Hi everyone and welcome to another astrology forecast! In this article we're going to examine the energies of the New Moon, in the sing of Aquarius, taking place on the 4th of February. While the new moons of the past months, carried some very heavy karmic energy, helping the collective to recover from losses, endings, traumas, breaking away from the past etc. this New Moon is going to have a very different feel to it. Usually New Moons are associated with new beginning, the first steps of creation and manifestation, the Moon charging herself with all the thoughts, desires, emotions that we have within us. These act like seeds, sprouts, “embryos”, the very first stages of development, as the moon starts to grow, so will the evolution of these seeds of intention. If possible, when the Moon reaches it's fullest state, it's going to attempt to bring all these energies, which were once just tiny little seeds into manifestation. Of course some plans, wishes, desires are more complex than others, so the most sophisticated ones will require more than just one lunar cycle. The energies during this New Moon are going to feel very light, joyful, optimistic, worry free, where lightheartedness and dreams about a shining, enjoyable future, full of happiness will dominate. Aquarius rules everything to do with social events, and the “mood” of society in general, all the values, virtues, aesthetics that matter the most, socially speaking. So, if new moons generally create new beginnings, this could be a fantastic time for social innovation, new trends being born, new things going viral on the internet, the birth (rise) of new stars (actors, media personalities, social media stars etc), a revolution in the fashion, make-up industry that's going to create a lot of followers, new poets, writers, journalists, TV presenters, public speakers entering the world stage. Additionally, Mercury, the planet of communication, travel and the mental plane, also resides in Aquarius during this new moon, making these energies all that more powerful, and making sure that all information, events, occurrences etc during this time, reach as many people globally as it's possible. There is also a negative aspect to this, especially for VIP's, politicians, heads of states, heads of religions because thanks to the escalated power of the internet, and media secrets are going to be revealed and made public, secrets which might put these people into a big disadvantage. But this isn't negative at all for society, because everyone deserves to know the truth and have the chance once in a while to gaze in the subtle aspects of the society they live in. From a scientific perspective this is also a fantastic time for new inventions to be created, new technologies to be developed, advancements in space travel, computing, I.T. And of course the A.I. It's worth to mention, that it is during this time, that computer scientists are most probably going to unlock the secrets and reach the beak-through they need to take the A.I. To a whole new level. If you ever dreamed of robots helping you around the house, or the chance to have a fully intelligent conversation with A.I., then I think you only need to wait a couple of years (or less) longer. This Aquarius new moon, empowered by Mercury, will greatly advantage anyone who works with the public, regardless of their position or nature of their jobs. Public speakers, writers, poets, online-content creators, you-tubers, social media people, everyone, who has a website or any sort of online-business, anyone who works online, anyone who performs some activity on the internet is going to be greatly advantages, ESPECIALLY those individuals who during this time are making their debut. Jupiter in Sagittarius is going to speak in harmony with this New Moon, making this energy that much more profitable. Regardless of what you do, if it involves the public, has at least one social aspect to it, or if it involves any type of media, internet, online-community, or has to do with communication, calculation, mathematics, and even predictions (these do not necessarily mean mystical predictions, it could very well be like a financial adviser, market researcher etc, but of course ANY sort of predictions are going to be very accurate, because the Sun is considered to be the source of all visions, and Mercury is it's filter, so a person can translate that vision, prophecy, divine architecture, into words), there's gonna be an element of good fortune and advantage to it. Mercury, also forms a sextile with Jupiter, making this energy feel that more lighthearted, free, in a state of flow, and this brings a very material benefit to all of this, because contracts, agreements, official documents, testaments, anything to do with expressing one's will, or consent is going to be advantaged and will lead to gain. Because, these energies are going to be so elevated, and feel so good, it would be very wise not to instantly jump to action, remember, if something looks and sounds too good to be true, there is a hidden catch to it, so do not let these energies deceive you, you need to think things through very carefully before you consent to anything, and know that expressing your will and negotiating is going to benefit you greatly. Also, this isn't a very good time to make promises, the energies during this New Moon are very optimistic, and you may feel that you can absolutely be true to your word or anything that you promise, BUT after these energies fade away or lose their intensity, you might regret making promises profoundly. Mercury sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius, give you an inner strength to think things through very carefully, and if you desire more clarity for your situation be assured, that Jupiter is going to give you the means to do so, and Mercury is going to provide you with an external source of advice. (friends, parent, expert, or a good willed person, more experienced than yourself). Additionally, any type of social event like reunions, parties, get-together s, ceremonies, clubs, charitable events, competitions are destined for success and to offer participants some memorable moments which later turn into precious memories.
