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November reading for all signs

Hello everyone, and welcome to your November reading. This post is going to contain the reading for all 12 signs, to please scroll down and find the reading for your sign.


The end of October and the first weeks of November is going to be a very busy time for you. You have many unresolved issues, things that have to do with paperwork, reports, statistics, dealing with authorities, accountants, paying taxes, paying certain debts or missed payments, but as the High Priest suggests, these payments, reports, documents etc are owed to an authority, institution, organization (for example Council, Documentation for work, Bank, Agencies, Financial Institution or any Institution of the state.). These inevitable obligations that can not wait, that you have to complete, along with a huge work-load and responsibilities ,especially, those of you who have a family, are mothers, fathers, guardians etc will certainly have you hands full, and very little time for yourself and personal pleasures and things that you wish to do for yourself. This will make you feel grumpy, agitated, stressed, it's definitely not a good time for communication, and to express all your dissatisfactions, because of the inner tension, agitation, and exhaustion (of always having to run around) you may snap, say things that you don't mean and conflicts and disruption may occur between you and a good friend, or family member (child, spouse, in-laws). The Hanged man reversed joined by the Queen of swords suggests, that all the running around that you'll have to do, will offer you the chance to see your situation and your life in general, from a totally new perspective. You will come to realize, that the stability you worked hard to create in your life is not satisfying anymore, and perhaps you no longer feel the inner strength, and the passion, the initiative to fully immerse yourself in the work that you are doing, you don't feel creative enough, you simply come to realize that your priorities in life have changed, YOU as a person have changed, and your current life is no longer a viable reflection of who you are. The 10 of swords is the card of defeat, but it's not you who are being defeated, but the person who you are forced to be. Society, situations in life, moral obligations to family and friends, the extra pressure that you take on yourself at work to ensure maximum productivity, all tired you out, made you feel burnt out (6 of swords reversed) and you come to realize just how desperately you need change in your life. You do feel the need for change as the Queen of wands suggests, but the problem is you do not know where to look for it, you don't know where to start, you lack the information, imagination you need in order to create a mental image of what this change might look like, or what shape of form you'd enjoy it the most (Knight of swords reversed). Do not worry about a thing, The Hanged man is reversed for a very good reason, slowly but surely throughout the month of November, you will get all the information you need. Not only will you successfully get rid of all the obstacles, obligations, pay off everything that you are behind with, and of course most importantly catch up with your workload, but you will be guided to the right direction in order to realize which direction you have to take in order to invite change in your life, and what that change might look like. The World card suggests, that events will occur, which will make you recall your old dreams, desires, how you used to feel when you were younger, and all the things that were important for you, but had to sacrifice for your current material stability. The World card also promises you that not only will you find the answers and inspiration that you need, BUT you will get the change to start inviting all the things you feel you miss and lack back into your life. This process is slow at first, because the 6 of wands reversed makes you be very cautious, you do not wish by any means to destroy your current stability, or to take on anymore responsibilities, but in time, especially towards December and the start of 2019 you are going to live a new reality, your life is going to be more fun, diverse, and you will get the chance to travel and do much more of the things that you love doing.


