Hi everyone and welcome to your horoscope for the week of August 26 - 1st of September. We are going to have a very intense, busy and passionate week, where most of the planets are going to be in earth signs, so this energy is going to invite us to ground ourselves, work towards a greater sense of material prosperity, prioritize the material aspect of our lives, and of course find a very healthy sense of self worth. Also, we have a very powerful super new Moon taking place in the sign of Virgo, which can promote a fantastic and very significant new beginning in that area of our lives which is ruled by that sign. Even though we might be a little bit busy and focused on our goals all throughout next week, the conversations of the planets come to our aid, and can bless us with great vitality, ambition, passion, there's also an element of surprise provided by Uranus, but it can also be a good time for love and significant professional connections to take place because of the close dance that Venus and Mars are performing. We start the week with Venus, Mars and the Sun dancing together in the sign of Virgo and this is a very harmonious and empowering conversation in it's self, because it provides energy, ambition, personal magnetism to attract the most favorable solutions to any problems we may be facing, but it can also bring out the very best in us work-wise, regardless if that work means a job, or it's just a hobby, project, or something very personal, that you'd like to achieve. This celestial dance can also help you tap into your creativity, weave a little bit of extra beauty, higher aesthetic touches into your work and even the tasks and chores of your everyday life, it can help you find physical balance, energy, a greater sense of well being, it can help you focus, concentrate and then invest all your energy into the activities which matter to you the most and make them bare the best results possible, a very favorable energy if you'd like to make changes in the routines which dominate your everyday life, maybe choose a healthier lifestyle, break bad habits, and replace them with ones which have a beneficial effect on you, and all the work that you invest in those areas of your life which are top priority in the present moment may reward you in the most delightful manner. If this wasn't enough, these planets also form trines with Uranus in Taurus, which just amplifies this energy and adds an element of surprise. In this sense Uranus can trigger powerful epiphanies, inspiration, ground breaking ideas and clear insight of where you truly stand skill and mastery wise, it can also connect your with all the right people who can benefit you with their experience and knowledge, it may greatly amplify your personal magnetism, helping you attract solutions which might greatly exceed your expectations, it can also give you mental strength and awareness to make changes in the way which you work, your methodology, the way you approach problems and try and find solutions, and ultimately in your everyday routines as well, helping you become your most efficient version. This aspect can also bring unexpected criticism, but in the most constructive way possible, the feedback which you are going to receive during this time can be extremely objective and it can reflect your true level of skill, but it can be used in the most constructive ways possible, helping you identify where it is that you need to invest more work and time in to perfect your skills or the results, efficiency of your work. Also Because Uranus is retrograde, this implies that you will have a heightened degree of self criticisms and will actually want to receive honest feedback. Right as the start of the week, the Moon in Cancer is also going to form some very beneficial celestial connections with the Sun, Venus and Mars, but also Uranus, which can give you an immense emotional power, motivation to accomplish things through work and perseverance, if you would like to make changes in your household, maybe redecorate, purchase new things this might be a favorable time, you may also receive help from your family or from people who belong to your close family circle, but it can also promote emotional healing, clarity, and feeling at home, comfortable with your life. Later on in the week, we have another celestial dance of supreme harmony, where Venus in Virgo is going to form a trine with Saturn in Capricorn. This can be a very beneficial, rewarding energy, because it speaks of harvest. Venus rules values, and Saturn in it's most favorable expression rewards hard work, sacrifices, invested time, and can also add a touch of good karma to all of this, so depending on where Virgo and Capricorn fall into your chart, you could expect a blessing in that area of your life. For some people this can mean significant and palpable results of the work they performed, or are continuously performing, it can mean new professional opportunities, it can mean an offer to take a position of leadership, or a significant upgrade to your own position, or simply to be rewarded for your professionalism and the quality of your work. For others, this can mean help from someone more experienced than yourself, maybe help from a father figure, a mentor, a manager, meeting someone who can enable you professionally or who can promote your work or take it to a higher level, make it more rewarding. Regardless of how this plays out, this can offer you a greater sense of grounding, it can make you obtain progress materially, it can make you feel safe and secure, and most importantly valued either as a professional, or as valuable member of the team, or simply as a human being. During this time Mars is also conjucnt Venus, so this can also spell overtime, extra work, your time and energy being solicited more than usual, but Saturn always rewards hard work, so one way or another this is going to benefit at least one area of your life. Around the 29th of the month, give or take a day depending on which side of the planet you're on, Mercury is finally going to enter it's home sign of Virgo, a sign where it's energy is especially powerful, where all it's virtues and benefits take on the vibes of earth energy, enabling flow, celerity, connections, mental power and skill to influence in a very positive way the material aspects of our lives. Mercury in Virgo can also help us refine our logic, knowledge, know-how, it can bring out our very best problem solving skills, it can mobilize the flow of information, communication, it can boost synergies that we share with other people, but it can also increase our attention to detail, our perfectionism, we may be quite