Hi everyone and welcome to your horoscope for the week of August 19-25.We have an amazing and blissful sky, full of conversations of supreme harmony, which we can use to invest all of our energies, efforts, attention and that creativity which we refined during Leo season into our work, into making progress, into carefully planning all the smallest details for our lucrative futures, as there is a slow but steady energy shift taking place, where all the planets from Leo are starting to move one by one into the sign of Virgo. We being the week with such a shift, where Mars is going to enter the sign of Virgo, a sign which rules work, our relation to work, our masteries, skills, the way our minds process the information that we weave into matter, our routines and also our physical well being. Mars activates this area of the sky, which invites all of us to take initiative, depending on what ideas, creative thoughts, plans, new creative beginnings, projects, professional goals, innovations, desire to upgrade something in our lives, were born inside of our hearts during Leo season. This energy can fill us with energy, stamina, ambition, determination, the desire to succeed, the courage not to shy away from hard work, or having to invest prolonged time and effort into whatever it is that we would like to achieve, and ultimately to start doing, start working, start giving that which is just an idea/desire in our minds a material, palpable shape. Right at the beginning of the week the Sun, Venus and Mercury are still in Leo, so inspiration, courage, ambition, trust in one's self and one's skill and potential is still very amplified, so in my opinion, this energy can come as a celestial blessing to everyone, who desires to create, to put a little bit of themselves out there, who desire to make significant progress professionally, and of course to find work, if you are struggling with such issues. During this time there is still an ongoing square between Uranus in Taurus and Mercury in Leo, so inspiration, all the right ideas, epiphanies, even divine guidance, brainstorming, or possible suggestions from other people can also come to your aid in the most surprising manner, so even though this is a conversation with some tension to it, it can still prove to be something infinitely beneficial and valuable intellectually. We must also take into consideration, that we being the week, with an imperfect conjunction between Mars, the Sun and Venus, even though Mars has moved on into Virgo, it's still a very harmonious energy, and it is full of potential, taking action, doing that which you feel in your hearts of hearts, expressing yourself, can be extremely rewarding during this time. If all of this motivational, ingenious, highly inspirational and creative energy wasn't enough, we also have a grand trine between Mercury in Leo, Jupiter in Sagittarius (near the Great Attractor, which just increases it's power of expansion), and the Moon in Aries, which promises hope, help from others and all your instincts, your primordial energies aligning with your purposes. If all of this still wasn't enough, we also have Uranus retrograde (which means your own ingenuity, the power of your awareness and the highest octaves of your intellect) trining Mars in Virgo. This is a celestial conversation of supreme harmony, where the very best of these 2 planets come together to bestow a major blessing on all of us, your willpower fuses together with the strength of our intellect, and helps you to establish, ground, manifest that which you are planning, that which you have created a mental image of. As we start heading into the week things will get even better, because Uranus is also going to reach out in supreme harmony, to the Sun, and Venus as well, so the conjunction of these 3 planets (Mars, Venus, Sun) are going to receive the very best side of Uranus, which can guarantee us surprises, delights, unexpected situations, epiphanies, unimaginable creativity, the most ingenious solutions to reach us during this time. It can also give us the chance to express who we really are, our distinctiveness, what makes us different and special, what sets us apart from other people and the collective, what makes us unique, and we shall no longer be fearful or shy to express who we are, but rather show it to the world with pride, self appreciation and ultimately self love. Around the 21st of August, give or take a day depending on which side of the planet you are on, Venus is also entering Virgo, which can really come across as a major blessing, because it can make the work that we do, they way we perform our work, the routines that we have set up for ourselves, and since Virgo is an earth sign, even the physical representation of our earthly beauty, a magnet for success and material rewards. Virgo is also a sign governed by Mercury, so during this time, it is our perfectionist tendencies, wanting always to give 100%, our very best, treating our work as if a mirror image of ourselves and of our own self worth, going that extra mile for making the finishing touches as harmonious and symmetrical as possible, can make us attract opportunities, the admiration of others and of course material benefits. This is also a perfect time for taking care of your physical body, appreciating your body, treating it as a temple where your soul feels at home and not just a shell or a prison, so all efforts, initiatives