For Taurus natives the first half of November is a very important time, regarding career and money. The 7 of coins reversed speaks of the recent past. All throughout this year, you've worked very hard, you've done everything in your power to focus all your concentration towards lucrative purposes. This can translate to various different things for example: you took on extra work because you needed the income, you took on more responsibilities at work, or maybe accepted a promotion of some sorts, you may have worked extra hours to invest the money into renewing your home, new car, new project, new business etc. The problem is that the rewards were not equal to the effort you invested in your work, and there were unexpected delays, situations arose which might have stopped the flow of income, or you simply didn't have the time to enjoy prosperity. The 6 of wands joined by the 2 of coins has good news for you. The efforts that you put in your work, or all the extra tasks you took on, are finally going to pay off! This can either mean, that you efforts and hard work are going to be noticed and by this you will get to where you planed to be, or this can also mean a financial success, the completion of what you've worked for, good results, extra income, a bonus, or a gift to reward you for your efforts. The 2 of coins highlights the fact that every debt, money, financial issue that you have, it going back on track, not only will you manage your situation like an expert, but you will also able to spare time and money for yourself. And for a Taurus the best money spent ,is that, spent on the joys of life, the small (or big) pleasures in life. It is this aspect which will make you enjoy your own successes and, that you did a very good job! The 7 of wands joined by the Queen of wands and finally the 4 of coups, speaks of friendship and support. Someone close to you will need your help, but this help is psychological, moral, spiritual it has little to do with material values. You will be there to defend someone's honor, integrity, or to protect them from themselves, prevent them from making a mistake. This isn't a completely new situation, this is something that has been going on for some time now, but in November the Universe is going to reward you emotionally for your selfless attitudes. The 4 of cups is an emotional fulfillment, gifted to you by the Universe, the epiphany, the breakthrough, the divine inspiration that will shower you with good feelings, sense of pride, and good karma. However, this isn't the case if we look at your love life. Those of you who are in a stable relationship there can be misunderstandings, arguing, a conflict of interests between you and your partner, all of which will cause a psychological warfare as the 5 of wands suggests. This “war” can result in a temporary separation, but because the 7 of swords is reversed, it's nothing major, just a misunderstanding or the result of gossip, a the intervention of an outsider who likes to spread fake news. Those of you who are single might be facing a difficult time, where you feel emotionally drained, and are desperately looking for love. But you have to be very careful and cautious, because the person who might show interest might be a player, and shouldn't be trusted.


November is going to be an very intense month for you Gemini, because lots of things which piled up on you all throughout the year are going to unfold, things that started in the summer, but were put on hold are finally going to resume, big decisions are going to be made, and relationships are going to change. The first column containing the 10 of cups, 10 of coins, and Sun, all reversed, speaks of everything that was put to halt in the Summer. The 10 of cups combined with the 10 of coins speaks of a very important financial investment. Since the 10 of coins is reversed is means that a large sum of money is going to be invested, something which was conceived, initiated in the summer. This doesn't imperatively mean that the transaction is going to take place, yes for some of you the number 10 means the completion of this, the purchase/upgrade/exchange of a new home, or something equally as important (car, start new business, mortgage etc). But for others it means, that the situation is going to change, either you no longer see it wise, to make such a huge financial effort, or you will make some progress, but the final hour is not yet here, all November will produce is a new date on which things will move forward. In either case for a Gemini, peace of mind gifted by a fixed date, and the clarity of vision needed to better judge a situation, the gain of necessary information is just as satisfying as the total resolution of the matters. The 5 of cups, joined by the Hermit and the Tower reversed means that even, though things may start moving forward, evolving. The wait, the uncertainty, the hardships, that you had to bare all through this year will weigh heavily on your soul. Fear of an uncertain future will set in, you are no longer sure of what you want, or if what you want is actually a good decision, you might regret many moves that you made in the recent past, all of which you deem as unwise and hasty decisions. The Hermit says that you will be looking to get more in tune with yourselves, for your true desires and wishes, searching for these both inside and outside. You need to be your optimistic, lighthearted, enthusiastic, flexible and fearless selves, but this time around, you will find it very difficult to be your own allies, your own guides and your own best friends. Your duality will turn against you, and this can lead you on a road towards depression and the sense that your lives are a total disaster full of uncertainty and instability. The good news is that, this is only in your minds! The Hermit's lantern burns brightly and always shows him the way, even in the darkest night, and illuminates all the hidden aspects of life. The truth is told by the Tower reversed. You did nothing wrong, no decision that you made was incorrect, because, if you hadn't done all the hard work in the Summer, all the sacrifices, right now you life would be very disastrous and the material aspects that we saw in the first column would have been irrecoverable losses. The Universe is telling you, that all the delays, all the stagnation, all the small obstacles which prevented you to act, was in your own best interest, in order to stop you from acting prematurely and making a decision which you would have surely regretted in the present. The Last column suggest that the changes and hardships are not just material, but also come to other areas in your life. The High Priest reverse means either a divorce (which doesn't come as a shock, it is simply the signing of the papers, the last stage expressed legally) or you might get dismissed from work, or quit a job, end a legal binding, a legal conflict. The reversed Hierophant is joined by the King of swords upright and Strength reversed. This means that whatever legal/material/social change is going to affect you, it will break your imperative will, your blind ambition, it will be totally out of your grasp, out of your control, but this is in your greatest benefit, because as the King of swords suggests, things will move and evolve out of their own accord, work and any more input coming from you, is no longer needed, so do not force thing to happen, but rather let them unfold they way the Universe sees best. I know many of you might swear and tell me to sod off, but please just a bit more patience and things are going to work out for you I promise!


