Hi everyone, from an astrological perspective, we all are going to go through a pretty tough period, because of the conjunction of Pluto and the South node in the sign of Capricorn. Regardless of one's personal chart and personal positioning of Capricorn, the energies of what this conjunction represents are going to be deeply felt collectively. This energy will act like a mirror, especially because Neptune, Mercury and Venus are all residing in the sign of Pisces, which catalyze the spiritual and psychological processes that are taking place deep inside us, and Uranus in the sign of Taurus, is forcing us to be fully aware of the person who we truly are, and try our very best to manifest it, to act like our most authentic selves. Last but not least, Mars in the sign of Gemini offers us the power, strength, and courage to look at those parts of ourselves, which we never truly wish to see and acknowledge. So, one way or another, it's going to be almost inevitable, to see all the negative, hidden concealed, elements present in our psyches that bind, blind, shackle and immobilize our beings, and prevent us from moving forward with our lives. These elements are deep rooted traumas, all the conditioning that we received from our parents/families and society, all those bad decisions in our lives which we made by listening to our egos, our most selfish and shameful thoughts and ideas, all the illusions and miss-aligned beliefs that hold a certain level of dominance on our beings. With the New Moon taking place in the sign of Aries, the symbol of freedom, self-empowerment and bravery and being the very first sign of the zodiac, this conjunction of the Sun and Moon is going to hold a conversation of tension with Pluto and the South Node, forcing us to face everything internal and external that hold us in bonds, and try our very best, to regain our freedom, innocence and achieve a state of readiness for a new beginning, for a new chapter in our lives. The manifestation of these astral energies is certainly going to empower us to fight, like we never fought before, but we may find it difficult, because our opponents are not other people, but rather the darkest and ugliest version of ourselves, still trapped in the past, still living in the pains and traumas which happened at certain points in our lives, but regardless how difficult this fight is going to be, we must have the courage and strength and perhaps compassion for the Self, to put the monster inside of us out of it's misery and by doing this, reclaim that little shard of our souls which is still trapped in past timelines. The weapons that we receive from the stars are compassion, the ability to forgive all those who wronged us and have the ambition to move forward, the deep desire of wanting to live and experience the unknown and mysterious future, thus putting an end to bitterness and desire for vengeance or excessive desire for absolute justice, and last but not least, the awareness and acceptance needed to value all the negative events and hardships in our lives, which helped us become who we are today. Neptune in the sign of Pisces is holding the mirror to show us the person who we are, take this opportunity that is offered by the New Moon in Aries, to perform a little bit of spiritual cosmetic surgery, removing all those elements from our souls, which we do not like or accept in our reflection, and rethinking, reanalyzing the past with more understanding, more wisdom and more unconditional love, in order to beautify the image that stares back at us. When your Neptunian reflection is going to please you, when you feel nothing but acceptance, love, admiration and most of all gratitude for the person staring back at you, then you know that you've succeed, you have slain the darkest and ugliest side of yourself, and when that magical moment happens, when you fall in love with your own story, when your own soul inspires you more than anything else on the outside, then the Universe is going to fall deeply in love with you and is sure to manifest in form of a soul-mate, a flesh and blood person who can give you everything that the Universe would like to show you his support and admiration by.