Hi everyone and welcome to my astrological interpretation of the New Moon, taking place on the 6th of March in the sing of Pisces. In astrology New Moons signify new beginnings, but in my opinion, this one is going to be something very special, because it will represent the beginning of a new era. Firstly, the conjunction of the Sun and Moon is taking place in the sing of Pisces, the last sing of the zodiac, which among many other things rules the subconscious, all the hidden mysteries of the human soul, those secrets and mysteries that reside in the deepest reaches of the mind, the infinite power of emotions distilled to their essence, the virtues of compassion and self sacrifice, the divine gift of empathy, psychology, parapsychology, and of course the superior octave of love. The power of the conjunction between the Sun, Moon and the ruling planet of Pisces, Neptune is going to elevate everything that Pisces represents, and in my opinion, while the powerful Uranian energies are associated with ascension and spiritual awakening, this New Moon in Pisces will be an emotional confirmation of all those things that Uranus made us aware of, some of which might have shocked us, surprised us, made us make very irrational choices at that time, we might have lacked the unity of the mind and heart to make sense of everything, but now it's exactly that unity of the of the person who we are, of the Higher self and of the Source that's gonna provide all the clarity we lacked before. We could perceive this energy as a butterfly arising from it's cocoon. For some people, who have done inner work and dedicated themselves to spirituality and finding their most authentic truths, it will be this energy that can awaken one to a so called “Christ consciousnesses”, this could represent the expansion of all your senses, the Unity of the Self and Higher self, and the completion of that transition, “that upgrade” from 3D to 4D. This is going to be a huge milestone for the collective as well, because such powerful energies, along with other aspects taking place at that time, which we're gonna analyze later on in the article, are going to awaken the irresistible urge for great compassion, giving incredible emotional strength to the desire of the people of this world, desire of unity, unconditional love, peace and a stop to violence and cruelty. Humanitarian efforts, community spirit, the sense that we are all connected, efforts to “save” Mother Earth, kindness and mercy towards all beings, especially animals and children are all going to be greatly amplified. While it is true, that Pisces most of the time doesn't involve physical and material changes, these can just take place in the soul, mind, psyche, Mars in the sing of Taurus, a sing which rules the physical manifestation of all things, is going to sextile the Sun during this time, and this conversation of supreme harmony may suggests, that these feelings, these energies promoted by the New Moon in Pisces are going to have such a motivational force, that it will determine the collective to actually try their best to manifest all of this, every individual, contributing with their own strength and force of will, represented by Mars. Another harmonious conversation taking place, at this time is Saturn (conjunct Pluto) in his home sing of Capricorn, also forming a sextile with the New Moon (Sun conjunct Moon) in Pisces. Capricorn is also an earth sign, so it rules the practical knowledge, science, masteries over the physical world, the manifestation of those blueprints which are born in thought, empowered by it's ruler Saturn, the planet of justice, karma, balance, which will make sure that all institutions which represent the combined will of the collective, are going to collaborate in order to promote the virtues of Pisces, humanitarianism, compassion. This collaboration might not be a peaceful one, governments, institutions, military etc might find themselves forced to execute the will of the collective, because Pluto present in Capricorn, might suggest, that those laws, structures, regulations which governed the collective until this point underwent a significant change and reevaluation, and since the North node is in Cancer and the South Node is in Capricorn, which signifies the power struggle between moral values based of emotions and virtues (Cancer) and those based of pure logic and practical necessity (Capricorn). While currently, it's not that obvious which side, this power struggle favors, in 2020 when Saturn conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn, things will change drastically and all of us are gonna know where we stand. The last time such a conversation took place, (Saturn conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn) was approx. 