The moth of November is going to challenge all Cancer natives to be at their most lucid states. What this means is that you have to strive, to create a state of perfect inner balance between your intuition, clarity of vision, thoughtfulness, and the lessons you learn from past experiences. Why is this so important you may ask? Because, in my personal opinion and experience Cancer is one of the luckiest signs, but only potentially. Since it's native element is water, Cancer natives are always live in the flow, but sometimes the flow can accelerate and when this happens, it tends to bring wonderful, life changing opportunities in your way. To chase after those is silly, because Cancers are slow swimmers, BUT they have a huge pincer, all the need to to is hold it out, wait until the chances come near and then grab them and hold firmly, and enjoy! The 3 of cups speaks of such time of great acceleration, when events happen in chains, succeeding each other very quickly, and even time feels like it's move so much faster. When a Cancer native feels this, it's time ti raise the pincers and start “fishing” :). But what opportunities are coming your path you might ask? The 2 of wands reversed, speaks of plans you had in the past which didn't come to fruition, it speaks of a chance, an opportunity you're always tried to catch, but many times it just flew by, your weren't quick enough to grab it. The 9 of coins is the card of financial well being, prosperous evolution of things, fertility (this can have financial, or biological sense), in any case it's something that has the potential to offer you a great well being, an upgrade in your life. Yes in it's revered position means all these, but as a missed opportunity, but DO NOT FORGET your Cancer traits. The 2 of wands reversed already taught you what's it's like to miss an opportunity, and this negative experience gave you the power, to do differently if this would once again arise in your life. So the 9 of coins is coming quickly towards you, and it's up to you to catch it with your pincers and to put it upright, and ultimately enjoy your catch because it's gonna be a major one! The second column speaks of a toxic, poisonous relationship that you have to get out of. Someone who you hold close to your heart and protect is using you, spreading lies about you, upsetting you by giving you an unrealistic reflection of how the world/society sees you, may speak about you behind you back. We are dealing with a master manipulator, who is trying to isolate you from your circle of friends and even family, and the influence they have on you is very negative, as the 6 of wands suggests. No need to worry, the 7 of swords and the Hermit is reversed, so his “lantern” is already where it should be, his light found the “snake” in your life, and the reversed position of all of these cards means that it's over, you are going to free and liberate yourself from all bad influence, and fro every disadvantage that someone might have caused you. The last column says that bad news if going to reach your ears, someone close to you is in trouble, or struck down by illness, or things aren't working right in their life, so you are going to be consider by worry, sleepless night and the feeling that you are totally helpless. But just when you are at the point of a nervous breakdown, a feminine figure (Queen of coins, who can be you mother, very close female friend, other close female relative) if gonna come to your aid and offer you all the support that you need. The Judgment card at the end of the reading warns you that you are not judging with a totally clear head, and you are not taking your own personal priorities in consideration, you might be standing trial in someone's place, and while this is a noble thing that you are doing, it's also very unwise and reconsider such actions, because they won't bring you anything positive.


