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New Moon in Taurus

Hi everyone! In this article I'm going to talk about the upcoming New Moon in the sign of Taurus, on the 4-5th of May, depending on which side of the planet you're on. As you probably read in the previous articles, New Moons signify new beginnings, changes which create new opportunities, movement, evolution, transformation, and it's also a perfect time to meditate and focus on your deepest desires, because, at the beginning of the lunar cycle, the “soil” of creation is at it's most fertile, it is at that time when our own personal realities open up, accepting our seeds of intention, which have the chance to slowly but surely grow and blossom at the culmination of the lunar cycle, with the condition, that we keep on nurturing those seeds with inner work, and action all throughout the waxing phase of the Moon. Unlike, previous new moons, this one is going to have a very strong power over the material world, because it's taking place in the sign of Taurus, a sign which rules finances, material values, the physical aspect of our beings, our values, everything that we perceive as beautiful with our senses, and last, but not least Taurus is also associated with nature and the Earth Mother. From analyzing the energies and their manifestations which are governed by Taurus, we can easily anticipate, that May's New Moon is going to be extremely powerful, for any kind of new beginning which involves the material plane and fiances.Taurus also rules the throat and the voice, so during this New Moon, it is almost imperative that you express yourself, that you speak your own truth, that you let out all your emotions and that you express your inner most feelings, because these can have a very significant impact on that area of your life which is ruled by Taurus. It would be silly of us, if we would take this taurean new moon as easy energy, because it's going to be extremely intense, given by the fact that, the Sun and the Moon aren't alone in this sign, there's a very important and powerful power player residing here as well (for the next 7 years), we're talking about Uranus. Uranus is the planet of awareness, of the highest possible expression of the mind and intellect, it is the planet with the quickest, most shocking energy and with an extremely powerful magnetism. Uranian energies tend to cause movement, dynamism, shock, revolution, rebellion, improvement, “upgrades” and there is no stopping this power, because Uranus is also associated with the wind, so it's futile trying to stop the wind; rather it would make much more sense to use the wind to our own advantage and travel in the direction it blows. The true tensionate nature of the energies are caused by the fact that taurean energies are exactly the opposite: Taurus is steady, it likes permanence, it moves extremely slowly and likes to preserve values as long as it's possible, it tries to maintain a balance that already exists, and since it represents nature herself, it makes a lot of sense for her to be as balanced and steady as possible, otherwise she couldn't support life. Nevertheless, because Uranus entered this sign not so long ago, we are only at the beginning of the cycle, so until Taurus learns to cooperate with the haste and brutal force of Uranus, tension and a certain degree of anxiety is going to fill the very air we breathe in. From a global point of view this New Moon in Taurus is going to work well with the energies of Uranus because it can give birth to very important, significant technological advancements, new discoveries in biology, genetics, agriculture, food production, new scientific breakthrough involving the Earth's electromagnetic field and magnetic poles. Additionally, it can revolutionize our banking systems, digital currency, it can shake up old, traditional ways of doing things from a financial perspective, it can change what the global population regard as valuable and beautiful, so there's gonna be a slight conflict between the mind (represented by Uranus) and the heart (represented by Taurus). There are also other aspects taking place which are going to influence the powers of the new moon. One of these being Mars is Gemini opposing Jupiter in Sagittarius and also forming a square with Neptune in Pisces. This energy is one of maximum tension, because Mars, especially in the sign of Gemini, will desire nothing more to express it's point of view, regardless of how radical, offensive it may be, even if it's against humanitarian principles, and since Sagittarius also governs religion, this could mean a lot of religious conflicts and fanaticism for the collective, and questioning one's faith for the individual. There is also energy of tension between Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, and Venus in Aries. Venus is the ruler of Taurus, and she is the energy associated with value, worth, beauty, and of course, love, while Capricorn is associated with institutions, governments, hierarchy, power structures and one's position in this power structure. For the collective and individual alike, this will mean that one's personal values are going to clash with those values which are enforced upon them, and this usually sparks uprising, civil war, revolution and it can ultimately lead to violence. This energy is also amplified by Eris, the asteroid of discord, also being in the sign of Aries, which has everything to to with the Self, and empowering the self. Because Eris has very similar energies to Uranus, provoking revolution and inner unrest, this will further urge people to rebel against that which is forced upon them. Fortunately there are also positive aspects, taking place which are going to balance this energy of unrest and conflict out, there is a trine, an energy of harmony between Mercury and Jupiter, which can be translated to mental and emotional clarity and awareness, giving us the power to realize that expressing such ideas and taking actions which could potentially be very harmful, hurtful dangerous to other people, is not going to lead us anywhere, but rather it will urge us to find compromise, to fight off the urges of an agitated ego to manifest, and give into feelings of compassion and the ultimate desire to be in a state of peace both with ourselves and those around us. Saturn is also going to form a trine, (a very positive energy) with the New Moon (Sun conjunct Moon) and Saturn is all about justice, equity, and being fully present in physical reality, which is good news for the collective because many may realize, that unhealthy traditions, customs, dogmas, which have no real applicability in quick paced life of today's society are not worth fighting for, and acting from a place of morality and equity may be a much better alternative. For the individual, this is also a very positive aspect, because Saturn rules work, and it speaks about the fact that hard work, sacrificed time and resources, applying that which you have learned, which you have mastered in order to obtain results, must be rewarded. So this New Moon will be a fantastic opportunity to attract material benefit in your life, for which you have worked for in the past, and also your past good deeds may be be rewarded or at least reflected back on you. Since Taurus is associated with the 2nd house of personal value and wealth, your work and professional efforts are going pay off and if you had any big dreams for which you have worked for in the past, and tried to open as many doors towards reaching your goals as possible, it could be that this is the time you have been waiting for, and this is the time when your goals will come to fruition, because Saturn is also conjunct with Pluto, a planet which offers the power of change, evolution, transformation and transmutation. There's also a mystic triangle, formed by Mars sextile Mercury, Mercury trine Jupiter, and Jupiter opposition Mars. This energy first of all challenges us to go within ourselves and align with our most authentic truth, to find out our true beliefs, guided by the power of our minds and logic, but even more importantly by intuition, a non-linear way of thinking. It challenges us to unite our own spiritual powers, with the power of our conscious minds, and reach a state of balance, serenity and harmony between the fiery ego and the Higher self and only than express the person, the being, the energy that we are. There is also another, deeply spiritual side to this New Moon, the energies of the Sun and Moon, perfectly fused together, are going to awaken the deepest part of our souls, giving us all the awareness (thanks to Uranus) that we are all children of the Earth Mother and we are an inseparable part of nature. This awareness, this knowledge, can spark the unconditional love in our hearts for Nature, for the Earth Mother, giving us all the opportunity to unite with her on a soul level, and to understand what she feels, and the transformations she is going through both with out minds and especially with our hearts. This energy is one of bliss, serenity and harmony, which will increase your desire to go out in nature and connect with the Earth, plants, trees animals, and start absorbing the healing and rejuvenating energies of the earth through the wholeness of your being.



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