Hi everyone in this article I'm going to be writing about the upcoming super new Moon taking place in the sign of Virgo on the 30th of August 2019 (give or take a day depending on which side of the planet you are on). This new Moon is going to be quite special and extremely powerful for a number of different reasons, first of all it's the second new Moon in August, which makes it a super new Moon. Then this new Moon is going to take place in a part of the sky where it will meet a lot of planets including Mars, Venus, and Mercury, and further reach out and speak in supreme harmony with Uranus in Taurus. Last but not least, it takes place in a very powerful earth sign, one which is especially empowered given by the fact that it's ruler, Mercury is going to be there at that time, and since Virgo is earth energy, these changes, new beginnings won't be just ethereal energies, inner or psychological changes, but they are going to be grounded in matter, very palpable, very practical, which can impact our lives materially either directly or indirectly. This strong material impact is also highlighted by the fact, that during this time most planets are going to be in earth signs: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Sun, Moon in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, and one way or another change and transformation is part of the symbolism of these planets. Uranus changes by shocks, revolution and raising awareness, Pluto, the great alchemist is strongly associated with change, transmuting everything it touches, while the new Moon is also associated with new beginnings, which is also a form of change, and to add to this Mars represents taking action, so it's the change we produce willingly. While, this strong earth energy astrological setup is very likely to produce changes in that area of your life which is ruled by Virgo, what is even more important, that this strong earth energy is going to produce changes on the world stage, collectively, especially in those areas which are ruled by the earth signs: Taurus can symbolize world economy, financial changes which can impact all of us, Virgo can represent the well being of Mother Earth herself, and the changes which the work of human kind as a collective produced, but also that whatever is going to happen at this time, is going to make us realize that we need to invest hard work, science and a lot of energy into healing and stabilizing the harmony of nature, while Capricorn can be a symbol of the power structures, leaders, organizations, governments which rule the planet and who create the rules and regulations, so it is these rules that are going to undergo change, perhaps in the sense that their main priority will be protecting and providing harmony with Mother Earth. During this time, we also have a very strong Jupiter in his home sign of Sagittarius, which will promote the truth, understanding, comprehending what is happening to our planet, and perhaps it can also symbolize some new scientific research or data which will trigger alarm bells, which will come to show just how of a bad influence man kind was to nature and to the Earth. Saturn and Pluto are also linked with the South Node, which represents mankind's past karma, so this will challenge all of us to acknowledge and take full responsibility for our own actions, but also for the actions of our ancestors, and change our ways. All the natural and man made calamities which we witness during this time, and will probably do so for the next few of years (Uranus in Taurus can literally shake the earth and cause violent and unusual weather phenomenon) are meant to show us, reflect back at us the imperative necessity that we need to respect nature, we need to take care of our planet, we need to respect all life, because otherwise nature has the power to strike back and terminate our existence it it is necessary to save herself from us. Rather then to take these signs as divine punishment, nature's revenge, or sheer bad karma, we are invited to look at all of this with wisdom, and understand that this is just a call for help, because I honestly believe that we do possess both the technology, the science, the knowledge and the necessary means to ennoble our existence in such a way that it won't harm anyone or anything or at least find a way to compensate, balance it out, minimize the damage, all we need is to wish it and make compromises and sacrifices, all of which are just investments in our futures, contribution towards the well being of future generations. For the individual this super new Moon can represent a potentially life changing energy shift, because Virgo rules the physical body, work, everyday routine, our professional skills and masteries, our efficiency, our applied, manifested creativity, arts and crafts, applied knowledge and science, so one way or another, this can either help us improve professionally, perfect and refine our existing knowledge and skills, find new way on how to practically use our talents, learn new things, set out new professional standards for ourselves, find self worth through the expression of our skills and those professional traits which we master, find new ways through which we can put to good use everything that we have learned, especially those fields of study which we learned at one point in life, but haven't found a practical applicability (yet). This is a very favorable energy for everyone who seeks a new job, new professional challenges, new opportunities work wise, it's also very favorable energy for going freelance, starting your own business, getting involved in new projects, maybe find new professional connections and partnerships. The conjunctions of Mars, Venus, Sun, Moon and Mercury can also bestow major blessings upon you, so do not shy away from anything new, be always open for new opportunities, do not be afraid to invest all your energy, all your skill, all your ambition in your work, during this time, because Uranus trines this new Moon and also Mercury, which means that you could attract the biggest and most unexpected opportunities of your lifetime, especially, if your work has anything to do with the