Hi everyone, In this article I'm going to share my point of view about Saturn's upcoming retrograde phase, which beings around the 30th of April, give or take a day, depending on which side of the planet you're on. As you probably know from previous articles, when a planet goes into retrograde phase, it starts moving backwards (not physically, only as seen from Earth), and that is when it's energies concentrate more, it's symbolism and effects go inward. Saturn was a very feared planet in ancient astrology, because it was associated with restrictions, bringing things to a standstill, stopping the natural course of things, evolution and thus forcing reevaluation. In modern astrology it is no longer perceived as evil, and it's energies are quite a blessing, because they promote work, study, mastery, fairness, equity, justice, stability, and most of all balance. That is why, even today some people, don't really like staurnian energies, because things don't come easily, for free, good fortune won't substitute inner and outer work and efforts. From a spiritual or better said magical perspective, Saturn also rules karma, it rules divine justice, “what goes around comes around” situations. In Hebrew mysticism the planet Saturn is associated with the Archangel Zaphkiel , an agent of the all seeing eye of God, one which is aware of every single decision that humans and other beings make in the most objective manner possible, and thus ensuring fair divine justice, by making sure that every action has a fair consequence. The ruling angel of Saturn is Caliel, an angelic being, who is meant to act as a divine messenger, guiding humans, especially those going through a time of great crisis, to achieve justice and equity, by guiding them towards greater wisdom and showing the the divine's perspective to their situation. The symbolism of Saturn can also be associated with the Egyptian Goddess Ma'at, who judged the souls of the recently deceased by weighing their hearts on a sacred scale, if their hearts were heavier than a feather, then they were condemned to face soul devouring demons, but if the 2 sides of the scales were equal they were allowed to join the afterlife. From a Jungian approach Saturn represents the father figure, the teaching, wisdom and life lessons, the example and role model that one gets from their father, and if this example isn't the brightest, then Saturn thorugh it's mysterious ways teaches the individual how to become a better person, to create new life standards for themselves, and be their own example in life. This Saturn retrograde season won't feel that very much different, because it's in it's home sing of Capricorn, where it's gonna stay for another year or so, and it also has a very powerful Pluto and the South Node joining him. So from this perspective, the restrictions are not going to be lifted, inner and outer resources won't come that much easier, this energy still makes you work for everything that you desire to create, and it also ensures the equity and support of karma, that the work, effort, power, resources you invest in whatever you are trying to do or accomplish will come to fruition. But, Saturn is also conjunct Pluto, so the general theme is going to stay the same, success, manifestation, changing the material aspects of your life are conditioned by reaching a state of inner purity, inner freedom, cutting all ties with the past, eliminating all bad examples from your life, and reaching a state of self empowerment, symbolized by Pluto. So, during the retrograde phase, as I said earlier the energies are turning inward, activating and enlivening your Higher Self, which will act as the supreme judge of your own being. In other words, you are going to judge yourself, through analyzing your own actions, and the effects and ripples in time they may have produced, and this will either give you the emotional clarity that you are definitely on the right path and you need to continue, or it will highlight those things which you are not doing right, those situations or relationships, where you are not being righteous and it will invite you to change your ways in order to enable physical manifestation, success in shape of reward for your hard work. Saturn retrograde, is probably the most intelligent and effective energy, because it also “judges” it's self, time and space, fate herself aren't always linear, don't always make perfect sense, there can be unforeseen changes, mutations, external or internal anomalies, which might imbalance a persons course of life, so during retrograde phase, the Divine power correct it's self, corrects it's own errors, readjusts it's own plan, in order to reach a greater state of balance. What this means is, that if for any reason, outside your sphere of power, you weren't rewarded for your good deeds, work, efforts, compassion, humanitarianism, your good karma simply didn't pay off and you might be feeling very frightened that what if justice isn't gonna happen for you, then this is the time when those fated events, the manifestations of good karma reflect back on you and allow both your physical persona and soul to feel that you are living a much fairer life. This energy will be felt specially by those individuals who were born under a Saturn retrograde, (because Saturn tends to stay retrograde for months and months, there are many of us who have him retrograde in our birth charts), so if almost every area of your life was suffering from a standstill, this might be the astrological event that mobilizes your life back on track, and whatever needs to happen will happen. For other people, especially those born under a direct Saturn, the energies might not feel so very pleasant, because Saturn also rules structures, both inner and outer ones, so you might feel that even though you are trying your very best to fit into society, and to attune your energies and ways of thinking, to what dominates society in the current moment comes very naturally for your, during a Saturn retrograde, it might be a bit harder, because you will need to reevaluate and readjust your inner structures, and then make a decision if you wanna follow the social currents or rather just go within and find all the values that you need in yourself, without the desire to express them. Since, Saturn is at it's most powerful phase, being in his home sign of Capricorn, which rules work, path in life, your contribution to the stability of the world, that which you are building in this incarnation, especially the earthly, physical and material side of things, during a retrograde phase you might realize the significance and importance of your own ways of thinking, actions, everything that you express and manifest, that has a massive influence on society. For example if you were quite passive up until this point from a political perspective, like never went to vote, thinking that what does +1 vote count, or never volunteered in community projects, thinking that + one person won't make much of a difference, all of these things can change now, you might see the importance of the role of that +1 vote, or that +1 pair of hands, allowing you to feel a greater sense of power you have as an individual upon the world you live in. This is also a favorable period of reconciliation which people who you might have cut off all contact with, you might rethink the events that lead here, and you might see things not just from your own perspective, but also from theirs, and if you caused any hurt or hard feelings, then your sense of morality and equity might determine you to resume communication, at least to express your current feeling. Also a Saturn retrograde is a good time for forgiveness, you can see things from the perspective of an outsider, an observer, which make it easier to forgive someone who hurt you, realizing that by hurting you they've hurt themselves the most.