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May's tarot-scope for all signs

Hi everyone, please enjoy your tarot-scope for the month of May! If you like the readings, find them useful and would like to see more in the future, please feel free to show your support by clicking on the donation button. Thank you!


Those of you born under the sign of Aries, might have been through a very tough time emotionally and mentally, life may have been extremely complicated, you may have had the tendency to please others, often ignoring yourself and your own emotional needs, and this may have led to either conflict or an emotional distancing. From a material perspective, you may feel a very strong burden, because your work/job/source of income may feel like a sacrifice which isn't paying off, and it's not the material aspect you are unsatisfied with, but rather the lack of appreciation, satisfaction or you may feel that the motivational power you put into your work is simply not producing any results. And from this perspective many Aries natives desire a big change of circumstances, either the people you work with start to change and show more respect, or you are prepared to cut all ties and start something totally new and fresh. The Judgment card suggest, that the time to take such a big risk, or better said leap of faith is not here yet, but May is going to show you exactly where you stand, the events, communications, and even coincidences are going to reflect if that what you feel (the lack of appreciation and motivation) is something very real and you imperatively have to do something about it, or if it's just you being a little bit too harsh on yourself and everyone around you. Either way you are going to get the answers and clarity which you desire, after which in the second part of May, you are going to make plans for your future, and these plans are sure to be followed and executed, because you are going to display a very high level of self discipline, ambition and your inner warrior is going to be more active than ever. Also there's a very positive energy, which soothes the wounds of your ego, and if there were any break-ups, harsh words said, conflicts, disagreements in the recent past which you might regret, chances are you are going to re-conciliate and any friendships which you might have though to be broken can resume. Also, the Magician suggest that certain things which you initiated in January might come to fruition, offering you a pleasant surprise.

Advice from the Universe: The Hermit, through this card, the Universe urges you to seek truth and clarity within yourself, and to allocate as much time as possible for taking care of your own needs, may they be physical (like going to an osteopath or massage to relax your body) or just enjoying the things that inspire you and feed your soul (like watching your favorite movies, reading your favorite books, listening to your favorite songs or guided meditation all in order to release stress and anxiety). The hermit card also suggests, that those Aries natives who are single, are going to make new acquaintances with people who they can develop a soul connection with, these might be new friends, or a potential lover, but regardless of how things play out, this is going to advance very slowly, because the wisdom of your past experiences taught you that it's better to get to know someone very well before committing.


Taureans might be facing a very dual situation, because the material aspect of your lives may not be the brightest (due to a debt you had to pay off, or a little bit of overspending in the recent past), but there's a certain energy of hope and optimism in the air, which might cause you to live in your own world of hopes and desires, rather than physical reality. This may come as a response from your subconscious, to regenerate your spirit, because in the recent past and probably even the present, you might be supporting and helping people close to your heart, who are going through hardships, or facing ill health, and this drains your emotional power, so this is the way your being is blocking out the suffering and negativity of those around you. The month of May holds very pleasant surprises for you, the Ace of swords represent good news/ opportunities which arrive through the internet, e-mail, on-line/a promise coming from someone, which can lead you to greater prosperity/ or a significant evolution if you are waiting on documents, decisions, papers from banks, institutions, or it could represent big, significant contract if you work in such a domain. Either way it's going to advantage you, inspire you, direct you towards the right direction, if you are looking for a new business opportunity, new job, or simply divine guidance, then it is sure to enter your life. The emotional support that you have offered those close to you in the recent past, will be returned to you in the most unexpected ways, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the small pleasures of life and maybe spend some time in nature, spend some time with friends, social circle, engage in activities which offer you experiences of lightheartedness, laughter, emotional freedom, expressing yourself. Advice from the Universe: 6 of Air. From a spiritual perspective, in the month of May, showing gratitude and simply feeling lucky to be alive and being yourself, may have a very powerful and profound positive effect on all areas of your life. When you charge yourself with the power of gratitude and being grateful for all the blessings that are present in your life, you will become a magnet, for a greater manifestation of that energy. Since, both Uranus and the Sun are in your area of the sky, positive thinking and positive affirmation may bring unexpected manifestation of that which you affirm/ of that which you speak out.