internet, communication, creativity and arts, writing, hand-crafts, agriculture, healthcare, alternative medicine. This can also be a fantastic time to change our ways of living, become healthier, start on journey of healing ourselves mentally and physically, so if you do suffer from any health related problems, finding the ambition and determination to heal, and seeking out specialists, visiting your doctor, mustering the patience to see this through even if it requires a lot of time (physiotherapy for instance) is highly encouraged. Virgo also rules bad routines, so this is a very favorable energy to break bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle, escapist tendencies which have a very bad impact on the physical body, like drinking, substance abuse, smoking, eating disorders, addictions to unhealthy foods etc. Also, since new moons represent new beginnings, new healthy, very beneficial routines can be established, like exercising every day, going to the gym, doing yoga, spending time in nature, detoxing periodically, finding activities which relax and calm you and have a long term benefit, finding new hobbies, fields of interests which stimulate your mind and creativity. Besides the conjunction of Mars, Venus the new Moon and Mercury there are other aspects which add to the energy of this astrological event: Uranus from Taurus forms trines with all of above mentioned planets. These are supremely harmonious aspects which bring out the very best facets of all these planets, and this adds a touch of chaos, unpredictability, element of surprise to this new Moon. This may come in form of epiphanies, ideas, communication which can greatly advantage you, connecting to all the right people or being found on the internet (Mercury-Uranus); this can mean great psychical attraction entering your life or your professional worth attracting unexpected benefits, rewards (Uranus-Venus); it can play out as a HUGE opportunity coming out of nowhere (Uranus-Sun-Moon); it can play out as finding the inner strength and ambition to invest all your power into your work and thus achieving very fast paced success (Mars-Uranus). Venus also forms a strong bond with Mars as they trine Uranus together which can mean either unexpected love, or the birth of a very harmonious professional partnership. Neptune from his home sign of Pisces stands across the sky and opposes the conjunction of Mars and Venus, this is an aspect of maximum tension, but this is meant to provide clarity and a very clear vision about where you truly stand regarding your material plans and the way you see the material aspect of your life. This can provide a very healthy balance between unrealistic, idealistic expectations you may have, this can also help you balance and ground yourself, because it might reveal to you your true worth and the expression of that in matter, so this energy might disappoint, might tune down your fantasies and wishful thinking, it might reveal to you all those plans, desires, wishes of yours which simply do not have material applicability, and can help you find your true place from a material perspective. (for example if you have been aiming for a position of leadership and you might have always thought you deserve it more then others, this aspect can show you that perhaps, you do not possess the skill, or are not willing to sacrifice your time, or quite the opposite, you may have shied away all your life, but this aspect may show you just how perfect such a position would be for you, but this is only an example). This opposition also has the power to help you break free from unhealthy routines, bad habits and addictions and help you purify yourself. Last but not least, this also has the power to reveal to you that perhaps the love that you are dreaming about is fantasy, in order to find a suitable partner you need to be willing to give those people a chance who are not a perfect match to your mental image of the love you would like to have in your life. Saturn from his home sign of Capricorn trines Venus and Mars. This is a conversation of supreme harmony and has the potential to bestow karmic rewards upon you. This aspect can reward work which you have done in the past, it can reward all your ambition, time, energy and effort which you have placed in any kind of work in the past or one which you are doing in the present, including a non-physical expression of work and invested time like inner work, healing work, hobbies, favors for others etc. Also there is a chance for gestures of generosity, kindness and compassion which you have demonstrated in the past to reflect back at you karmicly. T square between Mars conjunct Venus -Jupiter - Neptune. This is an aspect with some tension to it, and this promotes the truth, this can come across as a valid material confirmation of your self-worth, future plans which are based on your own values and skills, this aspect invites you to put all illusions, unrealistic expectations, fantasies and also fake hope aside and focus only on what is applicable materially. It this can help you adapt and ground yourself and use all the right kind (realistic) of motivation, belief, hope, and determination to accomplish progress materially. Regardless of what new beginning this super new Moon taking place in the sign of Virgo is going to produce in your life, know that even though there is a karmic and fated element to this, it requires you to take action, to have courage, to believe in yourself, and most of all to always keep your awareness as sharp as possible and know your limits, make the difference between those things which are based on faith and are only internal virtues and those which have a strong material applicability, and when the material aspects of life require your undivided attention and focus, then it is most wise to use your energy and skill efficiently and invest it where it is most needed. All manifestations that can be brought into existence by a new moon can occur one week prior to the event and approximately 6 months after. Thank you so much for taking the time to read, wish everyone a blessed new Moon and a fantastic new beginning which exceeds all your expectations!