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Venus direct, time for self empowerment

Hey everyone, all of last month, we were bombarded by very powerful Scorpio energies, which had a massive impact on our lives, especially on things concerning endings. Venus retrograde transiting through the sign of Scorpio amplified all of this. While before Venus entered Scorpio, most of this energy was psychological, when we were actually confronted with the truth of our lives and had to make decisions on what to end, what to change, what no longer serves us. After entering Scorpio, all of the truths, that we found in ourselves, which many times thanks, to Pluto these truths were mirrored by other people in our lives, were acted upon and the decisions that we made, were put into practice.

Money wise, love wise (this can be relationships, but also activities and things that we love) this was a very bumpy period, because Venus retrograde, especially in Scorpio brings what the Tower card signifies in Tarot (the total breakdown of things). Even thought, this was perceived by most as a time of great loss and suffering, the truth is, that it was merely a necessary cleansing, when we were empowered by this retrograde Venus to have the courage to judge things and situations in our lives, based on how much love we have in ourselves for that specific person, situation, thing.

But, let us not forget that Venus isn't a malevolent power, she knows, that after time of great distress comes healing, and she is providing that for all of us, right now, since she went direct in her home sign of Libra, where she absolutely loves being.

The energy of Libra is making everything more loving, gentle, smooth, our desires are more pure, more true and more passionate, thus giving us a sense of security and self-trust, in the sense, that, now we are truly working for, building, attracting, manifesting things in our lives which will greatly benefit us and fully resonate with us in the long run.

Not only, will she empower us to enforce all the decision that were made, but through the energies of Libra gives us her blessing, to find all the connections, all the opportunities we need to enter in a state of flow, and find the most appropriate sources of abundance for ourselves.

Venus in Libra tends to make compromises, but only if they serve a greater good, and the compromises we are willing to make will lead us towards greater love and wisdom.

She is not alone in her work to make out lives better, more loving and of course beautiful, the North node of the Moon, which controls destiny, also changed sings and went into Cancer.

Cancer, above all things, seeks security and the sense of being grounded, prioritizing love, emotional well-being. So, in a metaphorical sense, we are planting the seeds of our future, those decisions that we currently take and enforce are going to be life changing and they are gonna have a massive impacts on who we're going to be in the future, and the lives we are going to live.

Some of us may feel that there were lots of missed opportunities, but not all is lost! Venus, direct is going to return to Scorpio. By no means, is this a replay of October, because she is direct this time, and only wants of to do the work, that we missed out on, and helped by an opposition of Uranus retrograde in Aries, this is exactly what's gonna happen!

For those of us who ended a relationship, this is the time to quickly heal, move on and accept the blessing of a new love, but this time we are both wiser and stronger than we were before, so our standards reflect our inner most needs in a much better way, so going on the principle that you attract who/what you are, it is a decision we are certainly not going to regret.

For those who are in a steady relationship, the energies of this Venus direct in Libra are going to make the relationship even stronger and take it to a whole new level. And since Venus rules finances and wealth as well, this could lead to marriage, engagement, or pregnancy.

For many of us from a material point of view, a direct Venus in Libra, along with the North node in Cancer, may mean our first home, a huge investment, a great improvement of our financial situation.

Thank you for your time and patience to read my articles!



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