Hi everyone! Your horoscope for the week of June 23 is available on our website. We have a very intense week with numerous celestial conversations happening in the sky, the first part of the week is going to feel quite heavy, rigid and for some of us heated and overflowing with emotions, because of the opposition of Mars and Pluto. There is also going to be a heavy fog of illusions and confusion clouding our emotions and the matters of the heart, thanks to the conversation of tension between Jupiter, Neptune and Venus. Thankfully a harmonious dance between Uranus in Taurus and the Sun, which recently entered the sign of Cancer is going to provide a well needed moment of epiphany and clarity to counterbalance the heavy Neptunian illusionary energy. To read more about what the dance of the planets is going to bring in your life and collectively just follow the link: https://www.onemillionnights.com/2019/06/23/weekly-horoscope-june-23-30/
Thank you for your time and effort to read it, and have a blessed week!