Hi everyone, and welcome to a pick a card reading. Today's topic is: will my biggest dream come true?
Instructions: The very first requirement is to have a BIG dream :) (it won't work if your wish is impossible, like become a super hero etc., );
Look at the symbols for as long as you need, and ask the Universe to guide your intuition;
Choose the one which you feel drawn to the most; Jump to it's interpretation;
Enjoy, and never ever stop believing in your dreams!

For those of you who chose the star symbol, the Universe wants you to know, that it's well aware of what you are trying to manifest, of your deepest wish and desire. You might have tried in the past, or even you might have kept trying all your life to bring whatever you wish into your existence, but it just didn't work out, didn't happen, or wasn't satisfying enough. The Wheel of Fortune reversed means, that it's not time yet. It has to be a big dream, that would change your whole life, the way you live, the activities, that you currently do, and if your wish would be granted right now it would have a negative effect on the person who you have to become. Certain lessons have to be learned, certain events have to take place. The 8 of wands suggests a journey that you have to go on, and the death card suggests, that certain burdens or obligations have to disappear from your life, and from your soul. After those events take place in your life, the Wheel of fortune is going to be reversed, and your time will finally he here!

The situation here is a bit different. The Universe is telling you, that it send loads of “work”, complications, unpleasant situations in your direction in order to “train” you, fortify your will, grant you the possibility to learn certain skills, bring to the surface certain traits of your personality. You can look at this from a dual perspective, you life was complicated, things weren't easy for you, you had to work your socks off, not just from a material perspective, but from a karmic point of view. You did the work, you learned, you became, wise and strong and the experiences also showed you how a certain area of society works, thus giving you the chance to adapt, and also avoid the hidden dangers and risks.
So, basically you are ready to make your deepest wish come true, you possess the skill, the knowledge, the wisdom all you need to do it take a huge leap of faith, whenever you are ready, and start living your new reality! As soon as you decide, that you're gonna do it, that, you're gonna live for your dream, the Universe is ready to conspire in your favor.

Those of you who were drawn to the leaf symbol, are in for a pretty unique experience. In your case your dream doesn't have any physical, material, situational requirement, but a deep psychological one.
The Universe is telling you, through, the Moon card, that it is and always has been ready for “negotiations”. It wants to turn your biggest dream into reality, but it doesn't really depend on it. For some reason it suggests, that before your dream can come into existence, you must face and live through fears that you have. These fears can be emotional blockages, a misaligned vision of your self-worth. Or it can be the case that, you simply desire it, but do not believe that it can become reality, because it would change your life dramatically and you aren't really sure how you'd cope with a new life. The Universe is ready to act, it is ready to support you, but once you press the start button, be ready to face your biggest fears and overcome them. Of course it will be hard and be the most challenging thing you ever faced in life, but the rewards, will be beyond your wildest dreams and will surely surpass your expectations.

The butterfly pile of cards sends a very important message. It might be the case, that you already had the opportunity to live your dreams and desires partially. Maybe you already got a positive response from the Universe which encouraged you to to believe in your wishes and desires, and to know that you are more than worthy to see them become reality. But perhaps the course your life took, disconnected you from your spiritual self, perhaps you had to face some rough times emotionally, and as the queen of cups suggests, you had to sacrifice your own well being and your priorities for other people, or to manage a certain area of your life, where others depended on you. The Universe is telling you, that it still loves you, it still believes in you, and all you have to do is reignite the old spark within yourself and return to the emotional and spiritual purity of a child. Once this state is reached, the manifestation of your dreams will follow. Trust in the Universe, trust in yourself and your good karma!

Those of you who chose the Moon symbol, might be in for a surprise. The Universe is telling you, that maybe your biggest dream, that, which you desire, isn't big or special enough. The World card suggests, that something very special is planned for you, but your mind simply can not imagine or conceive what it might be. So in a way, the specific things/situation that you dream of is not going to manifest, BUT something else, is planned for you. Do not be discouraged, because what the Universe has planned for you, not only is going to give you a much greater satisfaction, but it's an “upgraded”, better, superior version of that which you desire.
This event, has little to do with your own input, you don't really have to do anything, because it's part of your fate, it's something predestined which has to happen. If you suffered in the past, if you never really got any real satisfaction in life, the way you wished it, it is because your had to pay, for this huge blessing that is coming your way. And when I say you had to pay, I mean you had to feel and live through, the “without”, you had to fully immerse yourself in the “what it feels like without”, to truly be able to appreciate with all your heart and soul that which is planned for you. Not only will that event be a huge blessings, but it will also change the way you perceive and think about the Universe or the Divine forever.