Hi everyone and thank you for taking the time to read another astrology forecast. This week we have a very active sky, with lots of communications happening, but the star of this month's show, so to speak, is none other than Venus retrograde in Scorpio. Before we analyze the connections she is going to make throughout the week, let's take a look at what Venus rx in Scorpio brings out, generally speaking.

The main influence, tendency which Venus is shadow brings out in all of us is, going deep into ourselves and asking us do we love a person, a job, a career, an activity, a situation, (this can be literally anything), do we love ourselves the way we currently are?, and do we love the relationship between ourselves, other people, and every single aspect of our lives?
The love that we have in our selves, and the love that we receive from others, has to be passionate, pure, not attached to benefit, in other words, it has to be totally unconditional, otherwise this is the period when Venus and the other planets she communicates with will force us to reevaluate everything that has to do with love.
Because of this aspect, it's not the very best moment to end a relationship or to jump into a new one. Venus in Scorpio brings out very very deep aspects of love, and makes us very critical, very analytical and almost intolerant of any imperfections or conditioning forced upon us. While discovering the inner truths, how we truly feel about a situation or a person is very beneficial, life is about compromises, we can't expect our lives to be the perfect mirror image of our inner worlds. That is why, it is very important, either to postpone important decisions this week, or if this is not an option, to look at everything with tolerance and a very logical and lucid mind, because our feelings will not be our allies.
What amplifies this even further is the communication Venus rx is going to have with Mercury. This conjunction will make sure that we express everything that bothers us, makes us unhappy, everything that we do not agree with. While from a psychological point of view it is always in our greatest benefit to express our feelings and to always communicate with the outside world, we have to be very careful of how we do it, because Mars rx is traversing through the sign of Aquarius. This adds a very personal layer to everything, because Mars in shadow means a very self centered approach to everything, where we might not take into consideration the amplitude and the impact of the messages we speak/express, or how those may affect others around us and the relationships present in our lives. We must take precaution when we express our feelings, our thoughts especially those that have to do with dissatisfaction, unhappiness, or when aspects of our life or relationships do not serve our highest interests, because without diplomacy, without a very emphatic approach, without thinking through how we are going to express these, they might generate conflict and we might later (when Venus goes out of shadow, or even sooner, when the conjunction with Mars ends) regret our actions deeply.
Another beautiful communication happening in the sky is between Venus and Neptune. This is a most wonderful week, and one of the greatest blessings that you can receive if you are a writer, poet, musician, composer, and every other artist (professional or amateur). Neptune empowered by Venus rx will act as a divine muse bringing new ideas, inspiration, creative energies to everyone who is an artist or works in such a domain.
These highly inspirational energies will indeed be showered upon all of us, but for people who are not artists, these will translate into fantasies, daydreams, a very very heightened state of hope, epiphany, the feeling of serendipity.
While most of this has a very positive and beneficial effect on most of us, if we allow ourselves to be carried away by the waves of inspiration and the power that springs forth from the depths of the soul, it might translate to unrealistic expectations, a very idealistic, fantasist way to approach things, and let's not forget that hope in excess, can bring disappointments.
So again, I think, it is very important to highlight the fact that, it's not a very good moment to make decisions, and to jump into new relationships, because we can't really trust our senses, our newly formed opinions of people who we just meet and neither is it a good time to end old relationships.