Hi everyone! It is without a doubt that we are all living the effects of a very unique astrological combination, which we probably won't ever experience in this life. Firstly Uranus is going to enter the sign of Taurus, bringing massive global changes during the next 7 years. But, before it starts drastically changing the collective, it has to grant a certain heightened awareness to the individual, one which most people never experienced before, forcing all of us to rebel, in our own unique and individual ways against the illusions of society. Other big power players such as Neptune in his home sings of Pisces, causes all of our senses to be wide open to even the most subtle psychological influences, and of course Saturn being in his home sign of Capricorn is forcing all of us to reevaluate our lives and our past, with a very self critical approach. While, for most most people, these energies cause a sense of optimism, serendipity, and gives them power and passion to follow their higher calling, to other people, this unique astrological context causes severe depression and suicidal tendencies. These heightened negative emotions are getting even stronger as the Moon gets ready to conjunct the Sun and Neptune in Pisces. Some people feel totally stagnant and trapped in their own minds and bodies and simply can not put their fingers on what causes their beings and thoughts to punish them so severely. Many people are looking for the answers in the wrong places, but the core of the problems, sometimes, is just under our noses. One of the main sources of these bag feelings and thoughts is expectations and conditioning. The power of Uranus transiting the sing of Aries, which represents the Self, makes us rebel against expectations and conditioning that other people, society, and illusions place upon our beings. These illusions are extremely dangerous to our spirits, because they prevent us from living our most authentic truths. So, before we dive into feelings and thoughts of deep ingratitude, we have to be aware first, if whatever it is that displeases us about our lives and self, is our own failure? or maybe it is someone else's expectations from you? If you would remove yourself from society, would you still be unhappy? If you wouldn't compare yourself to the success, well being, material wealth, abilities, studies etc of other people, would you still be dissatisfied with yourself? If the “system” wouldn't measure your success in money and popularity would you still be unhappy with the way your life's story played out so far? It is these question that Uranus forces you to answer, and if the success and fame you are seeking is highly illusionary in nature and is meant to satisfy your parents, lover, friends, children and not your spirit, then it is very unlikely that Saturn will release your from his grip, because there are times when the stars favor illusions and “let's pretends”, but right now, Uranus dominates the sky and it rejects all such things. Another important aspect which may cause depression and the sensation of dissatisfaction in envy. Most people totally disregard this extremely deadly and poisonous little feeling, and trick of the mind, because they think it's part of human nature. But is it really? Envy can camouflage it's self as a very strong motivational force, leaving the individual to think that it's just ambition, devotion, strong desire, a healthy dose of competitive spirit, but if we strip our psyches of all external influence we might find that what we truly desire, what our soul really really wants is something totally different than those things and “virtues” we are fighting for. It is very easy to get confused, especially for young people, because they were instinctively taught at very early ages what “success” and a “healthy life”, healthy personality looks like, and everything that they may feel, which is against those illusionary values is immediately repressed and buried in the subconscious, until the waters of our souls turn darker and darker, and by the end they become quicksand. After that happens, many people choose to forcefully exist their current incarnation, because that's the only thing they feel that they can do to escape the quicksand. Depression is a sign that there is a huge war going on inside you, where your being, your soul so to speak, is trying to fight off all the negative influences and illusions of society, the expectations of other people, that do not align with your true values, and ultimately it's trying it's hardest to survive the suffocation of an unhealthy ego agitated and triggered by negative emotions such as disguised envy, disguised low self worth, the lack of self love, deep rooted traumas and so much more. Hiding your depression is the biggest mistake you can do, because this way you isolate yourself from the compassion of other people, and totally block out the Universe and your Higher self from entering your life, for example: through the healing words of someone you love, finding a support group, becoming aware of the causes that make you depressed etc. all of which guarantee the start of recovery and healing. Many people going through depression try to repress it the best they can by socializing and doing everything in their power not to be alone, even if it means putting on an act, forcing themselves to do something they really don't feel like just to fit in and to please, or escaping their lives though video games, drugs, alcohol etc. To vulnerable people the fear of being alone is something equal to being tortured, because solitude causes the truth to come out, and since an unhealthy ego rejects them, this confrontation process masks it;self as unbearable psychological suffering, pain, the desire of self harm and self loathe. This vicious cycle keeps on repeating until depression effects the physical body causing mysterious illnesses, insomnia, digestive dysfunctions, anxiety, psoriasis, loss of hair etc. and in very severe cases, yes it can lead to cancer, epilepsy and other very severe diseases. Also, people going through depression, thinking a lot of self harming, negative, hateful thoughts towards the self attract self serving low vibe entities and they can experiences episodes of hauntings, demonic possessions, increased paranormal activity, etc, which can ultimately lead to the total disconnection with the real world, insanity, psychosis etc. If you happen to be a person going though any of this, know that there is ALWAYS help and hope! One of the first things that you must do it make the decision to FIGHT! You are NOT your thoughts, you are an eternal divine being descended from the Source, emotions, thoughts, illusions can never ever defeat your spirit. Do everything in your power to muster up the strength to believe in yourself and in your own story. If you feel lost and alone, there is always outside help, there are a lot of support groups, even on-line so you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home, and of course there are people who dedicated their whole lives and sacrificed long years of their lives to study and develop methods to help, it's not shameful to visit a psychological counselor, because the very nature of their work is manifested compassion and mastery over the study of the human soul. They can become your biggest allies, and they can help you start a new life, and make your depressed days seem like the memory of a bad dream. The planets themselves are in a configuration (and they are gonna stay like that for a couple of years) to offer help and support, all the energies that they send your way are meant to awaken your soul and give you the strength and clarity to heal yourself, get rid of all your traumas, and ultimately arise like your very best version, offering you the chance to live life according to your own unique authentic way. Always remember that hope is stronger than any other power, and you incarnated here to taste the experience of survival through greater love and greater wisdom, there is absolutely no need to punish yourself. The New Moon taking place this March in the sign of Pisces, which also has it's ruler joining this divine celestial dance, sends you all the energy, power, courage, strength and clarity, to heal yourself and start living a new life. Chiron, the asteroid associated with healing, also entered the sign of Aries, which represents the Self, this further catalyzes all efforts invested in self healing.