My lovely Leo friends, I know that you have been through a LOT these last couple of months, but November comes to change many things for you. First of all the Knight of swords reversed joined by the Hanged man and Fool reversed, tells of a prolonged time filled with unrest, barely holing your lives and sanity together, and situations which came out of nowhere and turned your life upside down for a short period of time. You had plans, projects, goals, most of which are not necessary financial but can be work related as well ,all of which you were very enthusiastic about, and worked hard for them all throughout the year. While lots of progress was made, some of those things were simply put on hold, because they never received the finishing touches, and some simply had to be abandoned, because it wasn't the right time for them. All of these things, that you wished to accomplish served to increase your own personal power, social status, skills, perhaps finish some studies, courses, get qualification etc. The 8 of cups speaks of abandonment, of giving up, of letting go, and moving forward. But it's not your dreams, wishes goals you are giving up on, but the obstacles, or situations which prevent you from doing them. You reached a stage in your life, where you know you have to focus on yourself and be nr 1 priority, and not because you are a selfish person, but because you have responsibilities, and you need to be strong, wise, stable materially, have the qualification you need, in order to become a better, more reliable version of yourself, to make those people who believe in you proud. This abandonment, is not something very well planned or thought about, it comes as a bright idea, at a moment of epiphany, moment of courage, where you feel like you are totally ready to take a huge leap of faith, and jump into the chaotic waters of life. So, what this means practically, you are going to leave either a job, career, club, association, move out of a shared home or the family home, or take a break from a relationship. The reason why you feel the need to to this is the 5 of coins reversed. They wronged you, they didn't treat you right, you were left out in the cold, denied mercy and sympathy. You survived, you worked around the situation and got back on your feet, but the gesture is definitely not forgotten or forgiven. And in November when the same attitude is going to be shown to you, you are not going to take it well, and this will lead to the next column. Opened by 6 of wands, you succeed, you enjoy your triumph, victory, glory, and most importantly honor will belong to you, and this will give you a great boost of confidence, in other words you will definitely will get your mojo back. The World card speaks of fulfillment, establishment, victory, personal power, your dreams, wishes, goal are going to come true, everything that you worked for and planned ever since the spring, is going to finally happen. But your success, your happiness, your state of well being is going to be a little hard to bare for those around you (colleagues, fake friends, etc) so not only will you succeed but you will also be able to see the truth, the full truth of who your ally and enemy really is. Friendships may be broken, jobs might come to an end, but there won't be an ounce of regret in your hearts, but joy for freedom, and lightness of the heart and mind. Bad karma is also going to quickly close in on those who have wronged you!


Lovely and hard working Virgos November is going to be a very intense moth for you. This month is going to be one of those times in your life, when you have to show full mastery of your traits and complete self discipline to make it. But it won't be every day issues which you are gonna struggle with, but the manifestation of your dreams, wishes, BIG projects, your life's work. You know how much you want everything you've fought and lived for and you're gonna do everything in your power to make it happen. This is what the opening card, the 7 of cups means, the time will come for you to either make it or break it. Whatever you are working at, whatever you are planning, whatever it is you want to manifest, it's not only important for you, but it might include or have an impact on all your loved ones, fact which puts that much extra pressure on your soul, but fire in your heart. The reversed King of swords means delays, problem with paperwork, problem with design, the connections that you seek, do not come swiftly, additionally the Queen of coins reversed, means that your resources are also gonna run very low, and whatever you work on will need additional financial contribution. The Fool reversed, says that you have been patient for long enough, you might have waited and planned for several months, even years to get to where you are now, and you imperatively feel that the time to act is here. Even though the reversed king and queen might send mixed signal of perhaps what you are about to do, is too big for you to handle, you won't care, this time you will risk everything to create this new reality for yourself. It's will be a massive leap of faith! This doesn't necessarily mean the completion of one's life work, or a massive project etc. For some it might just mean a risk that you are going to take, one that will definitely pay off. This can mean blindly accepting a new job and leaving an old one, it can mean starting your own business, regardless that financially it might not be the best time, or it might mean becoming a freelancer of some sorts and leaving behind a stable way of life. Regardless of what it is that you will try to accomplish, the risks that you are going to take, are going to be well worth it. The Judgment card speaks of Divine intervention, it speaks of Good karma coming your way, all the help that you provided to others, some of them even total strangers, and many times you allowed yourself to be the “hand of god” saving someone from inevitable disaster, is going to pay off. The 7 of wands is reversed so this means it's time to stand down, time to leave all worry, precaution, defensive attitude behind, because it's not you who will defend your work and dreams in November, but the Universe it's self. Know that you are guided and everything is going to happen in accordance with the Universes plans, and the Ultimate goal is to set you on your path, and create the ideal opportunities for you, because it owes you lots of help, for all the good you did in the world. Later on in the Month good news are coming you way, the Page of coins is going to show you that your risks are paying off and new business opportunities, new connections with other business partners are going to open. The 7 of wands doesn't mean that you are going to be betrayed and back stabbed, but it rather suggests, that, this time life will force you to be the deceiver, the manipulator, the one who works from the shadows and pulls the strings, all of this to facilitate the flow of things. This isn't something evil that you will do, neither will it generate bad karma, because in the past you've been several times the victim of such people, especially work/business/finance related, consider yourself as a sort of Robin Hood who might take from the rich and give to the ones who need it the most, including yourself. Do not think of this as any sort of illegal activity, but rather harsh business, harsh sales tactics, manipulation through social media to get more clients, to make you grass look much greener etc., things which are commonly practiced by others, but you on the other hand were always way too honest. This time it will be necessary to play dirty, and you are fully capable, of it, and as the 3 of coins suggests, your are going to create harmony within your family, friends, business, project by giving them and yourself extra rewards. Everything comes back to you, because the 3 of coins represent a powerful alliance, a powerful partnership of possible 3 people (as the 3 pentacles suggests), a partnership which will give birth the a new era of prosperity in your life.