Natives born under the sign of Gemini, might be going through a very frustrating phase of their lives, because things are not progressing as fast as they would like, and opportunities come and go much faster than their minds can keep up with (and believe me, the mind of a Gemini works like a quantum computer, so it's as fast as it gets) and they may feel like the Universe is playing games or tricks on them. This lack of material evolution, is contrasted by the fact that emotionally, after a very long period of self doubt, not knowing what they want, not being able to figure out what the next step in their personal evolution might be, they have reached a state of self respect, self love, emotional clarity, being happy with whom they are on the inside, and releasing a huge amount of emotional baggage, traumas and disappointments from the past, and they feel ready to be free, to be alive and to fulfill their dreams, but material and financial evolution, or solutions to their problems of such nature, doesn't seem to enter their lives, and the waiting is condemning them to a slow and painful mental torture. The Month of May is going change all of this, opportunities and unforeseen chances may enter the lives of Gemini, but they are going to be far from being ideal, so this will cause a certain level of hesitation, and this time around it is them whom will slow down the process, because everything must be thought through and analyzed again, very carefully. The fact that, these possible solutions have a degree of risk attached to them, will make some natives very anxious and unsure of themselves, but the power of their own emotional clarity that they have reached, is going to persist and see them through. They will come to realize that matter and the material aspect of life can never hold them prisoners, and they are going to improvise and think of new ways of how to reach financial and material evolution. The Ace of Swords in reversed position suggests, that a very unexpected communication and information, which they may have requested in the past, and even forgot about, may reach them during the month of May, and it will be something worth considering, because it can represent a secondary income, unexpected help, an offer worth keeping.

Advice from the Universe: 8 of water This card suggests, that people, situations, partner, parents or society in general may challenge you and may contradict your inner truth during this time, and it would be wise not to engage in conflict, it would be wise, not to fight for the superiority of your point of view, if such challenges enter your life, just “swim” away with a smile, knowing that you hold your inner most truth inside yourself and no one can take that away, and no one can change your mind by force. Also, during this period, the 8 of water suggests, that mental and emotional escapism can be something very useful and favorable, it is more than OK to temporary submerge in things/activities, which engage your mind, your creativity, your flirtatious nature, just don't get lost in them.


Natives born under the sign of Cancer, may experience a time of heightened loneliness, even though they may be surrounded by lots of people, friends, colleagues etc, they may not feel very understood and connected to others on an emotional level. There is a strong energy of fantasy, illusion, daydreaming, which might make it difficult for them to anchor themselves in reality, especially from an emotional perspective. This sense of loneliness is amplified by the fact that, they are not sufferers of their own illusions, because deep down inside they know that the person they might have a crush on is not the right one for them, or all those beautiful, romantic, perfect life experiences that they dream about only happen in movies and novels, but still they can not stop themselves from hoping and dreaming. The energies of May are going to come as a wake up call, to escape their own idealism and romantic natures and to profit and benefit the most from what life has to offer them, because those things that they dream about are going to actually become reality, just not they way they though, not as perfect, flawless as they would desire, or the Universe might offer them an alternative, for example a romance, but not with the people they wished. But nevertheless, if they are wise and smart enough to make a compromise with their own souls, they can actually enjoy very beautiful moments, meet new and old friends alike, make progress and advancements in their finances and careers very easily, and they might receive an unexpected gift or a token of gratitude from someone who they helped, or impressed in the past.

