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Venus conjunct Neptune

Hi everyone, I would like to share with you a little bit of my astrological knowledge, analyzing next weeks energies from an astrological perspective, because very special and important dance between the planets is going to take place, especially those celestial bodies which govern spirituality, awareness and the subconscious. Next week around the 10th of April, give or take a day, depending on which side of the planet you are on, there is going to be a supreme celestial dance in the sign of Pisces (a sign which governs spirituality, intuition, the Higher self, the subconscious, compassion, unity of souls, unconditional love, so in other words, the most important area of the sky for spiritual people) between Venus (the planet associated with love, beauty, inspiration, good fortune, creative power, blessings and much more) and the governor of Pisces Neptune (which in astrology is the higher octave of Venus, representing divine expression of unconditional love, the mysterious force which hold quarks together and thus allow matter to manifest in our Universe, and also the Higher self). This meeting between Neptune and Venus, is going to create extremely powerful energies, where compassion, unconditional love, everything that has to do with empathy, being there for one another, feeling each other souls, being connected in a state of spiritual unity and the supreme expression of the Higher Self, is simply going to “bombard” the Earth. During this celestial dance between the planets of love, we all have the chance to reach the most heightened level of self love, and a state of total unconditional love for all living beings, and a passion, inspiration, and desire for spirituality, that we may have never experienced before. The sign of Pisces also rules our subconscious, the most hidden and arcane parts of ourselves, and the fact that Neptune, it's ruler is in his “home”, will give us the chance to accomplish the most difficult spiritual works, for example extracting the knowledge from deep inside regarding our past lives, “remembering” and activating all our talents and knowledge that we possessed in our past lives, the opportunity to reach an atemporal state through meditation, where you can have a taste of what it feel like living fully in the eternal present, and last but not least having the opportunity to get rid of our biggest fears, even those that normally, would necessitate hypnotherapy or deep psychoanalysis. Also, there is another conversation of supreme harmony taking place at the same time, Jupiter (the planet associated with expansion, nobility, success, highest levels of knowledge, generosity and the highest octave of good fortune) in his home sing of Sagittarius (the sing that governs science, and scientific progress, the advancement of technologies, religion, higher education, non-linear way of thinking) is going to perform a celestial dance with the Sun (representing the manifestation of one's will, the expression of the Self and personality, our connection with the Source), that we astrologers call a trine, which translates to a day where the manifestation process can be at it's most heightened level, a day when the stars smile upon you and ensure your success and good fortune can follow everything that you initiate. Of course it would be extremely unwise and silly of us we if take this energy for granted, because before this celestial dance happens (14th of April) there are going to be conversations of tension, that we astrologers call a square, between the Sun and Pluto, Saturn and the South node. This restrictive energy is going to, first of all, make it very very clear to us, that good luck and success are only going to head our way if we commit ourselves and have every intention to work for it, share it with others, make the best use of it and of course it also highlight the fact that only those deep emotions and desires which are going to be purified by our souls, in other words, only those desires which are gonna be based on our beings most authentic truth are gonna manifest, and not those that are based on vanity, illusions, unrealistic expectation, or coordinated by the ego. In other words, if you've found your own truth, if you purified your mind of all unhealthy thoughts, you found forgiveness and acceptance in yourself, and your ultimate purpose is to enjoy this earthly incarnation by fulfilling that role which your soul accepted and agreed upon before you descended into matter, then next week might be like a genie's lamp for you, all you need to do is use it. The purification of one's will, desires and emotions, is a process which alchemist call “transmutation” and the end result of this process is the alchemical gold (symbol of such divine purity of one's will obtained by combining thought and feeling, that it has to manifest). If you haven't found your souls' purpose yet, or your evolution hasn't taken you in the stage where the Self is unbound by conditioning of all sorts (programming you received though education, wanting to meet the expectations of other people, still clinging on to fears and traumas, blaming others for your own unhappiness etc.) then this energy is still going to give you a huge advantage, because it will reveal many many truths and secrets that will help you reach an important milestone of your ascension, giving you the chance to manifest the life that you desire in the future.



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