2018 has been a very interesting and intense year for all of us. As most of you suspect, the astrological configuration that occurred this year has a very important role to play in this. This year was very special, from an astrological perspective because we had 3 eclipses. (two Lunar and one Solar eclipse). The eclipse energies amplified the powerful and "brutal" Pluto energy, which swept over our lives and brought to the surface very powerful truths and hidden, buried memories and emotions. The Pluto phenomenon is something we will probably never experience again in our lifetimes, because of it's strange orbit around the Sun. The last time it was this close to our planet, was in the 1930's, and the next time it gets this close will be in approx 100 years. But, why is this important to us? You see Pluto is the great destroyer, (the first time it was taken into consideration by astrologists, was when the hydrogen bomb was invented... so it's pretty easy to make the connections), Pluto represents powerful Mars energy, but distilled and then elevated to it's primordial essences. And if we take a look at the events which occurred earlier in the year we can see that, once again, humanity, was just one step away from yet another great war.
Another important aspect to analyze is the communication between Mars and Uranus that was going on all through the summer. When Uranus awakens all the "fury" and "rage" that Mars can bring forth, natural calamities occur in chains. It comes as no surprise, that this year had plenty of those. The great heatwaves that literally fried many European countries, earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, tsunamis and last but not least social unrest, and rebellion.

Globally, if we look at humanity, as a single organism, it is understandable how bad karma was accumulated, because of our actions against Mother Earth and against each other, all the bad and unpleasant things that happened this year make lots of sense. When the influence of the planets combine with eclipse energies (not one but 3) the veil between the worlds becomes extremely thin, and divine judgement is brought forth.
But, what about the individual, what about people, who lived their lives in accordance with morality, who always worked hard to generate good karma for themselves and of course to share that with humanity? Very many such people, whom always worked for the great good, who were never tainted by the afflictions of modern times, reach out to me, telling me that their lives are changing fast for the worst!
Most astrologists considered the summer eclipses and the great trines that occurred earlier this year and a huge blessing, and a chance to manifest that which is in your souls to the physical aspects of life. So this should mean that many of us should be showered with abundance, love, prosperity, strength, and successes. Unfortunately this is not how it happened, the eclipses and the great trines brought forth the exact opposite. And now we get to the part where I will try my best to make sense if that, I will share the wisdom that was given to me, to help you understand the reason of all this pain and suffering, that you are going through right now.
Firstly, all of the astrologists who proclaimed that the eclipses and trines (for example eralier this year Sun trine Neptune and Jupiter) were, in fact, blessing were right. But what they didn't mention is that, in order for a human being to receive an ultimate blessing from the Source, the the Divine it's self, (because this is what the eclipses represented, a true divine intervention, a true power up straight from the source, not just something insignificant or small) one needs to be able, ready, "clean" enough, strong enough to receive such power.
So, the eclipses started the so called dark night of the soul, for many of us. The first thing this does is purge us. All fake friends, all jobs, income, sources of physical well being that are not in total accordance with one's soul, vibration, greater purposes will disappear one way or another. Relationships that are holding you back, all activities, commitments, social bonds, family relations, that do not advantage you.... yes they are going to be cut off from your life.
This phase in it's self it excruciatingly painful, but rewarding at the same time. Yes you will lose lots of people friends, you may even lose EVERYTHING of worth in your life, but those people who are meant to stay with you forever, not only will stick around, but because of the powerful energies they will express their true feelings, and the fact that you are one of the greatest blessing in their lives.
The next phase is to truly get to know yourself. This process was and is greatly helped by Neptune. Every person that enters your life, even for a brief moment, will be a mirror. To see yourself through their eyes, to see your imperfections, the illusions, lies and programming in your life. Pluto, especially in the moth of September, was very powerful and helped you see, not only the visible aspects of your personality that do no longer serve you, but it also brought up all the hidden traumas from the past.
If we ignore the spiritual side of things, and that the Divine it's self is guiding you through this process, we can easily say that it's hell on Earth. Who knows how many times you started anew in this life, who knows how many times you had to move to find yourself, to find a meaning for your life, to create an equilibrium between your physical life and your higher calling. You might think, how can the Universe ask of you to start again from scratch, when all of this always just went on in cycles, how can it take away that little stability and joy that you created for yourself?
The answer is a bit raw.... be careful what you wish for.... you accepted this and you wanted this level of understanding, this level of perception, this closeness to the divine, even before you were born. So, regardless of your age, social status, every other aspect of your life, THIS is the time when such a purification process has to take place. No one can say why now, why not sooner or later, as they say the Divine works in mysterious ways! And the good part of it is that YOU, your soul, your psyche, your persona, the human being that you are and are going to become is, in fact, not only an active part of that mystery, but after this year and going into 2019 you will be a source of that mystery for people around you.
So YES, what I am saying here is that after things settle down, after you find your true self, after you come out of your shell, after you begin anew, after all of this chaos settles down, you are going to be in such a close relationship with the Divine, with earth, with your own soul like never before in your life.
But in order for you to be able to function that way, in order for you to fully be able to appreciate that new state of being, in order for you to successfully protect yourself from the filth, lies and illusions of society, you need to go through this very painful and blissful process.
So my advice to you is simple: hang in there, never ever give up, dream BIG, be yourself and have the courage to express who you are. Don't be afraid of the changes, do not be afraid of the losses, don't be afraid of disaster, because every negative thing that is happening right now, is truly a huge blessing, it is simply purging that which is no longer YOU. It is making sure that in the close future, when things will settle down and your life is going to be fertile, you live YOUR own life, your own unique destiny, and no just a borrowed one, not one which requires you to simply fit the mold.
The Universe and life on Earth is infinitely more vast and more colorful than what most people have the chance to experience in these modern times, YOU are a soul who has the opportunity to see ALL sides of this existence, to feel and perceive things that "lucky" ppl, who were born into wealthy families and have all they need, could never ever even dream of!
Even from the most ancient of times, from the earliest recordings in history, all sages said the same thing.... knowledge is power! This couldn't be more true, regardless of what age we live in, what kind of life we have..... to know, to be able to see and experience something is the key to ascension, to true evolution, it makes you something MORE, something connected to everything.
I know that when you are drowning in the dark waters of the soul, this comes as little comfort, little joy, but THINK about all of this, and at least find the peace of mind, find a bit of hope that all of this DOES make sense, all of this is going to be your greatest strength in life, and that the Universe is not your enemy, it is not torturing you, but guiding you, and giving you the help and the empowerment you need to go through this. You are not alone!