My lovely Libra friends, November is going to be a very liberating month for you. The reading is opened by the King of wands reversed, followed by the 10 of coins reversed, and closed by the 5 of wands upwards, speaks of a time of conflict. While Libras are natural diplomats, and always seek ways in order to avoid dissatisfaction, unrest, disruptions of all kinds, rarely their spirit ignites, and when diplomacy doesn't work, brute force of the mind, the sharp daggers of their intellect propelled by their strong life experience can make them formidable adversaries. The beginning of November will bring forth such a situation. The King of wands reversed represents yourself, someone around you, or perhaps several people who you have to cooperate with on a daily basis (10 of coins reversed) will trigger you. This could be a work related issue (boss), this could be a massive argument with a life partner, best friend, or it could be a company/person you hired for something. Regardless of what the challenges are, on what level this conflict will manifest, you will be fully ready and willing to depend and stand up for yourself, and make your point of view, where you stand very clear to everyone. The second column suggests that November will be a very dynamic months where you will have to travel, as the 8 of wands suggests. Some of these journey that you will have to take are also going to provide you with a deep spiritual experience, so it's not only your physical body that's going to travel, but also you mind journeying in the depths of the soul. The Queen of coins reversed might suggests that an important part of your travel is to visit a female relative (Mother, grandmother, sister, who lives away from you) but it can also suggest that it could be a business travel in order to bring new financial opportunities in your life, as the queen of coins can also mean a source of income, riches and you are going to make sure she will be upwards and no longer reversed. The third column is the most important part of the reading. The Wheel of Fortune reversed means an end of a cycle, helped by the information you gain by your travels, OR perhaps someone or something is traveling to you is going to bring light to some aspects of your life regarding the future (The high Priestess is the keeper of all knowledge regarding the future, she is a prophetess, and because it's her who links the cards together, this means that your intuition, your wisdom, your spiritual openness will shed light upon all areas of your life, and will guide you to make the right decisions for your future). And it's this information, intuitive signal, that will enable the Wheel of Fortune to finally, after so many years of souls searching to turn, and end this phase of your life. The end of this cycle is very much anticipated and desired by you. You probably know what comes after the end of a cycle, you guessed it, a new beginning, but this isn't any kind of new beginning, this is the start of something which you've always desired. The Judgment card comes into play, which means divine intervention. Things came to an end, disappeared from your life, people left you, you walked away from so many illusions, fake happiness, everything that was “artificial”, forced stability were swept away, done and dusted, your life went through a deep cleansing, and in November the final stages of this cleansing are going to be completed. The 7 of swords suggests you are gonna be free of bonds, (mental, moral, social, material), one of the biggest blessings that the Judgment card brings for you is freedom do do what you wish and to live your life and you wish. What the new cycle will bring is still a mystery, it is still unknown to the mind, but your intuition is triggered, you are restless and excited because you might be feeling that next year is going to be the year which you've always dreamed of!


