Hi everyone, and welcome to another article. This time I'll be writing about the New Moon in the sign of Sagittarius happening on the 7th of December 2018. This astrological phenomenon is going to be greatly empowered by the fact that Mercury, is going to go direct the day before on the 6th of December, which means that all communications, all documents, all information, all legal stuff, all the relations with authorities is going to enjoy a massive boost, the end of stagnation and complications.
This last New Moon of the year 2018 is going to be a very special one, because it's going to absorb all the energies of Sagittarius, just like a sponge, and release it later in the month, when it reaches the climax of the lunar cycle (22nd December).
Before I write about the energies that it's going to catalyze, and then gradually release until the 22nd, we must take a look at what it closes.
If you have been following my blog, or any other astrologer's videos or blogs, you've probably heard, that since September, the powerful Scorpio energies, and Pluto's unusually strong manifestation, brought a lot of closures, endings, break-ups (or better said break-free), all of this to purify our lives from the energies of the past. We had the opportunity to close unwanted chapters in our lives, but to also "evoke the past" and put right any mistakes, any wrong doings from our side, which we may have done in the past and really started weighing on our souls. These closures and purification of our lives and karma, was followed by the November energies, which was all bout clarity of mind and spirit, seeing our own personal truths, the possibility to gaze beyond all lies, deception coming either from the outside, or from the inside. November's New Moon also challenged out faiths, our spirituality, and how we see our self, and who it is that we wish to become in the future.
The shifting of the Nodes of the Moon also has a major impact, the North node moving into the sign of Cancer also made us very emotional, and gave us the sense of an urgent need to find greater stability in our lives, from an emotional perspective. The South node moving into Capricorn, did the same thing, but from a material, financial perspective.
We can easily say that we've been through A LOT this year, and Pluto's powerful influence, which won't repeat again in the coming 130 years, topped everything up, by bringing social unrest and mistrust in religious institutions globally, so it wasn't just us going through hard times, but humanity in general.
All of this hardship, all of this unrest, all of this inner and outer revolution magnified by Uranus, and all the psychological aspects of this period amplified by Neptune, are going to be closed by this coming New Moon. The time to: amend our past mistakes, to heal our traumas, to re-conciliate, to get rid of toxic people from our lives, to perform soul searching, the likes of which we never though we were capable of, the time to find and use our true spiritual abilities and to find our true faiths is finally over, this chapter of our lives is closing and a new one beings.
Now, after we understand and see in a different light, that which ended, let us take a look at that which is beginning. Sagittarius is the supreme expression of spirituality and faith, and as you probably know either from my blog, or from other astrologers, Jupiter and the Sun joined forces in this sign of spirituality and evolution and amplified it's energies to the maximum. This is the reason,why The Moon is slowly traveling there, to draw within it's self all the blessing, all the good fortune, all the inner power, of the great benefactor which is Jupiter.
This next chapter of our lives, is going to be like non other we experienced before, because this unique astrological combination of Jupiter and the Sun represents, that we are no longer just one insignificant element in the system, we are no longer just a sheep in the flock, but we are what we believe, and we are what we think.

We are the supreme expressions, the physical, flesh and blood manifestation of our thoughts, and our own unique spirituality, in other words we have been reborn to be a fusion of our past experiences, the earthly wisdom that we acquired throughout out lives, and the infinite, absolute divine power, of the God within.
The New Moon will be that point in time, when this fusion will blossom, and you will be able to perceive the World, your own lives, the future, the cosmos, as a HUGE canvass, where your soul is the palette containing hundreds of colors and shades, and you mind is the skilled, experienced, confident hand of the artist. You may ask yourselves, who is the artist? This question can only be answered by you, the artist could be the the Source, the Divine who is guiding you hand to paint, or it could be the Divine within who is making a piece of art of the Outer Divine to enjoy and interpret, or it could be your egos or you fears who are making a very obscure painting for the Divine to try and fix/correct later on.
Take this chance, this empowerment, that the New Moon in Sagittarius offers you, do do things differently. Meditate the way it feels right for you (one of my closest friends finds her inner peace and connects with herself by doing physical exercise, like running or taking very long walks, so there are a multitude of way for a person to "meditate"), do your spiritual practices, use your power to express that, which you desire; you already planted the seeds of intentions, you already know what kind of life you desire, now you must water the soil and make it fertile, so that the Full Moon can feed your sprouts and help them grow and flourish.
Another important aspect of this New Moon, heavily influenced by Sagittarius is generosity, it is the time to give, and to express gratitude. By giving, by communicating that which comes from the depths of the soul, you form connections that are beyond flesh, life and time, no one said that soulmates have to be created for one another, you are free spirits and have the ultimate power to create yourselves, all you need is understanding, wisdom (the blueprint) and love (the construction material).

Thank you for reading and I wish you a wonderful New Moon is Sagittarius, I hope all of you can find the strength within to change your lives and those of others for the better, by choosing to be the merciful God in the lives of those who need it the most. Do not worry about upsetting the balance, there's enough cruelty and mistrust in the world as it is :)