Hi everyone, this November is a very special month from an astrological point of view, as you probably read in the previous articles, or any other astrology website, or youtube.
The main reason for this is Jupiter, the great benefactor, the planet of blessings and good fortune, who is changing signs, moving into it's home sign of Sagittarius. What this means in detail, you can read in previous articles, for now let's just agree on the fact that it is a source of good fortune, good vibes, good karma for everyone.
Since, we are aware of what is happening, we can either sit back and passively open our palms to receive the blessings, or we can lend a helping hand to this great Planet, by guiding it's energies into areas of our lives, which need a bit of positive change or "upgrade" the most.
I have specially chosen today, to publish this article, since Thursday is associated with Jupiter, so what better day to work with this Celestial guardian.
If you do not have the time, place or occasion today to perform this meditation, it's no problem at all, because Jupiter moves very slowly, so this astrological configuration is going to last for a very long time, so feel free to choose the time to perform this when it's the most convenient for you.
Before you start the meditation, it would be wise to take a bath/shower, and while the water flows down your body, simply wish it to cleanse you from all negative thought/energy and all useless mental "clutter".
When you're done, and ready to begin, choose a comfortable place in the house or outdoors in nature, or wherever you feel the most comfortable and can be alone for a few minutes undisturbed. You can light a candle or more, incense, essential oils, whatever helps you to get into a spiritual vibe.
Once you're settled in and ready, clear your head, do a couple of breathing exercises, and if you feel that you need a bit of extra help to calm down and to clear you mind you can say the OM mantra, or any other mantra, prayer etc that you usually use.
Once you're ready, close your eyes, and visualize the great Planet or it's planetary symbol. The way you mentally perceive/see Jupiter is not very relevant, just know that it is a fountain of pure power, and right now it acts as the "Mercy" of the Universe.
After you become familiar with this state, visualize that Jupiter is a sphere of pure power that fits in the palm of your hand. Gently grab it, and direct it towards your heart/ heart chakra.
Once this is completed, think of an area of life where you most need a blessing, or you can simply skip this, focusing on your persona, your being as a whole, instead of just one area of your life.
Visualize, (basically daydream) about all the things you wish to gain, (new job, more money, travels, new lover, prosperity in general, good fortune with something specific, greater spiritual power etc. whatever makes you happy).
Once the notion of what it is that you desire, need help with is very clear in your mind, stop focusing on the thoughts, and start FEELING. Imagine that which you desire, is already present in your life. In the meditative state, simply create a reality, in which you are already living that which you desire, remember, this is your own inner world, your fantasy, anything is possible, even jumping ahead in time!
Now focus deeply on the feelings that you get, the happiness that you would feel, if that which you desire, would become reality. Enjoy this happy state as much as you can, focus on your happiness, on the joy that you would feel and let this grow in your heart chakra.
When you feel ready, offer the Great Planet and Jupiter all the feelings of happiness that you felt, and in exchange for this gift (the expression of the joy of life) that you offered, ask for it's blessing to swiftly and without delay to be showered upon you!
You can repeat this all through November and December!