November will be a month where your capacity to endure, and function will be tested to the very limits. The biggest problem that you will be facing is perfectly depicted by the first column. Please notice how 2 knights (coins and wands) surround the Emperor reversed. This tells us of self sacrifice at it's ultimate expression. The Emperor reverse clearly shows that situations that are going to overwhelm you are coning fast, the storm is brewing, you won't be in charge of the situation. While, normally you are very resourceful, strong willed, resilient, many times, nothing can break you, this time around, you won't be so fortunate. Despite all this, despite all the obstacles that will mount up on you, you will perform your duties, without any hesitation. Someone very important to you, is going to go through even harder times than yourself, or they might be exactly in the same boat as you. But you will be their savior, you will be their rock, you will be the spark of undying hope in their lives, encouraging and supporting both of you. So in this perspective the reversed Emperor doesn't mean that you are weak and the problems are gonna best you, but that you will sacrifice yourself in order to ensure that those who you love are not going to face the same thing, or at least won't be put to the ground by the hardships. You will try your very best to take everything on your shoulder, mostly psychologically, offering the person who you love and who probably will be in the same difficult situation as you a breather, a chance to function, and by doing so, by sacrificing your stability, and sharing your strength you are going to make it through the hard times, and most probably turn everything around in your favor. Another important aspect that November brings is the realization, the moment of lucidity, insight that something in your life simply doesn't work, and no matter how you struggle, no matter what you try (7 of wands reversed) it's gonna inevitably crumble down, as suggested by the Tower. What the nature of this disaster varies for every Scorpio, for some of you is a business which just doesn't bare any fruit, for others is a hobby or passion which is doing more bad than good in your life, it might be a relationship which simply doesn't work anymore, or a friendship, association with someone who is using you and you can no longer tolerate the lies and deception. There is no need to panic, you are well aware that the Tower is crumbing down and have been for some time now, but a Scorpio isn't someone who just lets things happen without having a good say in how things progress. But, you have tried, you were patient, forgiving, enduring.... but this comes to an end, the 7 of wands turned upside down, so now you're gonna let things happen, let destiny unfold. The third column suggests that once your tower crumbles to the ground, truth are going to surface. The 6 of swords reversed along with the 9 of swords reversed speaks of something from the past arising again. Either it's a situation which already played out once in your life, and you were betrayed and back stabbed by a “good” friend, or the lies and deception of someone who you work with is going to be revealed and this will cause the 6 of swords to be upright which means bye bye to that person, situation, job. You are no longer a victim, the Devil is reversed, so all the hidden aspects, deceptions and lies will be revealed to you, and that's what causes the 9 of swords to be reversed, suggesting an even amplified negative state which you will have to live through. I know that your reading seems scary, but do not worry too much, you will not be alone in any of this, and it is just a transition, it's just a necessary ending of all the things that hold you back. Success is coming your way in 2019 but it is a success which someone is going to share with you, someone who loves you unconditionally and would love nothing more than to make you happy.


The month of November is going to be a very challenging one mentally speaking. The 9 of wands means that issues that you have been facing for some time now, are not going to get lighter, easier, the burden is going to weigh heavily on your shoulders, and it will get heavier and heavier as we progress towards the end of the month. Some of you are facing long hours at work, ill health which doesn't wanna improve, increased fatigue, ongoing conflict with might have legal repercussions, a debt, or being behind payments despite your best efforts to avoid this. Whatever this situations is, it's nothing new, what is new that it's getting harder to bare with each passing day. The Knight of swords is going to bring you help, he is going to bring you new chances, possibilities, information in order to take some of the problems off your shoulders, but he is just a knight, a quick fix, and this is why the Moon card signifies increased restlessness, worry, sleepless nights, a mild depression, and inner struggle. You might feel that the help you are getting from others (Knight of swords) is either too little and if doesn't happen often enough, or on the contrary it's so much that you feel powerless, in their debt, lack of independence. This isn't going to be any different regrading family and friends, the Knight of Cups is reverse, so he is the bearer of unsatisfied expectations, emotionally being let down by someone close, like good friend, prater, child. But amongst all this doom and gloom there is also a bit of positivity and joy, as the 4 of wands with Chariot reversed suggests, that something good is coming your way, which will lighten up your mood, fill you with new energies, a moment of joy, a visit from a distant friend, a surprise made by your family just for you. For some of you who are single it might mean that someone from the past, an old lover might be returning in your life, and this event will instantly turn the Knight of cups upward filling you with joy and excitement. The last column opened by the dreaded 9 of swords will continue to fill you with worry and sleepless night, but this negative psychological state will be different than that signified by the Moon card, this time you will be worried about finances and if things are going to work out financially, not for the present but for an important future event, or an important future investment that you no longer wish to delay. For example maybe you are saving money for a deposit of some sorts, new card, an important travel that you have to make next year, and the saving isn't going as well as you hoped. The Lovers card, the resolution for November tells you that the Universe isn't ignoring your pleas, isn't blind to your suffering, it is sending someone to help you, it's sending someone to take the burden off your shoulders and help you turn that reversed Sun card upward, so you can enjoy your life, and have a bit of liberty. The lovers card might suggest a Gemini friend, child, family, if you are single and looking for love, it might mean a new lover is coming to your rescue, or if none of the above applies to your case it might be someone unexpected.


