matter, and ultimately to look at things through practicality, are our relations, connections, friendships practical? Do they serve our interest as well or are they merely charity work on our behalves? Are our skills, talents and virtues practical enough to make a living out of it, or are they merely subtle, ethereal, in other words Neptunian, and if so how do we bring those to a more palpable expression. So, this opposition between Venus and Neptune, can represent an inner crisis, where we are invited to look at ourselves very very objectively, get out of any dreamy or overly optimistic/pessimistic state that we are in and ground ourselves in reality, by focusing on those principles, expressions of our spirituality, inner resources and inspiration, dreams and hopes which do advantage us any all shapes and forms, and to tune down or perhaps eliminate that which is merely a fantasy, a by product of our imagination. Even though this sounds like a very emotionally and psychologically challenging aspect, those who are in tune with spirituality and it is something very important in their lives, can use this energy beautifully, to manifest that which they desire the most, IF they have purified it and made it compatible with matter inside of the Self, in their minds and psyches, because Pluto sextiles Neptune, so this means that taking spiritual action, working with inner alchemy for example or whatever applies to your unique case, can have groundbreaking results, because all these planets in earth signs, make the earth, material reality very flexible and susceptible to thought and intention. Saturn is also sextiles Neptune so this demands hard spiritual and inner work in order to achieve manifestation. This energy can be quite harmful for certain people, because when reality starts to sink in, the escapist tendencies become that more tempting, and if this translates to substance abuse or an unhealthy immersion into any type of extreme fantasy, than this can be life threatening because there might be tendency to overdo it. Venus in Virgo can also represent very potent sexual urges, desires, and since Mars is in the close vicinity, sexual hormones, urges, the desire for physical pleasure might skyrocket, which is absolutely fine, but the square with Jupiter and opposition to Neptune might confuse us a little bit, so make sure that you act from a place of awareness and know the difference between bodily pleasure and true love. Promises made to you by a new partner in a very aroused state, might be more illusions, fantasies, fake and empty promises, rather then truth, so it would be advised to approach all such situations with diligence and maximum awareness. Also, because of the intensity of the sexual urges, especially when Pluto trines Mars and Venus, this can give birth to infidelity and third party situations. Just after Venus, Mars is also going to oppose Neptune, which further emphasizes this energy, but perhaps this is the most favorable expression, or can be used in the most practical of ways, Mars represents the courage that it takes to look in the mirror, to see the valid and true reflection of the person who you are in the present moment, and everything that you do not like, everything that you feel is misaligned inside of you, everything that you feel that it's unreal, illusionary, fake or projected upon you from other sources (society, family, friends etc), you can confront and then work towards changing it, and from this perspective, sometimes the biggest and boldest thing we can possibly do in order to achieve change, is to be totally honest with ourselves and to be perfectly aware of what is and isn't “real”, in the sense that it may be real to us, but if it has to produce palpable effects, it also has to be real collectively. From a spiritual perspective this can be a very powerful time to manifest, the opposition of Mars and Neptune can represent an inner alchmeical purification of our thoughts, emotions and their expressions and goals and purposes, and once this purification is complete, there is that Neptune sextile to Pluto and Saturn, and there is the Pluto trine Mars, which can help you achieve very very powerful, life changing manifestations. This may not be as easy as I make it sound, because Lilith is also in Pisces, not that far from Neptune, which can create a very powerful inner resistance, fears, even terror of change, the feeling of total material insecurity, we might have the tendency to look at accomplishments as insignificant, we might feel as if we are victims of circumstances, the times we live in and ultimately society, and act from the dark place of self victimization, so this energy can represent a myriad of inner obstacles, fears, insecurities, and even disrepair. The best way to fight of the energies of dark moon Lilith, is to simply make her your friend and ally, embrace your imperfections, your weaknesses, know that they make you unique, they are truly what make you perfect in an individualistic sense, and many times it is exactly those vulnerabilities and weaknesses that make us attract people destined to fill in those gaps in, those can make us attractive and lovable, so embracing our own shadow sides and giving it love and understanding can make that side of our being be very cooperative and helpful. The way I personally perceive this Neptune is like a huge mirror, where it shows the self as it truly is, and as it opposes the personal planets in Virgo, the opposite sign of Pisces, it shows us the truth about each individual virtue symbolized by the inner planets, for example: the opposition to Mars can show us how we take action, our levels of courage, ambition, determination, opposing Venus it can reveal to us all those inner elements that diminish our self worth, it can show us our inner ugliness inviting us to accept it and make it beautiful by giving it love; as it opposes Mercury it can show us all the negative self talk and our fake ideologies, though processes which lower our frequencies; the opposition with the Sun might reveal to us our most selfish tendencies, but also when we choose excessive self sacrifice. This energy is going to get way more intense at the time of the full Moon in Pisces when the Moon is going to closely dance with Neptune and Oppose the Sun and Mercury. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you have a wonderful week and may Saturn enable a very rich and fruitful harvest for each and everyone of you!

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