Hey everyone and welcome to another article. Before we begin this week's analysis I would like to wish a very happy birthday to all Scorpios.
There are very many planets communicating this week, but I would like to highlight one of the most important communications happening in this October sky, and this is the connection of Uranus and Saturn.
Uranus the great catalyst, will bring forth a revolution of a different kind, the awakening of the Self. Normally Uranus "doesn't take any prisoners" and his influence and powerful energies can be very overwhelming, especially when it has to do with the self, but fortunately Saturn will be there to make this process just, fair, in other words, it makes sure that the cross we'll have to bare won't be extremely heavy, and the ultimate purpose of this communication will be to get rid of it all together.

The last couple of weeks ever since Venus retrograde in Scorpio brought up very many hidden, buried, traumatic, shameful truths in our lives and one way or another forced us to deal with those issues, to purify our lives of everything that is unnecessary, This time it's not as much about our lives, but the Self, and the choices it made and has to live with them.
The powerful Uranian energies will start to shake the Self to it's core, and our visions instantly change, they are more clear, they lack lens of any sort, nothing is distorted, nothing is too big or too small, everything that we come to realize about our selves in this period is the naked, raw truth. It's not so much about the past and the past decisions that we made, it's more about the present, who we are, how we function, and what we want to do with ourselves and our lives in the future. I know that this whole year was about self discovery, and the clarity of vision that all of us require both individually and as a collective to reevaluate priorities in our lives, and to see what we truly love and what we can truly identify our selves with and what no longer represents us and no longer serves us.
Saturn's powerful energies come into play and mix together with all this inner revolution that Uranus is stirring up. Uranus is just the whistle blower, the catalyst, the key that unlocks this succession of events, it is Saturn who really helps us do the actual work. But what does this mean? First of all Saturn comes as an ultimate judge, where both the judge and the one being judged is the Self. Thanks to the uranian energies we no longer see ourselves and the person that appears in the id card, we are not just a name and a number, but we have a real sense of self, we will judge ourselves from the perspective of sour souls. But the judgement is not going to be harsh, in fact it is going to be full of mercy and understanding. This is by no means meat to punish, but to heal, to acknowledge the true needs of the Self and what makes us really happy. It's not a time for compromises, it's not a time to hold back, it is a time to establish true self respect, self love, to give credit to ourselves for all the good and wise decisions that we made, and to also give credit for all the experience gained through hardship and self sacrifice. Saturn doesn't want us to suffer for our mistakes, it wants us to see them, accept them, learn from them and become a stronger and better person, who is fair with everyone around them. It wants us to reevaluate what brings us joy in life, what our real dreams and wises are, and it wants us to believe in those like never before, to believe in ourselves and our destiny, the reason why we were incarnated here, and to give less importance to perhaps material or carnal aspects of our lives, which in full truth (and thanks to the epiphany provided by Uranus) are nothing more than illusion forced on us by the collective.
This dynamic due Uranus and Saturn are challenging us to see the collective illusions that we are forced to swallow every days, and while there is that much we can do to escape and to free ourselves, it show us the alternative, it show us things that are true and real and can balance the struggles and unhappiness brought on by society. So what is real you may ask?
Saturn gladly guides us to the truth, being in supreme harmony with the self, doing things that feed the energy of love, being truly alive and living in the present in harmony with ourselves, our lives and the goals that truly matter to us, and ultimately finding the means to not suppress any traits of our personalities.... and THAT is the truth that we seek.
As if this wasn't enough there are other energies present in the current sky to add to this.
The Full Moon in Taurus, Venus retrograde in Scorpio play a very important role, but I'm not gonna elaborate on this aspect, because you can find it in previous forecasts for October, but rather I'm going to highlight another dominant energy and that is Mercury communicating with Pluto. This is a perfect opportunity to resume that which was interrupted in the first weeks of September, and that is life changing connections to be made. When Mercury is so active and dominant, helped by the mysteries of Pluto, divine synchronicity kicks in and starts to work in our favor. We meet the right people, we are at the right place at the right time, it is easier to manifest that which we have planned and elaborated, people who meant a great deal for us in the past will resurface, and everything that has to do with communication especially the internet, on-line, virtually is going to be enhanced, and many people who are active in the on-line platform are going to be very lucky.
Communication is also facilitated by Saturn, because it will make us very diplomatic, increased self control, we express what we desire through any form of communication, exactly the right way, so there won't be any misinterpretations or imbalances caused by fiery emotions, or the lack of emotions.
So you see this is the main reason why Uranus and Saturn are influencing the Self, in order to offer a state of heightened consciousness, self control, self discipline, so that we can express and manifest that which we desire.