Hi everyone, here's a very quick mid November update for all signs.

The Empress reversed, with the 3 of cups and Page of cups reversed, tells the story of a different kind of financial struggle. Money it's self is not the big issue, because you will have money and values coming in from more than one source, but managing it will be the big challenge here. The Empress reversed, speaks of needs, personal needs (clothing, repairs, upgrades, mortgage, debts etc.), which were somewhat neglected in the recent past, because you chose to satisfy your senses and invested your money into things which were meant to bring you joy, despite the fact that you knew, that you will have to compensate later for everything you delayed. Another problem is that you need the money to travel, to visit someone, or to offer a gift, help to someone very dear to you, and since things aren't looking very bright at the moment, the pressure is building up, your needs can be delayed a bit more, but the satisfaction you want to give to another person can simply not wait. It could be that the bad management of money is also affecting your love life, your partner might not agree with your decisions, and this could cause some conflict. But do not worry, you guys are very ingenious, and always find a solution for everything. All you need to do is quench your fiery spirits, which give you the sense of urgency, think things through and you will find solutions to manage this month perfectly, from all perspectives. Perhaps the most rewarding part of this will be when the things you really wanted to achieve this month, like the travels, and being able to help or surprise someone very dear to you.
If, you get a grip on the situation while it's not too late, all the cards will act as if they were upright, giving you a sense of prosperity and happiness (that of your own amplified by the gratitude of your loved ones).

Six of coins reversed, Sun reversed and The Judgment. This combination means, that some unexpected events happened in the recent past. It might have been a material loss, money which you were sure was coming in, but didn't happen, or you have to pay much more than you expected and were willing too. While this apparently unfortunate event might have broken your enthusiasm, there are other things in your life, that displease you: stagnation from a social point of view, distance from friends and loved ones, feeling a little bit low and out of energy, and physical illness, especially migraines, headaches, blood pressure and digestive problems. While this beginning of the month may have been not so much in your favor, no need to feel despair, because something is coming your way which is going to change the course of things. The Judgment card speaks of a Divine intervention which is going to bring a solution to all the problems that you are facing this month and turn them around. So the loss that you suffered is going to be compensated, either by insurance or by someone who loves you, and in the end you will find yourself better off than you were before the loss. Either you get something much more valuable than what you lost, or a friendly gesture made out of love and compassion is going to make you very happy and content, not just for the physical, material help, but for making you feel special and loved.

Nine of coins reversed, Knight of Swords, and The Star reversed. You guys aren't very happy about any aspect of your lives, and find almost no satisfaction in anything that you currently do. The 9 of coins reversed speaks of a time where you put great effort and sacrifices into something, possibly job/work/career related and it's just not paying off. We're not even talking about money here, but personal, moral, soul satisfaction, and being happy within our own lives. The Knight of swords comes to your rescue, but perhaps in a way you wouldn't necessarily desire it. Information, new perspective, professional advice, response from an authority, etc, everything that has to do with communication, will show you exactly what you must do to turn this unhappy situation around. But, what you need to do will be the hardest thing for you guys, because emotionally you are not ready for this step. The Star reversed tells you that you need to give up on certain things and activities work/job/career wise, not because you may be overburdened or overwhelmed (even though that's a constant in your lives), but because it's making you unhappy, infecting you with feelings that you do not wish to feel, forcing you to constantly stare into the emptiness of your own lives.
But, the good part is, that once you muster up the courage to unify your dual nature, especially that part of you which clings to things and just doesn't wanna surrender, then the Star card is gonna reverse, and hope, good fortune and a sense of true self worth and esteem is gonna be showered unto you by the Universe. So be tough guys, hold on a bit longer and don't drown in your own unhappiness.

For Cancer natives, you might be going through a very tough and challenging time. Something in your life is changing, a cycle is coming to an end, in order for a new one to begin. The cards don't specify the nature of the ending, but what it does specify is that, you are well aware of what is coming and how inevitable it is, and you are prepared as much as you possibly can.
While the 10 of swords is the card of endings and defeat, this can also be interpreted as a necessary ending of something good, for example a job that you loved, but it's time to move on, so you had to stop your feelings in order to follow your best interest, it can be the end of a class, course, project that you loved. Separation from a group of friends, club, charity work, or this can even mean moving or exchanging houses. You have mixed feeling about the changes that are about to come, and you do feel some regret for all the things that must be left behind.
The Wheel of Fortune reversed means that this situation is not unique, you've been through similar cycles in life, more than once, so you know the possible outcome and that everything is going to be OK. A little time has to pass, and your mixed feelings will settle down, and you'll be loving your new life, the changes in at least one area of your life, and the past and the feelings you are sensing now are just gonna be a funny memory.