November is going to be a month of deep thought for Capricorn natives. The first column opened by the 5 of coins reversed joined by the 6 of wands upright tells us of great victory and personal achievement. In the past you were struggling with finding yourselves professionally, how to integrate your own passions, experience and visions in the work that you do. And because of this, there were times when you struggled financially, and had to give up on several occasions on the small joy of life in order to study, get better at what you do. You might have thought, that those kind of hardships are done and dusted forever, but unfortunately, the storm is brewing for you guys. It's not something that comes from the outside, you are not forced to feel these feelings, the revolution, the storm comes from within. As the 4 of swords suggest, professionally you did achieve a stability, and you might be doing ok money wise, but it's getting too rigid, it's limiting you, you simply outgrew your current situation. The Tower in your case is not a sign of disaster or catastrophe, but it is a necessary inner purification, you have to reevaluate your priorities, you have to liberate the feelings that were buried deep inside you. The Tower in this case signifies, that the mental and emotional stability that you have reached has to be demolished by none other than YOU, all of this to revive your true dreams, your true professional goals. You know, that you did the work, you learned, you were patient and extremely self disciplined, and the time to make a huge change and take the next step up the ladder of personal power is finally here. This change comes from within, and November will be the month to make the first steps towards accomplishing this. The Chariot is reversed, because you are in preparation. You are not ready to pack your bags and take the journey just yet, but you are ready to gather information, analyze the possibilities, and perhaps make the necessary legal actions in order to acquire visas or documents to start a new life somewhere else, to go and conquer new fields professionally, to find a more suitable environment to express who you are as a professionist, as an intellectual being The World is only reversed, because this is only happening inside you, you are not ready to manifest this in the outside world, not because you don't have what it takes, as the 5 of cups suggests you wanna make sure that it won't lead to any regrets, and this decision of yours won't have a negative impact on those who are present in your lives. You still have obligations to fulfill, you have promises to keep, and the transit won't be as easy emotionally as you might think, and you are well aware of this fact. The Universe wants you to know, that it's absolutely ok to take your time and to think things through, because when you reach balance, when you become very sure of what you wanna do, it will send the first signs to enable you make the changes you need.


Aquarius natives will find November a month of real break-though, but this is only coming towards the end of the month. The reading is opened by the Ace of wands reversed, joined by the Queen of wands and High Priest, both of them in reversed positions. This means that the dissatisfactions, the emotional turmoil that you sense, the lack of harmony with your own self is going to continue and reach it's peak. You are clearly in a very clouded state of mind, you lack the clarity, the emotional stability you need in order to see your lives and everything in it the way it truly is. Some of you are seeking comfort in the joys of material life, the Ace of wands reversed can translate to an excess of food, alcohol, sex, immersion in fantasy (Tv series, video-games, dating sites etc.) and this is having a very negative impact on your performance and social life as well. The Ace of wands reversed also means the inability to accept a loss, it may be a separation, divorce, the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, a decision made in the recent past, which you now deem very unwise. Not only are you dissatisfied, but you also dwell and obsess on the past, you feel as if the Universe was very unjust with you, you can't accept the fact that you don;t always get what you want in life. In a way this is understandable, because the situation that you are dealing with isn't a series of some insignificant events which may have ruined your enthusiasm, but it was something major, life changing, something which was your main source of happiness. The High Priest reversed warns you not to engage in any form of legal binding, the beginning of November is not a good time to sign contracts, not a good time to begin a new relationship, not a good time to take on obligations. Before you do anything of this sort, be sure that you have total clarity of the situation, you think about the future, and what it can mean for you, and you consult loved ones and people who you know, that care about you and take their advice and suggestions into consideration, because it's not a good time to act out of your own accord. Things will start to slowly change for you towards the middle of the month as the Lovers reversed joined by the 8 of wands upright suggests. A travel, an invitation, a surprise visit, or perhaps a message, communication you'll receive from someone from the