Hi everyone! Your horoscope for the week of July 29- August 4 is available on our blog! Next week promises a lot of unexpected turns, surprises, shocks and even moments of great epiphany, because of the conversation of tension the new Moon is going to form with Uranus, the planet of revolution, greater awareness and chaos, which can bring to the surface many truth, which might be game changers for our plans for the future, but it's also going to be a time of great celestial empowerment, where expressing our true feelings, following our creative impulses, and expressing love may lead us to unexpected rewards. Mercury is also going to go direct at the time of the new Moon, ending stagnation, highlighting the most important lessons it wanted to teach us, and ultimately promoting emotional healing, release of the past, and the power to accept everything we can't change. To read more about how these energies can play out in your life just follow the link below:
Thank you for reading, wish everyone a very lucky and blessed week!