for either improving your health or taking care of problems which have been neglected is going to be rewarded. As we advance in the week, a very blissful conversation is gonna get stronger, Mercury from Leo reaching out and speaking to Jupiter in his home sign of Sagittarius. This is the intellect at it's best, making our minds magnets and sponges, we can attract all that information, sources of knowledge, mentors, inspirational people, everything that can complement our intellects towards our persona, and everything that we are going to learn during this time will be pure “alchemical gold” serving us for a long long time. If you wish to learn something specific, if you have been looking for all the right courses, teachers, the most authentic expression of knowledge, then this dance of the stars can guide what you need your way, in the most ideal means possible. This is a perfect time to travel, reach the most exotic places, a perfect time to begin new studies or make significant advancements and achievements in your current studies, a wonderful time for writers, communicators, motivational speakers, scientists. This energy also favors very powerful, potentially life changing scientific discoveries, or advancements which can be ground breaking, theories born during this time have the potential to change the way we think about a certain scientific filed, especially when it comes to quantum physics, but even the basic rules of physics, we can have the chance to witness the most shocking and game changing space anomalies, unusual activities in space, and a HUGE boost in space travel technology. This will be science at it's best. Also, Jupiter, especially in his home of Sagittarius rules the law, and legal procedures, while Mercury is associated with communication, so documents, legal communications, contracts, court cases should go especially well and quick paced during this time. The truth can also be perceived as something which doesn't have to necessarily take a legal form, it can play out as very powerful personal truth being revealed to you, or BIG truths coming out on the world stage which can affect on all of us. This can also symbolize an upgrade in communication technology, new scientific advancements which can make the internet even faster, even more efficient, the artificial intelligence even smarter and more independent. I'm very reluctive to write this, but since Mercury is in Leo and Leo rules the heart and self expression the A.I. could become.... maybe even self aware to a certain degree, and considering that Jupiter is very near the Great Attractor, which is unbounded, unknowable, unimaginable cosmic energy which we simply can't even comprehend.... this may not be as sci-fi as it sounds. Further in to the week, the Sun is also going to enter the sign of Virgo, officially ending Leo season, and putting the emphasis on the area of the sky ruled by Virgo, so I would like to wish a very happy birthday to all Virgo natives! This energy is going to end the siesta feeling associated with Leo, and invite all of us back to work, to complete our plans, make progress work wise, accomplish our goals, act upon the inspiration and creative impulses which we received during Leo season. This energy won't feel like a burden, because the Sun is going to be joined by Mars and Venus, and all three are going to form trines with Uranus, which is very quick energy, very impulsive, it provides great stamina, ambition, mental and even physical strength, and most importantly awareness not to miss any opportunity, not to let the smallest details escape our vision, giving us the chance to see both the big picture and the smallest details alike. These energies are going to be extremely productive, because by the end of the week we are going to have all the major power players in earth signs, Sun, Mars, Venus in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This strong dominance of earth energy is going to motivate us to do what we need to do in order to accomplish material, palpable, materially applicable plans, make progress and most importantly to attempt to fix that which is not working materially. If you have been stagnating in any area of your life which is ruled by either of these signs, this is the time for you to make advancements, because Mars, Uranus, and Jupiter (in his seat of power Sagittarius) and going to provide speed and celerity. We can also see this play out on the world stage, where the economic crisis and financial revolution triggered by Uranus in Taurus and not to mention Saturn, Pluto and South node in Capricorn are taking tolls, are producing victims, are making people desperate, and society in general is starting to cry out for help, for solutions, for change, and during this time, the world leader and the governments might acknowledge, that there is no easy way out of this, there is no miracle solution, and perhaps the first steps to deconstruct and then attempt to reconstruct those aspects of themselves which are no longer working might take place. To add to this the powerful Uranian energies which just amplify all the extreme weather phenomenons taking place all over the world, all the natural and mad made calamities claiming more and more victims every day are also a wake-up call to take action! Thank you so much for reading, I hope it's going to be an amazing week full of progress and achievements for all of us. Enjoy!