critical during this time both with ourselves, and with other people, we expect the work or the results of work that we ourselves or others put out there to meet the highest standards. This energy can also be highly inspirational, because if during Leo season we came up with all the right ideas, we received a massive creative impulse, what we wanted to express was crystal clear in our minds, but we simply couldn't find any means to dish it out there, express ourselves, follow up on our ideas and creative impulses, then Mercury entering this part of the sky can help us achieve all that. Later on as it will start to pick up speed and it's conjunction with the Sun is going to tighten, it's energies are going to be that much more amplified, and around the 30th it's also going to form a trine with Uranus, a planet which is considered it's higher octave. Receiving a boost from both the Sun and Uranus, and at that time from the Moon as well, this could be very groundbreaking energy, this has the potential to deliver us vision about the future, it can help us create the most ideal plans for our futures, it can draw unexpected solutions into our lives even for the most challenging problems we may face, this can also be divine synchronicity at it's most powerful manifestation, guiding us to be at the right place at the right time, it can also connect us with all the right people (clients with the most ideal professionals for them and vice versa), if you perform internet based work, then this energy can greatly advantage you in the most surprising manners, writers, speakers, I.T. workers are also going to benefit from this energy. Right around this time we have the highlight of the week and of the month, a very powerful new Moon is taking place in this area of the sky, communicating with Mercury, Mars and Venus and trining Uranus. This can spell a fantastic and very powerful new beginning in that area of your life which is ruled by Virgo. This energy is also ideal for people who are looking for a new job, who would like to try out a new type of work, learn something new, gain a higher level of professional experience. It can also help us purify our bodies and minds, create new healthy and beneficial habits, routines, learn to live healthier, detox ourselves, find solutions and make significant progress with any issues regarding our health. If you'd like to read more about this super new Moon, we have a separate article, you can find the link below: https://www.onemillionnights.com/2019/08/24/super-new-moon-in-virgo/
During this time we also have an aspect with some tension to it, a T square Venus- Jupiter – Neptune. This energy can be seen in more than one way, and I strongly believe that it depends on the individual how they process it internally, because it's darker side is being totally lost in illusions and fantasies regarding your self worth, your skills, your efficiency in solving problems and overcoming obstacles, and this might amplify, magnify those illusions and give you a very false sense of security and stability. Another way to process this energy is to ground ourselves in matter, psychical reality, and let the palpable elements of our lives reflect our levels of professionalism, skills, and that which we base our self worth on from a strict material perspective. This can highlight where it is that we need to invest more work, to perfect ourselves, and where it is that we need to go easier with ourselves, because we already achieved significant results. Because Venus is in the earth sign of Virgo, which also impacts our physical health, during this time escapist tendencies, substance abuse, unhealthy means of escaping reality may put our psychical integrity in danger, because we might tend to indulge in pleasure more then usual and overdo it. As we advance to the end of the week, Neptune from his home of Pisces, is going to form an opposition to the Sun in Virgo. This energy also bares the risk to disconnect us from reality, it may gives us a false sense of hope, the illusion that we are making fast paced progress materially, despite not having any palpable results, it might influence us to invest our energies in all the wrong activities, which only give the impression that they benefit us, but truly they might be just a waste. This could also spell a different kind of illusion, where we tend to fanatically invest more energy and time than we can afford into helping others, sacrificing ourselves for the good of others and totally neglecting our own lives, and those areas of our lives which require our attention, work, and time. Fortunately, Mars, Venus, Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and Uranus are all in earth signs, so this can provide us with balance, grounding, to stay in touch with reality, and to analyze things from a very palpable perspective. Also, the square between Jupiter and Venus, can also have a negative influence because we may over or underestimate things, we may seek beauty, value, perfection in things which are simply not important enough to be concerned about, and also this isn't a very favorable energy to make big aesthetic changes or work towards them, because we might change our minds later. This can also play out as promises which may sound too good to be true. The best way to handle this energy, is never to rely fully on a promise, never build your life around that, never to take it for granted, always welcome it as a potential blessing, but know that it's not really yours until you have it, until the promise is actually fulfilled. From a strict spiritual perspective, because of the connection of Mercury and the Sun, Mercury and Uranus, and Mercury entering it's home sign, the Universe may be especially “communicative” showering you with signs, visions, synchronicity, messages etc. Because, there are so many planets in earth signs, these messages have the potential to show you the truth from a material perspective, they might reveal to you where you truly stand, and they might inspire you with ideas and epiphanies of what it is that you need to do to make progress materially in the future. For some of your these signs can be a bit disappointing, because they might urge you to take your head out of the clouds and return to real-life and make good use of the celestial empowerment that is in Virgo, so the best way to use this divine guidance is to be open for divine suggestions, do not hold onto a rigid and strict mental image of your future, but rather allow change of plans and perspectives to enter your mind and ultimately your mind. Thank you so much for reading, I wish everyone an amazing new week, and a very magical new Moon!