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Recovery from depression

Hi everyone, very soon there's going to be a Super Full Moon at zero degrees, in the sign of Libra, a sing which is ruled by Venus, so we can easily anticipate, that there's going to be a blast of energies associated with feeling of love, romance, being connected deeply with another person, the desire to form a partnership etc., but for a few people the powerful energies of the Moon can conjure up a deep depression and feeling of being lost, unloved, unappreciated, and that this is never going to change. This article is specially dedicated to people going through a very hard time emotionally, because when it's negative feelings and thoughts,which rule our souls at the time, when the Moon is this strong, it acts like a catalyst, amplifying this negativity to dangerous levels. The light of the Full Moon (specially when it's in Libra) has a very strong pull on our souls, symbolically it triggers our “mating calls”, our souls try to shout and scream as much as they can to attract another soul who matches it's frequencies, in order to give and receive love. Of course this happens in a very subtle, manner, we might not even be aware of what's happening deep inside us, these subconscious energies might only come across to the conscious mind as a feeling of being lonely and the increased desire to to feel loved and for this loneliness to cease. While, there is absolutely nothing dangerous about this, some of us go through these emotions on a weekly, monthly basis, but some souls are much more vulnerable than others, especially is the mind is troubled as well. When this mating call isn't answered by anyone, the void starts to grow and the intensity of these desires doesn't fade it just keeps getting stronger, thanks to the Lunar energies, then it can agitate the ego, and it can very quickly turn into a very deep depression. When. this happens, the mind, controlled by our darkest aspects, can easily surge very pessimistic thoughts into our hearts, like we're not worthy of love, we are not attractive enough, the Universe or the Higher power dislikes us and wants to punish us by condemning us to solitude, we are not capable to feel love, why would anyone like us when we dislike our selves to being with, and the list can continue with infinite variations of disturbing thoughts. When these negative, self-defeating thoughts gain dominance over our beings, then the ego turns into an “emotional black hole”, dangerously lowering one's vibration, and attracting and creating all sorts of events, situation in life, to reflect the “authenticity” of the bad thoughts. It is in this moment, when we descend into our personal Hell, attract everything that we dislike, bring all our fears to life, and ultimately the negativity takes such a grip on our being that self hate and anger towards our beings will manifest as stress related diseases, hormonal imbalances, anxiety and all of these will deeply root themselves into the subconscious as traumas, having the potential to block us for a very long time. In the worst case scenario, self hate, and despair, can darken and twist one's sense of reality, logic and rationality and when this happens the risk self harming and suicide attempts is at it's peak. If these things are familiar to you, or you may be going through such a hard phase in your life, do not despair, do not be afraid, because the Lunar energies tend to pull to the surface those emotions which currently dominate your consciousness, so if you change the way you feel (YES it is possible), then the exact opposite will happen, hope, faith, self love, the willingness to further enjoy the experience of survival can lead towards healing, attracting that which you desire, instead to bringing your fears to life. You must always remember that you are NOT your thoughts, you are not just your mind, you are way more than just the electricity running through your neurons, you are an eternal divine being, born out of the unconditional love of the Universe. The very fact that you exist and you are alive, that you have the opportunity (access to technology, time, guidance, healthy eyes) to read this, that you have incarnated into an era where technology makes our lives easier, and through the internet you can literally connect to anyone in the world, you can travel continents in hours etc. is all proof, that your being, your soul, the person who you are today, is respected and rewarded by the Source, to live all these opportunities. Think about how life was a couple hundreds of years in the past, where you simply couldn't marry who you wanted, many marriages were settled before people reached the legal age, travel was very time consuming, and most people couldn't have even dreamed of experiencing another culture, or stepping foot on another continent. Just imagine how much freedom you currently have compared to your ancestors, and freedom means that you can hope with all your heart, with all the power of your being, that every single day is an opportunity for you to get, what you desire them most. But for that to happen, you need to live, you need to want to live, you need to attract your desires into your life, by injecting positive thoughts, crystallized emotions, wishes and goals into the Universe. You have the power, to change your attitude, to change the way you feel about life, about yourself, about everything, just by allowing your true authentic self, your spirit, so to speak, to guide your thoughts and emotions, and be sure, that your own spirit, the core of the being who you are and your Source, doesn't want anything bad to happen to you, and it's ultimate goals is to make you happy. It's just as easy to feel hope, and dream about the life you'd like to live, and the emotions you would like to experience, then to feel despair and pain. All you need to do is WANT to hope, want to feel love, and of course to want to respect and love yourself, just as unconditionally as you would like for others to love you. Wanting something is the very first step towards manifestation, to create something you need to want it's existence first, you have to envisage it mentally, make the blue-prints, and afterwards, all the elements come together and form a distinctive unity, and Voila! you've created something, regardless if it's a big life goal, your favorite food, a sculpture, a cocktail, a flower arrangement etc. they all follow the same creational process. And while creating things on a psychical level can be quite challenging, to make changes, corrections, create something new internally, in your mind and heart shouldn't be that hard. (To make a sandwich, you need to convince yourself to fire up the engines of your muscles, start coordinating your body, apply the recipe, put the elements together harmoniously etc, to make yourself feel a certain way you don't need to move a muscle, all you need to do is want it and believe it). Literally all you need to do is want it, and then enforce your will, program your mind to play out thoughts that serve you accomplish your goals, instead of working constantly on a self destruct sequence. There is A LOT of help out there, there are hundreds of youtube channels, blogs, books, free hot-lines, psychologists, spiritual workers, hypnotherapists, or just friendly good willed people who can help you for free. Or of course there is Mother Nature as well, spending time in nature tends to draw all the negativity deep inside the Earth, while you can breathe in the energy of LIFE and creation. So please, follow my advice and stay positive, creative, dreamy, and most of all hopeful this upcoming Full Moon, because it can be an extremely magical time, where the Moon can give you the spiritual strength to get closer to your dreams and to attract true love into your life. There is no guarantee that it will be completed instantly, but what is guaranteed, is that it will amplify all positive thoughts and feelings. If you know someone who is feeling lonely and depressed, please offer them your unconditional support and remind them that you are always there if they need to talk, because just this simple gesture can save a life. Thank you!



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