Hi everyone, and welcome to another pick a card reading. Today's topic is : Why am I here? I asked the Universe to guide me, and to offer guidance to people who wonder, Why are they here, in this life? What is the main lesson they have to learn and the main obstacle they have to overcome?
Relax and ask the Universe to guide you, asking for it's wisdom to reach you;
Take a deep breath;
Look at the symbols for as long as you need, and choose one, which you feel drawn too the most;
Jump straight to the interpretation of the pile of cards that you chose;
Try to adapt the reading to your specific situation;

Those of you who chose the eye symbol, were born with a very strong intellect. The greatest blessing you received, is the vastness, flexibility and openness of your mind. The Magician card tells you, that when something becomes crystal clear in your mind, when you put together a plan from A to Z, when something is created in your mind, it is very easy for you to manifest it. This makes you an incredibly resourceful person, who is going to enjoy a great deal of liberty in this life. You won't be forced to make too many compromises, because thanks to your intellect, you can always find a way around things, in order to manifest your will, desire, and the way you think things should be, also you are going to be admired by many people, because of your charismatic personalities, and the way you can easily overwhelm anyone with your way of thinking and the beauty that lies within your minds. The reason why you are here is quite straight forward, there isn't a predestined reason, you have the liberty to choose what you wanna do in life, and the Universe will aid you, once you've made up your mind and find what you love doing the most. Also, this isn't once specific purpose, one goal, one activity, this can change throughout your life, and quite possibly multitask more than one option.
The Universe advantages you in your studies and learning, so it may be possible, that you always aim to learn something new, something different, or add another degree to that which you already learned. We're not talking about learning through life experience, but higher education, courses, studies, etc.
The challenge you have to overcome in life is your manipulative tendencies. Because you are blessed with such an amazing intellect, it is very easy for you to manipulate other people, and to alter the truth of things. Many times in your life, it is, this exact mastery, that you possess over communication, and the way to interpret things, that will make you successful and boost you socially. But, be careful, weaving a web of lies, and oppressing those around you with your superiority can create bad karma, and many times by hurting others less powerful than yourselves, will also hurt you emotionally. The 6 of swords reversed means that your weak point is regret, and the inability to accept certain things which are outside your control.

People who chose the heart symbols, are natural born warriors. You might be disadvantaged socially or materially at the start of your life's journey, but your strong point is inner strength, resilience and endurance. Through hard work, ambition, following your heart's calling and having a backbone made of solid steel, you will overcome any social, moral, material, situational disadvantage that you might face throughout your lives. We can very well say, that not only will your turn your fates around, and find greatness, strength, a higher calling, but you will possess the power to teach others how to do the same. You will be drawn to weaker, disadvantaged people, who are battling the same issues, that you once did in your life, and since you've been through all of it, you will find it easy to guide, inspire and help out everyone you can.
You fight for justice, equity and an equal chance for everyone. You are the types of people who try their best to make the world a nicer and fairer place for everyone.
The challenge you have to overcome in life is finding balance. This means balance from every single perspective, regarding love and emotions, career/work- and your personal time, and everything that has to do with self sacrifice.
You are too strong and too tough for your own goods, BIG lessons in life won't come easy, because the Universe will have to put up a real strong fight with you in order to alter your plans and to break your imperative wills, to turn those negative experiences into life-lessons, and source of wisdom A gentle approach won't work in your case, because you have all it takes to face any problem any difficulty. Because of this, you might take on yourself the problems of others, and you won't have rest until everyone who you love is in a happy state.... and this is your big mistake, because you simply can't force others people to be strong, no matter how hard you try. You can merely guide them, teach them inspire them, but under no circumstance can you to the WORK in their place. Once you accept this your life is going to be very happy and each day will be a new victory and source of happiness for you!

Those of you attracted by the crown are one of the most beautiful souls on Earth. You are fun loving, optimistic, kind, very very lighthearted, free spirited, who's emotions, love of life can bring a smile to everyone's face. You like beauty in all it's forms and expressions, and you always take an artistic approach to doing things. You goals, may not always be clear to you, but you have absolutely no problem with this, because you are always going with the flow, always riding, surfing the tides of fate. It matters less in which direction it takes you, as long as you can be yourself, you can dream, express your emotions and find a source of fun, laughter, happiness. You have a magnetic personality, everyone wants to be in your presence because you have a very positive impact on people, everything is more fun, more intense, more pleasurable when it includes you. Because, of your personalities and unique way of doing things, socially you might be greatly advantages by the connections, friends, acquaintances you make. The Universe encourages you, helps yo, guides you to put your unique touch on everything that you come across, you are simply a source of happiness and joy for everyone around you, and this is your main purpose in life, simply to be yourself and laugh!
The challenges you have to overcome are not material in nature, but psychological. When you are drained of your source of joy, when things stagnate for a long time, when you feel trapped, pressured to do things, you become your darker self, which is the exact opposite of who you really are. Your shadow self worries excessively, can be paranoid at times, and when faced with life changing decisions you may struggle to make a choice. But, this shadow aspect of yourself will surface only in very rare occasions in life.
Once you overcome these challenges, by learning that no matter what life throws at you, you can laugh everything off, and simply make yourself immune to the psychological side of problems, your life is gonna be paradise on earth :)
Butterfly: (that's what it's supposed to be)