As bonus I've done a very short New Moon reading for all of the 12 signs, enjoy!

Aries: Wheel of Fortune reversed: the energies of the New Moon are going to bless you with some very valuable information and realization. You can take this as an inner awakening. The Wheel of fortune reversed represents all the inner and outer obstacles, that prevent you from fully living the life you desire. These revelations can come from any source, it could be your own wisdom,life experience, it could be a good advice from a friend or a very close person, or it could simply be a video, motivational text, song, book etc. reaching you through divine synchronicity. This is a very fortunate event, because it will give you the strength and clarity of thought and emotion, to work towards turning the Wheel of Fortune in an upright position, which means a turning of fate, another chapter in your story.
Taurus: Emperor reversed. By no means does the reversed position of this card mean something negative, but it rather means that you either entered, or are entering a state of flow. Your life changed from an emotional point of view, you no longer need to be overly ambitious, you no longer have to be careful around people, you can loosen your grip and control over your life and just sit back and enjoy the journey. You already know that the Universe has got your back, and your life is slowly moving towards a direction which you are happy with, so take this time to relax, enjoy yourself, and let your inner beauty and emotions run free, harsh self discipline and inner control are no longer needed.
Gemini: Knight of Cups. This card represents you! During the last few months the cup of your soul was drained by other people. This comes as no surprise because, there were very challenging energies coming into play the last few months for everyone, so you had to advise, support, bind the psychological wounds of those who are most dear to you. From a philosophical perspective, this is one of the duties of Geminis, they are the zodiac’s best support! While, your actions were valued and deeply appreciated, it has left your soul a little bit dry and empty. This New Moon is going to bring you everything you need, not just to refill your cup, but to overflow it, so you can share your lightheartedness, joy, optimism, laughter, and of course your bubbly Gemini nature with everyone who stand close to you. Of course sharing is not necessary, some of you guys will convert the surplus emotional power into a creative activity, regardless if it's writing, drawing, music, handcrafts or any other hobby that you may have.
Cancer: Knight of Wands. For Cancer natives this New Moon is especially powerful, because the Moon is their ruler, and a New Moon means that it's going to be conjunct with the Sun. Hence, the quickest, fieriest, most passionate Knight appeared. This knight represents the energies/celestial empowerment of the Sun, allowing you to make significant progress in at least one area of your life, where you might have had some standstill or stagnation. It also represents a state of passion, determination, high motivation, enabling you to do all the things you normally would need some help with. If you are a female native, the Knight of Wands might represent a very fiery lover, and the passions of love and lust, just don't take it very seriously emotionally, because the Knight of Wands has the tendency to disappear just as fast as he appeared.
Leo: Queen of Swords. This New Moon is going to send Leo natives in a state of deep contemplation. The Queen of Swords represents the feminine nature of the air element, so it means that you are going to do some very serious calculations in your head, come up with the most ingenious solutions, plans to take care of those problems which are the most urgent, but it could also mean a spark of intellectual, mental creativity. This doesn't focus on emotions, feelings, inner world, but rather the practicality of coming on with real, probable plans that can easily be put into practice. This could also represent a message, communication, an offer of help, someone willing to join forces with you in mental creativity, to co-create future plans, or to offer solutions to problems.
