Hi everyone, in the previous articles I've talked about the massive changes, especially ending brought fourth by this New Moon in Scorpio, and of course all the opportunities and new beginning that are going to the the place of the endings and closures, conjured by Jupiter moving into Sagittarius and the planetary aspects of November.
It truly is a time of optimism, hope, joy, celebration, feeling at easy and expecting good things to happen. Since Jupiter is the key player here, the source of blessings, the great benefactor, it comes to no surprise that we might be feeling this way, but there are also certain dangers of too much good, especially when those aren't material goods, or events, but rather states of mind and feelings. Jupiter is also the planet of grandeur, and like exaggerate, and expand everything to it's limits. And it is exactly these exaggerations that are the hidden dangers.
Here are some planetary aspects happening in November which might have a negative effect on you, if you lose your sense of measure:
Uranus forms a T square with the nodal axes. Jupiter comes to expand the energies of Uranus, which might cause us to make very hasty decisions, take huge risks, do things on instinct without thinking them through, start a fight or conflict fueled by our principles, beliefs.
Uranus will oppose Venus: We will question everything that we love and hold dear, but be aware that the feelings generated by the stormy Uranus, will settle down, and you might return to feeling the way you did before this transition began. It's not a good time for break-ups, especially when things were not deeply talked through.
Jupiter in Sagittarius squares Mars in Pisces. Perhaps from all the aspects this can be the most dangerous one. Mars in Neptune speaks about religion, dogmas, spiritual beliefs, morality, the way we see the world and our beings in relation to the world. If Jupiter expands this, it can translate to fanaticism, bigotry, intolerance and spiritual aggression.
Sun, Mercury rx, and Jupiter in Sagittarius: This also translates to illusions, visions, distorted dreams, hopes fantasies. This is something very dangerous for people who are idealistic in nature. The idealism, the beliefs, the feeling of serendipity, all the epiphanies brought forth by Jupiter, Neptune, and expressed by Mercury retrograde, can lead into a total disconnection with reality, temporary insanity, hallucinations, severe depression, and for people who think that their prophetic visions are going to take place and manifest, when seeing the opposite, it might lead to a shock and severe spiritual trauma which can stay with them for the rest of their lives.
Jupiter conjunct with Mercury rx, may cause the spread of gossip like wildfire, false information, legal conflict, problems with authorities, miscommunication, delays, breaking of promises, verbal conflicts, saying things which you don't mean.
The last aspect which I wanna highlight is the Full Moon in Gemini. While this aspect should be extremely beneficial, not just for the individual, but for humanity as a whole, it should mark the passing into a new era, a new chapter in humanities book, a time to fulfill our destinies. But this can also cause restlessness, severe doubt, increase of the urge for addictions, fake expectations, making promises that you can't keep.
My advice for this period is to keep a healthy balance between your real life experiences and what you can expect from life judging strictly from an earthly point of view and that what your intuition, mind, higher self urges you to do.
Let's not forget that Mercury in Gemini acts as the revealer of the ultimate truth, and some truths are extremely painful to accept, especially when we knew and hoped for something totally different all our lives.