If it was the butterfly symbol which inspired you, it's not a coincidence, as you can see the “Fool” card made it's presence twice in your pile of cards. You guys are natural born revolutionaries. You possess almost an infinite number of skills and traits, but perhaps your biggest trait is the ability to learn almost anything. In fact, you are such good learners that you can master something just by looking at, observing, analyzing how another person does it. Because of your distinctiveness, and the quickness of your mind combined with the intensity of your emotions, you are drawn like a magnet to everything that is new, unique, distinctive, complex, state of the art, rare, extremely valuable or priceless. Various domains are your playgrounds, you can easily find yourselves in sciences, technology, fashion, literature, arts (the more mysterious, absurd, complex, hard to understand and interpret, the better), psychology, science fiction or all of the above at the same time. Your biggest dreams include to be an inventor, or to bring something new and unique to the world, thus, through your work, you can reach a state of immortality. You are always looking for new things to do, to try out, are possibly fascinated by travels and to see all aspects of the world you live in, and most importantly for you it's not reaching the goal which matters the most (sometimes that matters the less) but the journey, the process, the adventure.
The challenges that you must overcome in this life are firstly to find a sort of stability, a connection between yourselves and the outside world, to ground yourself in something. Do not look at this as something negative and frustrating, on the contrary, what others think or the difference how you are and how society expects you to be doesn't matter to you at all, so the challenge here, is to muster the concentration, the focus that's needed to be a part of something, which doesn't necessarily reflect your personality.
Secondly, you may not have a very good sense of limit, so many times in life you may have hedonistic tendencies, which might have a negative impact on your physical well being.

Those of you who chose the smiley face, are very old souls who lived many lives. Because, of the experience you brought with you from other lives you were born with an innate wisdom, maturity way beyond your age, and an extremely strong intuition. You may be gifted empaths, who always receive signals, premonitions, messages from the Universe through your dreams. You are highly spiritual in nature, so it's not surprise if you live double lives. One aspect of your life is the person who you are, the unique way in which you integrated yourself into society, but the other aspect is your spiritual selves, and the journeys you are guided to take.
The Moon card suggests, that the reason you are living your current life has very little to do with the physical aspects of the world, you can shape and model your “real” lives the way it best suits your needs, but it's always important to have time and opportunities to express your spiritual interests. Your true goal here, is to find answers to specific questions, coming deep within the core of your being, answers which you can only find in THIS life. You must understand that reincarnation is not dependent of the way we perceive time, it's not linear. The souls is guided to chose the era, it's gonna be born into, according to it's own requirements and personal goals. This era offers you the chance to understand what the soul is, from various different perspectives, thanks to the technological advances that we benefit from and of course to the wast, almost limitless amount if info/data gathered by the most brilliant minds of human history and the easy at which we can access that knowledge (internet/computers).
But of course, the most important aspect of all of this is not the raw knowledge and information that you will come to understand with your mind, but living it, experiencing it's manifestations, dwelling deep into the mysteries of life, the mysteries of the soul and to find your place and role in all of this.
The challenges that you will face, are not something you can ever overcome, or should you overcome them. As you advance through life, you will be more drawn to the deep aspects of the world, and of the human psyche, so you will find it difficult to make connections, or even to accept people in your life who won't share this passion, this openness and your spiritual gifts and wisdom.

Those of you who chose the leaf are here to experience all the physical aspects of life. You were born with all the skills, aptitudes, emotional and intellectual strength needed to perfectly adapt to any situation life may throw at you, and as you advance in life, you will be the one, to fully control the direction towards which you desire your life to lead you. Your ambitious nature, and self discipline will create a prosperous life, where your priorities will shift. In your younger days, you will be guided towards creating financial stability and security for yourselves, and later on nothing will be as important as love and it's expression. Thanks to your cautious and wise nature, you won't jump from relationship to relationship, but you will be patient and use all your abilities to attract someone who can give you as much love as you can give them, and trust me when it comes to love you don't know your own strength. Slowly but surely, after you found the ONE, you are going to build a “dimension” of love, your own little world where you can share every moment, every experience with someone who truly matters to you. The Queen of coins suggests that you might be such a strong and generous person, that not only will you raise children of your own, but you might adopt, or simply contribute to the well being of other's children,
The challenge in life which you have to overcome is the fear and inability to accept mortality, the end of the journey in a physical sense. It's not your own mortality that terrifies you the most, but that of loved ones, and even though you do understand that death is just a transformation, the beginning of another state of being, you still find it very difficult to accept the silence it leaves behind.