Virgo: The High Priestess. Virgo is one of those sings who are going to benefit the most from the New Moon, since their ruler Mercury is also in Aquarius, and Virgo represents wisdom manifested in the physical plane. The High Priestess represents just that: true, practical wisdom, which is carefully refined by these native's higher self, the end result being an “atemporal” state. Thanks to your inner power, studies, expertise and experience that you gained through hard work, you no longer look at the future as something mysterious or uncertain, instead ,your know what you want, what has to happen, the way things are going to evolve, what sacrifices you need to make, and everything you need to get ready for the journey. This is a blessing for all Virgo natives who work in business, architecture, do calculations, statistics, or work in communication or on-line. During this time they will come up with plans that guarantee success in the long run!
Libra: The Star. This New Moon is going to shower Libra natives with very gentle, heart warming energies, greatly amplifying their dreamy and romantic natures. Since Libra is an air sing as well, these powerful Aquarian energies greatly complement Libra natives, making them super powerful people magnets. They will be blessed with good luck and divine synchronicity socially, giving them the chance to meet lots of inspiring and valuable new people, make new friends, new admirers, and people who are attracted to them. Just be a little bit careful, your might attract more than you can possibly handle, so don't make any promises!
Scorpio: 6 of coins reversed. This is a very positive card, especially in reversed position because it means that your past good deeds, especially generosity is going to be re payed in the most surprising ways. Those around you will have the tendency to be very kind, gentle, and generous towards you, expressing just how much they value your presence in their lives. Additionally, those natives who are thinking of getting a loan, can make the most out of it during this time, because banks/institutions/people who you get the loan from are your to be very permissive and translations are going to go through with ease.
Sagittarius: 3 of Cups. The three of cups represents lightheartedness, humor, laughter, joy and any form of celebration. This could take the shape of anything that has to do with meeting friends and having a good time, so regardless if it's a party, celebration, game night, bingo, theater, a good time is guaranteed. This could also come in the form of gratitude and honors, a gift or a gesture of appreciation coming from someone unexpected.
Capricorn: Judgment reversed. This card can have more than one meaning. One of it is bad karma coming your way in the shape of communication. This might be someone expressing their dissatisfaction with your work, or you having to “face the music” because of some sort of neglect at work, this could be a tiny error, or quite a serious misdemeanor. It has a karmic touch to it, because Capricorn natives are usually extremely strict, professional and like perfection, so that which you demand of others will be reflected back at you. This isn't necessarily negative, because it's just communication, the verbal or written expression of dissatisfaction, so it's not going to produce any material consequences, aside from maybe a bruised ego. Additionally this card warns you not to have expectations, or not to rely on anyone's promise because you could be disappointed.
Aquarius: 7 of coins Needless to say that Aquarians are going to be the superstars of the New Moon, because it's taking place in their sing, and they also have a very beneficial Mercury there as well. The 7 of coins represents harvest, the fruition of your work, the realization of your plans. You are going to benefit from your past actions in at least one area of your lives, but regardless of what that area is it has to take the shape of material resource. It mustn't necessarily be money, it could also be a favor, or something that can be evaluated financially. If, it has anything to do with partnership (for example if you are at the start of a new relationship), it represents greater stability, grounding, the sense that you found someone who you can trust and work together with.
Pisces: The Devil. The Devil card could represent the spiritual powers/gifts of Pisces natives. During this time people will have the tendency to listen to you, take everything to say very seriously, follow your advices, respond to your requests, and offer you their time and energy. The New Moon is going to grant these natives an irresistible aura, giving you the opportunity to manipulate (in the good sense of the word), charm, attract people and make them one way or another execute your will. But of course using this for the wrong purposes, or taking advantage of this blessing will result in bad karma. Additionally the Devil card can also represent the tendency to indulge in “forbidden pleasures” such as alcohol, drugs, excess of sexual activities, or any other form of escapism.