Hi everyone and welcome to another astrology forecast. In this article we are going to examine an aspect, which in my and many other astrologer's opinion, is going to play a massive role in 2019, and that is: the Solar eclipse taking place in the sign of Capricorn on the 6th of January. Capricorn represents very practical earthly energies associated with career, work, rules and regulations, institutions (Government, big corporations, authorities of control, military etc), but also it's the supreme expression of mastery. Eclipses are always associated with new beginnings, the birth of something new and if you combine this, with all the things that Capricorn represents, it's easy to pinpoint that area of life (generally speaking) which is going to benefit from the new beginning, evolution, and completion, this being career, work, one's place within an organization, climbing up the hierarchical ladder, living by new rules, having to respect new regulations, an increase in one's personal power within an organization. While, all these things that are mentioned above are really positive, there is a hidden catch. We mustn't forget that the South node (which can be interpreted as the lessons of the past) is also in Capricorn and it's going to stay there all throughout 2019, so this means, that the positive evolution in career, organization, the leap in one's career or lucrative purpose, is going to demand a sacrifice, the completion of a challenge, which is letting go of old principles, values, way of doing things, which worked very well in the past, and which may have helped you get to where you are now, but they are no longer beneficial and represent mental obstacles, so they need to be changed, or refined to suit the life that you are living now. This Solar eclipse in Capricorn, will be greatly empowered by Mars leaving it's watery prison (the sign of Pisces) and entering it's home sing of Aries at zero degrees on the 1st of January. This will awaken in all of us the inner warrior, giving us courage, strength, ambition, determination, resilience, endurance to stay focused on our desires and put all our strength into the work that we do. Mars isn't going to be alone in Aries, because the planet of revolution and uprising, Uranus also resides there at 29 degrees. Mars and Uranus represent the quickest energies, instant manifestation, rush, haste, immense speed. This is very important, because whatever the Solar eclipse creates in your life, it's going to come to you at the speed of light, and the powerful Uranian energies are going to make sure that it impacts your life greatly. On a global scale, worldwide, this isn't very good news. From a non social perspective, when Mars and Uranus join forces, (especially in the first and last degree of a sign) this usually conjures massive natural calamities. This could be a massive earthquake, volcanic eruption, tectonic movement, or in very rare cases accidents in factories or power plants which can cause massive explosions. From a social point of view it's just as frightening, because the eclipse is going to empower what Capricorn energy means socially, which is governments and military, and their coercitive nature, enforcing rules and regulation, laws, to be respected by the masses. In direct contradiction, Uranus and Mars in Aries are going to empower the individual and the people to reject and have the courage to express their dissatisfaction with the rules and regulation adapted by the government, so this can mean one thing, massive social unrest, revolutions, civil war, and the birth of organizations with the purpose to overthrow a government. Unfortunately, both Uranus and Saturn in it's home sing of Capricorn are going to be very dominant all year, so even if they lose their intensity after January, the social unrest and tension, and the conflicts that result from this are going to be present all of 2019 and even 2020. If we reduce the scale from global to individual, this aspect is mostly positive, thanks to Saturn, Pluto, Sun, Moon, and Mercury all being sandwiched together in the sign of Capricorn. Because so many planets will reside in one sing, you can be sure that the area of your life ruled by Capricorn is going to benefit from a massive upgrade, one which will be made permanent, and it will help you reach a higher degree of mastery of whatever it is that you do, or are going to choose to do for a living. This can be seen from a very spiritual perspective as well, because from a non social point of view, it's not gonna be what you do for a living, but your life's purpose, the reason why you have been incarnated right here and right now, in other words it means the upgrade and crystallization of that why you were created and your contribution to the world. So this can mean hobbies and non profit activities as well. What's even better news is that if you did the work (inner), if you followed your passion, if you opened yourself to the guidance of the Universe and of the Source energy, that which you love doing the most, is going to be made your source of livelihood, allowing you to express yourself and master all your talents, in a way which surpasses your wildest imagination. Another very positive aspect in January is that all planets are going to be direct! To top this up, many planets age going to be home: Neptune in Pisces enabling heightened compassion, mercy and humanitarian efforts, Jupiter in Sagittarius enabling travels, adventure, learning, new discoveries and expanding all the virtues of a person, Mars In Aries giving courage, passion, strength, and waking up the inner warrior, Saturn in Capricorn providing justice, control and self discipline. It's safe to say that those individuals who live a spiritual life and have a love for the metaphysical, are in for the most unforgettable January of their lives.