The 3 of swords is a clear sign that this year you went through so much hardship, heartbreak, and emotional distress, that it still weights heavily on your heart, and your wounds haven't quite closed yet.
There's a serious issue of trust, you were so used, played, disappointed that it's even hard to trust yourselves sometimes. The time to leave the hurts behind is finally here. A positive change, a success, a completion of something that you did mostly for yourself, a promotion, a manifestation of good luck, either came your way in the recent past, or is imminent to come. Yes, you are going to be happy, it will matter very much to you, but still not enough joy to balance the sorrow of the past.
Do not worry good things don't come alone, the Wheel of Fortune tells you, that true, substantial changes in your lives are almost knocking at your door, it's time to leave the emotions behind and concentrate on yourself, because you will have to be top shape when the Universe sends more good things your way.

The Page of wands reversed indicates, that in the recent past, you pulled all your strength together, and started serious work on something (the Virgo way). This might not be career related, but it has to do with something constructive, either a project, learning something new or doing something you never did before socially. When, you first started you were full of self control and enthusiasm, but as we advance through the month, you might have lost your “mojo”.
You feel tired, irritated, self-doubt, lack of inspiration, or too much inspiration going to opposite ends, you simply can't see your masterpiece, or the situation you want to create, as being complete, your mind can't foresee it's “finished” materialized form. There is no need to worry or to get paranoid about stuff, the High priestess reversed means that there is still information and connections missing from the "full picture", and that is why you are not sure of yourself and feel an immense pressure.
The World card upright, if just what you wanted to hear, by the next New Moon (in December) much much more information, connections that you need, unexpected help and support is coming your way. It also means, that even thought you feel a bit lost and tired at the moment, you need not fear, because the Universe is not only your ally in this case, BUT it is acting, co-creating with you, through you, so whatever it is that you are trying to accomplish can simply not fail. Yes it will change, evolve, reach different forms, than you imagined, but trust me it is going to be perfect.

You guys had a LOT to endure in the recent past, one area of your lives may have changed dramatically, and while you coped as best as you possibly could, this left you tired, and stress and lack of proper diet, left your bodies weak and vulnerable. But you made it! Now is the time to rest, and while doing so contemplate, plan the future, dream, and plant the seeds of intention for next year.
As you can see the 7 of cups shows almost in infinite number of possibilities, dreams, desires, fantasies. Some that have to do with creativity, some that have to do with an unusual talent that you possess, but mostly it has to do with love, and family. The Queen of coins reversed is telling you, that the soil of your life isn't fertile yet, isn't ready to instantly manifest everything that you desire in this new found calm, happy and enthusiastic state, but if you have a little bit more patience what is to come will surpass you wildest dreams. The 8 of wands might indicate a journey, either someone dear visiting you from long distance, or you visiting someone.
Alternatively it can speak of a love story heading your way, and this journey isn't a physical one, but a journey into someone's soul and inner world, a place which fascinates you way more than physical reality.

The 8 of wands reversed means that finally the time is here, to take things a bit more easily. Since August, this year, work wise, socially (friends, family, home) you were super-solicited. The amount of work you did, and the amount of running around even traveling to satisfy everyone's needs, all the small things, all the minor details, all the finishing touches were left for you to complete, so it comes as no surprise that you are emotionally, physically, mentally drained.
The 8 of wands reversed also means illness especially mobility problems, back, limb, muscle, neck pains, tension in the muscles all of which lead to migraines and fatigue. It is true, that, I said that it is a time to take it easy and rest a bit, but your Scorpio nature won't allow you to rest for more than a day or two, as the 3 of coins indicates, the work continues, but as we approach the third week of November, it is going to get much more rewarding, advances, progresses are going to be made, new plans, ideas will arise to take your career into a new, fresh higher direction.
The High Priestess reversed means, that certain secrets, things which you weren't aware of, are going to be revealed to you, and this will lead you to make certain decisions with more clarity and wisdom in the first months of 2019.

