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Super Full Moon in Libra (21st of March)

Hi everyone and welcome to another astrological analysis. The month of March is a very special one, for many different reasons: we had the very powerful New Moon and later on, the conjunction of the Sun and Neptune all in the sing of Pisces, and of course on the same day we had Uranus leaving the sing of Aries and entering Taurus, a sing where it's gonna stay in the next 7 years, and finally we are going to have Super Full Moon on the 21th of the month in the sing of Libra at zero degrees. You can read more about the New Moon in Pisces and Uranus entering Taurus in my previous articles.

March's Super Full Moon has a very special significance, because usually full moons represent the completion of a cycle, and clarity, illumination in at least one area of our lives, but besides evoking completion, this full moon also has the power to bring fourth very powerful and significant new beginnings and contribute to the occurrence of fated events. In astrology, zero degrees of a sign is extremely powerful and potent, because it unleashes all the energy of the planet in that degree, and it also amplifies everything that the sign represents, always bringing significant changes and turn of events in that area of our lives and of course collectively as we

From a collective perspective Libra represents the energies of love, partnership, emotional bonds, diplomacy, generosity, mediation, the beauty and art of communication, and it is associated with all the intellectual qualities of it's ruler Venus, in other words, those values and that beauty which can only be perceived in a non physical sense. A Super Full Moon occurring is the sign of Libra, is going to be like a jolt, an electric shock of divine inspiration, illuminating our minds and souls with the most gentle light, encouraging compassion, forgiveness making all of us a little bit empathic and telepathic giving us the change to better understand the thoughts and inner processes and values which govern other people. Since the energy of Libra influences relationships and partnerships, this is going to be a very important event for people living in union, because full moons have the power to bring to the surface the deepest emotions, well hidden or repressed in the subconscious. So, if there are unexpressed feelings, fears, misunderstandings, emotions which have been one way or another blocked out, chances are, the power of this super full moon is going to bring everything to the surface, and this could represent either the end of the union or on the contrary the strengthening of the emotional bond. A Full Moon in Libra is also associated with fertility and the conceiving of children, so these energies are going to benefit all those who desire to have children, but were not yet successful. March's Full Moon is also very special, because the Moon is going to be illuminated by the Sun from zero degrees of Aries. Aries is the first sing of the zodiac, and it is associated with the self, the expression of one's will, that inner power, passion, determination, ambition which is needed to accomplish even the most difficult things, so all this heavily amplified fiery energy, coming from zero degrees, energy, which is associated with creation, manifestation, love, attraction, the power to accomplish what we desire, (since the Sun rules the sing of Leo) is going to be projected unto the Moon, opening up all our senses towards magic and mystery, beyond our understanding. A magical Full Moon can easily trigger fated events, unite twin flames, help manifest one's deepest desires, chances and opportunities which one thought to be long lost, may arise once again, in other words a significant change can be created in at least one area of our lives. Because, the Sun is illuminating the Moon from the sign of Aries, any event that may occur during or after this super full moon, also depends on you, and the seeds of intention that you have planted, cultivated and nourished the the past and present. By no means is this an easy energy, because Aries demands that you stand up for yourself and your principles, it demands you facing your own demons and of course your victory over the darker side of your being. This magical energy of the super Full Moon is going to be greatly amplified by another very mysterious aspect, which is the conjunction of the World Axis with the Super Galactic Center at the time of the Full Moon. This adds an element of surprise and mystery to it, because very powerful cosmic energies, associated with the Source of our existence, the very power that determines the movement of the stars and the course which our Sun takes while moving through the Galaxy, are going to be absorbed and irradiated by the super full moon. As we know, even from a non-astrological perspective the Moon as a very powerful influence upon the human psyche, especially full moons have the power to draw out the most hidden part of the Self, it also influences sexuality, fertility, the growth of plants, the behavior of animals etc., so we can be certain, that the light of this month's full moon is going to be extremely powerful and magical. Those who practice magic, spirituality, channelers, seers, oracles, mystics will find themselves greatly empowered by this astrological aspect, and during this time they can receive all the guidance, energy, inner power, discover truths and secrets of their trait which can lead them towards a spiritual upgrade, ascension, an awakening like they've never experienced before. For those of you who are single, and are searching for your twin-flames, or the most compatible partner, chances are you are going to make significant progress during this astrological event. While, this Super Full Moon doesn't guarantee any sort of physical manifestation, or the fact that you will physically find each other, (Libra being an air sing, and Aries being a fire sing, so it's the unification of air and fire, thought and desire), what it does guarantee that you will have the power to sense each other, be convinced more than ever of each others existence, and your premonitions, visions, dreams may actually show you the future, the time when you 2 will actually form a union. For a couple of lucky people, specially for those who have Libra as their 7th house, they might actually have the opportunity to make “first” contact with their twin flame. For people who are trying to make telepathic contact with other beings, extraterrestrials, with any type of non physical entity, this will be the time when the “channels” are going to be wide open, thanks to the World Axis being conjunct with the Galactic Center.

During the Full Moon there are going to be other aspects which will shower us with their energies:

Mars in Taurus forming a trine with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This is a truly wonderful aspect, because it will bless you will all the power, magnetism, ambition needed in order to attract opportunities that you have been long waiting for in your life. Pluto and Mars joining forces, both being in an earth sign, are the absolute representation of one's personal power, meaning that if you desire something sufficiently, the harmony of these 2 power players might enable you to create significant changes in your life, and Saturn adds a karmic touch to all of this, meaning that the past's lessons, hard work, and studies are going to be well rewarded. The energy of Capricorn can show you the means how to accomplish your goals, and Taurus can make them grounded and long lasting.

During the Full Moon, Mars is also going to form a trine with the Moon, and since Libra rules love, and Mars is the representation of passion, there might be an overflow of sexual energies. We could interpret this as an energetic “mating call”, giving you the chance to attract someone new in your life, and it's not just platonic romance we're talking about, there's also an element of sexuality and physical attraction.

Mars also squares Venus in Aquarius, so for those people who are coupled, this could represent a third party situation, where the powerful sexual attraction is not aimed towards the partner, but the third person, which could lead to conflicts.

Mercury retrograde and Neptune in the sing of Pisces sextile Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This conversation of harmony might advantage secrets being exposed, and because Capricorn is all about organizations, structure, law, military etc. it could be that the secrets revealed during this time could have a massive global impact. Those secrets could be that of VIP's, public figures, heads of states, heads of military etc. This energy could also play out for the individual, because Pisces does rule the hidden aspects of ourselves, and those things that we wish to keep private. From a different perspective this energy could also play out as the return of a lost opportunity. If you faced failure or could not complete something you worked hard towards in the past, (Saturn requires blood, sweat and tears, so it's not just a free, easy opportunity that you missed) chances are it can return in your life in the most surprising fashion. Pisces also rules compassion and the feeling of gratitude, so this could also play out as a gesture of generosity from your behalf, which took place in the past, may return to you in the most unexpected ways.

Last but not least, Full Moons can have a negative effect on vulnerable people and those who are facing hardships, because they amplify pain, fears, trauma, the feeling of being alone, desperation, feeling of being misunderstood by everyone, and of course it can force inner chaos, and one's darkest aspects can turn against the Self. So, if you know a person who is facing hardship, suffering from depression, has mental health issues, be sure to check upon them, and always reassure them that they are not alone and can always count of your help. This simple gesture can save a life!



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