past, is going to change the way you look at things. It will give you the chance, to break free from your current state of mind and from your negative outlook on your life, and see things more clearly, see that the 2 of coins is only reversed, (which means the inability to manage your own situation) because you choose to fight the change, you resist entering a state of flow, you oppose emotional healing. Perhaps this is the reason why the Universe sends you help, in form of someone or something arising from your pasts, to remind you of the person who you used to be, and how very different your situation was when you were at the start of your journey in life. In this way you will not only find the the answers, the reason why everything went wrong and lead to your current situation, but you will have the chance to see all the greatness that you achieved in the past, while having very little experience, and clearly being a weaker, more naive version of yourself. If you managed to overcome even tougher situations in the past, while having next to no help or support, it's obvious that the current version of you can do the same with less effort. And it is this reflection of your past self that will bring the key to healing and accepting the new reality, your current lives, and you will start to notice and appreciate everything that you have, all the blessing in your life, and even the necessity of the change that you went through. The last column is the bearer of fantastic news. The 7 of coins means, that once again, you will immerse yourself in various different activities, start of new plans, new projects, you will start to plant new seeds of intent into the Universe, it will be a great time to make future plans, to feel excited about all the things that are to come. The Fool card speaks in supreme harmony with the 7 of coins and it promises you a new beginning. For some of you it may be a new job., career, for other a new relationship of some sorts, new connections. The Fool represents the beginning of a new era in your lives. It is the NEW that has to come in, to replace the old. This is why the Universe is challenging you to let go of the past, let go of your desire to control things, because that's the only way you can invite this in your life. The queen of coins promises you, that whatever this new energy is, it is going to be way superior to whatever was lost, to whatever disappeared from your reality, it's not just a replacement, but a great upgrade, which will give you stability, both emotional, but also material.


For Pisces natives November is going to be a very rewarding month. The opening cards tell us that you have been worried about money, finances, especially about the uncertainty of the future. You might have took risks, took on work which you are still not sure you can complete, invested money in something you didn't have enough information about, in order to be certain that it's gonna pay off, started something new, which also has no certainty that it's gonna work out, and while you felt very optimistic about this at the time when you took these risks, right now you are a bit at unease, by the wait and by the lack of progress. The 6 of wands upright comes to comfort you and give you the good news, you did the right thing, the risk that you took is going to pay off, and it will catapult you to a totally new phase, especially things that have to do with fiances/career. Despite your fears, victory belongs to you, your intuition, gut feelings once again guided you in the right direction. The second column opened by the 2 of swords joined by the 6 of coins warns you to be very careful about your next move. The advantages that you will gain, elaborated above, aren't yours alone to enjoy, you are willing to share them with everyone who facilitated you and encouraged you to trust yourself and make the right choices. But, be very careful, because being way too generous, blindly giving away the results of your hard work, is not a wise choice. The Knight of swords is reversed, which means that there is going to be a delay in communication, especially legal documents, relations with banks, or financial institutions, so it's very unwise to be way too generous, you might need everything you earned later on in the month when because of those delays you might be short on money. The last part of the reading highlights the fact that by the end of November, despite your plans coming together, despite being successful, either you are going to make a huge investment in something, or you have to cover a debt of some sorts. For some of you, this might not mean a financial loss, but a large sum of money that you are going to borrow, to further advance in your future plans. The World card tells you that regardless of which situation you are dealing with, do not be afraid because things are going to work out for you. If it's another investment that you are going to make, it will be well worth it, if you have to cover a debt, you will find the money for it, and it's a loan you are gonna take out you will have more than enough to repay it when the time comes. There is one last thing you have to know, all communication, papers, documents, especially replies from institutions are going to suffer delay, so be patient and plan everything wisely.



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