The Knight of Cups reversed with the 10 of swords reversed, tells a pretty grim story. Misunderstanding, conflicts, emotional turmoil with someone dear to you, possibly a family member, life partner, child or best friend will escalate, to such an extent, that you will simply choose to move on.
The 10 of swords is truly the card of defeat, but in this case, it is your ambition, your stubbornness, your unwillingness to accept the fact that you can't help the situation, is what's gonna be defeated.
Since it is reversed, it's a very good sign because emotional healing and strength follows. This doesn't necessarily mean that all ties and bonds are gonna be severed, and bridges are gonna be burnt, but rather that, the emotional aspect is simply not gonna bother you anymore, and you will learn to ignore, not care, and just enjoy yourself in this new state of emotional separation.
Once, this is achieved, the 3 of cups is going to be reversed, and emotional satisfaction will reach you from various other areas of your life.
This may be a very nice gesture made for you by someone dear, it might be an unexpected help and someone to support you emotionally, or this may even mean a surprise get together made in your honor.
Slowly, but surely all the things that matter for a Sagittarius in life are going to come together, and it will give you a chance, a different perspective, to look at your life, and to see just how fortunate you are compared to other people, because those around you truly value you, just that the expression of this isn't always easy, mostly because of your exaggerated modest nature.

The Hermit card suggests, in the recent past, you have done some serious soul searching, and focused on your priorities. You were harsh with yourself, the ultimate critic, and this way, you dispelled all false hopes, false promises, and eliminated from your mind everything that no longer advantaged you and was illusionary in nature.
This was a long and pretty painful process, but Capricorn is always the master of it's own fate, and as we know sometimes the hand of fate must be forced. If the opportunities and chances that you were wanting didn't come as soon as you hoped for, thanks to your inner work, you attracted, draw them into your life. But perhaps you overdid it just a bit, because your gravity was so strong that it pulled in perhaps more than one possibility.
As the 3 of wands reversed at the end suggest, all of this is good news, because the wait is over. All you need to do now is make a choice, based on the heart, this time, because everything that you attracted into your life is equally as satisfying, it's just a matter of what gives you even more joy and emotional fulfillment. The time to plan and initiate things like paperwork, contracts, projects etc. is finally here, so the Universe wants you to know to keep up the good work, and by next Spring your harvest might be there for you to enjoy!

The New Moon in Scorpio surely had a very beneficial effect on Aquarius natives. It is true that in the recent past you probably went through hell, and traumas that you didn't even know you had resurfaced, but you did a fantastic job and dealt with everyone who was the cause of pain in your life and also successfully faced your inner demons.
Those of you who are single, well all I can say you are gonna have a very busy time meeting new people, dating, flirting, being admired by others, and even if you don't find the person of your dreams, these social activities, and the fact that you can fully be yourselves without any restriction, will greatly increase your self-confidence and make your life a more colorful and happier place.
Those of you who are in a steady relationship, have the chance to once and for all put aside all differences, conflicts, problems, forgive old mistakes, and embark on a new journey in life where you are a couple more than you have ever been before. For those of you who are simply living in partnership, this might mean the first steps towards an engagement.
While this seems too good to be true, there are also hidden dangers. For Venus (going direct very soon) it doesn't matter is you are single or partnered, she will still send lots of flirtatious, sexual, seductive energies in your way, so be sure you can handle it. Third party situations are quite a possibility in the second part of the month.

The Ace of Cups opens the reading for Pisces natives, which is one of the best signs possible. Th Ace of cups speaks of an emotional empowerment, one which didn't come from any “human” source, but from the Divine it's self.
A revelation, epiphany, dream, intuition, divine guidance... it matters little how this state of clarity and self-empowerment reached you, what truly matters is that your feelings are crystal clear now.
In the recent past, you might have let others drain all the waters from your cup, you might have been used, played, manipulated, taken advantage of your pure and good nature, but the Divine was your ally and by Novembers New Moon, everything was revealed to you.
The Moon reversed means that you fought your fears, your insecurities, you identified that area of your life, and of your soul, where you are at the most vulnerable and finally decided to fight for yourself and for your own happiness.
By putting your self as Nr1 priority, things are changing dramatically in your life, and all for the better. Career, Money, Love, Family, The Self, all areas of your life are finally starting to work in supreme harmony. Soon enough you are gonna be strong, and willing to make the final step, the final leap, as the 4 of wands suggest, you are gonna step out of your comfort zone, and stand up for yourself and break the bonds with people situations, companies etc, which help you back and used you!