500 years ago, when Martin Luther challenged the institution of the Pope, in order to promote the liberty for everyone to interpret the Bible freely and for the people to access the holy texts translated to their own language, and he also challenged the spiritual authenticity of being able to pay for the forgiveness of sins. This act of his, changed Christianity, Europe, and implicitly the whole world, and greatly encouraged the evolution and the role that science would play for human kind. There's also a trine taking place during this time, another harmonious dance between Saturn and Mars. This represents the power of the individual, the pure force of will, taking justice in our own hands in order to change the world we live in in a very psychical sense, because both are in earth sings. Saturn is going to be the stronger influence, making sure that it is not the Ego, and greed which are going to be the moving force of the changes we wish to make, because it will restrict the importance of the lower expression of self, and the energy of Pisces empowered by the New Moon will represent the powerof the Higher self and all all the wisdom human kind accumulated throughout history (Mercury shadow in Pisces) and it is these, which will have a key role in this process. Last but not least, perhaps, one of the most important astrological events which also takes place during this new Moon, is Uranus entering the first degree (zero) of Taurus. As I said earlier, the energy of the New Moon in Pisces as strong as it may be, it doesn't grantee changes on a psychical level, merely in the psychology and attitude of the collective, but Uranus entering the critical degree of Taurus is going to provide that force which is necessary to shake to Earth to it's core and the power needed to bring those changes in the material realm, or better said the material expression of life. Uranus is the planet of revolution and awareness, it is associated with the knowledge of the divine architecture of all creation, the divine blueprints that are needed for matter to take the shape it does, and if you bring this energy into Taurus, which represents the permanency of the Earth, of matter, customs, banks, values, the physical body, the current balances in society in a material sense, our notion of beauty in a physical sense and of course agriculture and food industry, then we can easily tell, that the next 7 years, which are needed for Uranus to fully travel through the sign of Taurus, are going to change most areas of the life of the collective and both the individual profoundly. Because, Uranus is also the planet of surprises, it is very hard to tell what manifestation all of this will take, but in order to get a basic idea of what Uranus in Taurus means, we should just take a peek in the pages of our history. One of the major events associated with Uranus going through the sign of Taurus, was the rise of power of Hitler, while a sad and shameful event for human kind, we all have to agree on the fact that it changed the world and human society globally everywhere on the planet. Another event associated with Uranus in Taurus was 7 years ago, when the Fukushima disaster occurred. Uranus is associated with electricity, magnetism and volcanic activity, so some natural calamities are bound to happen at around the time of the New Moon, when it reaches zero degrees of Taurus, and while this wasn't enough, Mars is also going to be in this sing, and it's associated with very unusual weather phenomenon. What most Astrologers anticipate is that during the next 7 years, technology will blossom, the A.I. Will be capable to perform quantum calculations bringing us that much closer towards understanding how the Universe came to be and how to detect the mysterious dark matter, significant progresses in medicine, genetics, agriculture, but of course a huge revolution in the baking systems and how the value of money if distributed. It is worth a mention, that while the energies of the New Moon in Pisces are going to feel like miracle energy, for most people, we can't ignore the fact that Mercury is also going to be present in Pisces, so this could play out very negatively for those people who have any kind of psychological dysfunction or are very vulnerable mentally and emotionally. This could lead to heightened state of depression, anxiety, hallucination, nightmares or insomnia, tendency of escapism, and overdose on drugs and alcohol. If you know a person who is very fragile and vulnerable psychologically, during the time of the New Moon (a couple days before and after) please make sure to keep an eye on them and ensure them, that they can rely on your help and support at any time. It is very important for people who are going through depression or any sort of difficulty to know that they are not alone and there's always a friendly ear to listen to them with no judgments or opinions attached. Also, these very powerful spiritual energies can also have a very dark side, it would be extremely unwise to have expectations of any kind, the dance of the planets are mainly energies that have a certain degree of influence, this doesn't means that miracles are going to happen and manifest physically. This is just an energy shift, a change in the pattern of thought, a change of perception for the collective, these changes are going to occur in the time span of years, and not immediately. So please, regardless of how strongly you feel these energies, or what your intuition is telling you, do not have any expectations, because once again, I repeat, we're talking about energies, a subtle influence, it may or may not manifest in a physical sense, or if so not immediately.