Hi everyone, and thank you for taking the time and energy to read this article about the upcoming new moon in the sign of Gemini, taking place on the 3rd of June. As you probably know from previous articles, new moons are very powerful times of the month, when the astrological energies favor new beginnings and the moon acts as a sponge absorbing your plans, desires, wishes, initiatives, and depending on your choices and actions, it is those seeds of intention, that the Moon is going to try and bring to fruition, either by the month's full moon, or in about 6 months time, when the Moon will return to the sign. From a collective perspective, this new moon is going to complement and activate the symbolism of Gemini, which rules the 3rd astrological house of learning, studies, communication and the mind. June's new moon is going to be a perfect time to make future plans regarding new studies, courses, apprenticeships, masteries, it's energies are also going to advantage those individual who work in communication, intellectual creativity, writers, poets, public speakers, translators, people studying foreign languages, people studying symbols and everyone else who works with their minds. These energies are also going to favor competitions, games, playful activities, races, challenges, social gatherings, social activities, everything that has to do with the internet and on-line community. Gemini also rules synchronicity, so you may find yourself being always in the right place at the right time a couple of days before, during and after the new moon. This conjunction of the Sun and Moon can also have a very profound psychological effect, because Gemini is a very dual sign, and it likes to live in the extreme reaches of different polarities. It is during times of celestial empowerment, when there's an important aspect happening in that sign, when this duality becomes a great advantage, because Gemini is also a very versatile and efficient sign, when a state of harmony has to be reached, there is always a middle way between 2 polarities, there is always a way to reach a state of perfect compromise, which advantages everyone regardless of their polarization. Gemini also rules communication, so diplomacy, versatility, having an open mind and open heart, can be very powerful tools, in order to build bridges in relationships, different situations, different people who might not normally be compatible with each other. From a spiritual perspective this is a very favorable time to start writing journals, to use powerful affirmations, mantras, guided meditations, because the power of the written and spoken words are going to be that much stronger, but equally the power of sheer thought and imagination is also powerful during this time. Everyone who wishes to explore different sides of their own beings, especially the shadowy and darker aspects is also going to have an astral blessing, because during this celestial dance of the Sun and Moon, duality is going to be an advantage and blessing, rather than hindrance. During the new moon, Gemini's ruling planet, Mercury is also going to be in his home sign, this is a very important fact, because the symbolism of the sign and that of Mercury is going to be greatly empowered. This will advantage most of us to be cerebral, smarter, mentally way more resourceful than we normally are, and chances are many important communications, messages, connections, social bonds are going to reach us during this time, especially via the internet and online. Mercury is going to form a conversation of tension, called an opposition with Jupiter in Sagittarius, which is the opposite sign of Gemini, it's higher octave if you will. There is more than one way to approach the interpretation of this aspects, I choose to highlight it's more beneficial effects, rather than the negative ones. From this point of view, Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and it tends to amplify everything it touches, and since it's in retrograde phase, the amplification tends to go inwards, so this gives us the opportunity to identify and eliminate all of our mental, psychological conditioning, undesired traits, habits, routines, mental ways of doing things which we received through our education, “learned” from others, or took the negative example of other people. This energy challenges us to try our very best and do things our way, the way it's the most logical and rational from our own unique perspectives, and not follow stereotypes or things which we have learned from other people as much. This could give birth to very important moments of epiphany and sudden realization, this can give birth to the most ingenious and extravagant plans, which might be urging us to take risks, make sacrifices, travel, get out of our comfort zones, connect to people who we would normally never consider, form unusual alliances, all in order to “experiment”, try out new things, live with the opportunity to follow up our most daring, imaginative, unusual, risky plans and to see in which direction they can evolve. The conjunction of the Sun and Moon also form an opposition with Jupiter in Sagittarius, and this conversation of friction challenges all of us to incorporate spirituality, non linear ways of thinking, to use our intuitive logic and rationality in the process of creating our future plans. Sagittarius is a very spiritual energy, and it has everything to do with faith, and the expression and manifestation of faith, so whatever changes, opportunities, epiphanies the new moon in Gemini is going to attract into our lives, the opposition to Jupiter tells us that we need to make sure that whatever we work with needs to also be an expression of our faiths, otherwise we won't see the value and the potential in those things. The very best way to work with this energy is to act from a place of greater balance, because Gemini is a very practical energy, and it doesn't really like hidden, concealed, non linear logic and things based purely on faith, so that's why it's a very good idea to keep spiritual principles, faith, intuitive approach balanced out with the logical, material, “earthly” side of things as well. There are other astrological aspects which are going to take place during the new moon in Gemini, and even though the Sun and Moon aren't part of this aspects, they are still going to be very influential: Venus in her home sign of Taurus, is going to form a trine, a conversation of supreme harmony with Saturn and Pluto in the sign of Capricorn. This conversation holds quite a lot of material and financial potential, because all planets taking part in this conversation are in earth signs. Taurus represents the 2nd astrological house, governing our own personal values, worth, beauty and all the joys that we experience from a material, corporal, sensory perspective, and since it's ruler, Venus the minor planet of good luck and blessings, it in her home sign, this gives an extra sense of importance to the aspect of our lives ruled by Venus. There are a number of different ways this energy can play out, this could be an unexpected offer of love, romance, dates, flirts, or it could even be a fated encounter with a soul-mate or twin flame, because Venus rules love and romance, while Pluto can be seen as the powerful force of fate. This energy can also be very material in nature, there is a chance to be rewarded beyond your wildest imagination for some work you might have done in the past, because Saturn tends to reward hard work, or it could be that some of your realizations, results, creations, past work, notoriety, news of your mastery over your skills, news of your professionalism, can reach all the right people, those who are in need of a person with your professional expertise, and this could give birth to a source of extra/new/improved income, ensuring greater prosperity on the long term. Another way this energy can manifest is, you attracting a very wealthy person, who would like nothing more than to offer you all of life's pleasures in the material sense, and if you are also attracted to them, then this could give birth a massive material and financial upgrade of your life. This doesn't necessarily have to be romantic energy, this could be work related, so you might attract the attention of someone who offer you a professional partnership, collaboration, or suggest a new career, which, at least from a material perspective you won't be able to refuse. Pluto can also be interpreted as our own personal power, and since it's in a harmonious conversation with Venus, this power can translate to the power of our own physical beauty, the magnetism of our personalities, the force of our sexual energies, giving us the opportunity to use that power in order to get what we want, and to get in life where we want to be. Because this conversation is a trine, it's easy energy, so chances are whatever this means for you personally, it's going to enter your life with great ease, fall into your lap, all you will have to do is think about it and either accept it or reject it. Venus, the planet of love and beauty also form a conversation of harmony called a sextile with Neptune in his home sign of Pisces. This conversation is extremely beneficial because Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, and it governs unconditional, divine, absolute love, compassion, empathy and humanitarianism. During this conversation if you are struggling with problems, which simply overwhelm you, if there are things or situation in your life which you just can't handle alone, then chances are the harmonious conversation of these 2 planets of love, can bring the help you so desperately need into your life, in a very unconditional way. For other people, this conversation will make them the “prince on a white horse”, the saving grace in the lives of those who are going to need help the most. Any acts of compassion and generosity are going to be rewarded karmically, because Neptune and his home sing of Pisces are associated with spirituality and the power of emotions and the subconscious, so helping others and being kind during this period, if nothing else, it will ennoble your spirit, giving you all the spiritual reasons to love and respect yourself that much more. Neptune in Pisces also forms a sextile with Pluto and Saturn, so this further adds a spiritual, fated, karmic element to this conversation, either good karma, which you have worked your pants off in the recent past is going to reward you, or you will have the opportunity to create good karma for the future, by helping people who are in great need of some assistance. Last but not least, Mars in the sign of Cancer is going to oppose Saturn and Pluto in the sign of Capricorn. This is a conversation of tension, because Mars in Cancer, tends to act as s spiritual warrior, a “paladin” a pillar of righteousness, the hero type, always wanting to protect and provide for it's loved ones. So, whatever might be going on in your life during this new moon, you are also going to be extremely concerned for the well being of your loved ones. Cancer is the 4th astrological house, ruling the home, family and mother figure, so if any of the people who you love and are close to your heart are going to have any obstacles, ill health, problems in their lives, chances are this energy is going to make you be much more concerned for them, than for yourself. This energy also tends to force you instinctively to do everything in your power to help them, even if it means self sacrifice, and ignoring your own needs. Because this is an opposition, this can be taken into extremes, which is not really advised, while it is something truly beautiful and positive to support your loved ones, making a martyr out of yourself is not going to advantage anyone. This can also play out in different ways, because Capricorn rules structure and hierarchies and also career, so when Mars, which can be seen as the expression of a person's will, is in opposition with the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn, this conversation tends to ignite the individuals rebellious spirit, especially if the organization/one's place in professional work related hierarchy/one's duties and responsibility, are in contradiction with either the individual's feeling or disadvantage people in their lives, which they have a tight connection with. This opposition between Mars and Saturn, can create social unrest, rebellion, conflicts, and in rare cases it can even cause violence and violent manifestations.