Advice from the Universe: Explorer of Water. This card suggests that Cancer natives should take full advantage of the benefit of their astrological ruler, the Moon. The Moon is the queen, who both ethereally and physically rules tides, moves the sea levels, so all Cancer natives have to do is wait patiently until the waters of their own emotions are favorable, and then just ride the tides, just enjoy the waves, enter the state of flow and let the waters of both emotional and material abundance wash their way. Their intuitive nature, dreams, emotional intelligence is the best “nautical compass” in all the zodiac, they will know exactly when to surf and when it's best to stay at shore. But flow can only come your way if you surrender, and pull up the anchor, because rooting yourself and focusing all your emotions on an ambition of yours, is not going to get you anywhere.


Natives born under the sign of Leo, may have had difficulties in their relationships. There might have been tension, disagreements, contradictory point of views with their partners, colleagues, associates or children. This lack of harmony could have caused a certain financial instability due to a little bit of irresponsibility or spending money unwisely, something which was mirrored by their partners or people they share resources with. The month of May if going to present it's self as a perfect opportunity to recover financially and to reach a state of harmony with those people they might have had conflicts or disagreements with, but this doesn't necessarily mean the consolidation of the union, harmony can also be reached by cutting all ties, the last leading towards self harmony, being true to your own truth So for some natives this will come as a compromise and mutual understanding, while for others moving on and possibly finding someone new who sparks their interest. In very rare cases, the 2 of cups reversed can signify a third party situation, where a separation from one or the other is going to be inevitable. Also, the end of the month is going to feel quite magical, because Leo natives are going to find an ingenious way to produce some extra income, and many of their plans and desires are going to come to fruition, with the condition not to be impatient and to open up to all possibilities, signified by the 7 of wands reversed. If you drop down your defenses, stop defending your emotional territory and allow new people to enter you life, some might notice your value, talents, worth and encouraged by your positive and open attitude they might come with offers, especially for those Leos who are freelancers or do project based work. This can also come in the shape of a change in your position as a reward or the grant of your request, suggestion by a superior/manager.

Advice from the Universe: Six of Water. This card urges you to stop defending your heart and feelings with such fierceness, because you no longer need to fear being hurt or disappointed. You are strong enough to face any possible scratches to your ego, and wise enough to detect a toxic person before they get the chance to do any damage. This card urges you to take off all your “clothes” from an emotional perspective, take off your masks, stop hiding your true self and let it shine and blaze like your ruler, the Sun, and this will attract people who appreciate that which you hold the most sacred: honesty, and this can lead you towards making new life long friends or getting into a social circle which matches your values and vision about life.


Natives born under the sign of Virgo, may have went through a very harsh period in the recent past, the 5 of wands suggests, conflict, disagreements, having to struggle and fight for every single solution of their problems, a very tensionate atmosphere at work, daily routine, and it can also mean redoing, rethinking, adjusting a project or something they are working on several times, tiring these natives out mentally, emotionally and psychically as well. The fact that Virgo natives are almost forcing an incredible degree of ambition and resilience upon themselves, just adds to the problems, because the stress and mental agitation of the recent past may turn into hormonal imbalances and aches and pains spreading across the body. The good news is that, the month of May brings very productive energies, which are going to, finally offer Virgo natives the chance to get back on track. The Wheel of Fortune, represents the occurrence of a fated events, once which close one chapter in their lives and opens up another, but this new beginning will not feel like something fresh and new, because you worked every muscle and neuron in your body for it's creation. Also to fully get every area of your lives, especially the one related to fiances and career, back on track additional choices and options have to be made, and it's also possible that you may receive an unexpected help from an authority (bank, council, professional organization etc), but the unexpected element doesn't mean that it's something new, but rather you already gave up hope. Also, for those Virgo natives who are in a stable relationship, the month of May, can strengthen your relationship from a legal perspective, so it could turn into a marriage proposal or engagement. For single natives, this energy can manifest as a shared investment, shared inheritance, shared donation which they are going to receive from their families.

Advice from the Universe: Strength. This card encourages you not to give into your fears, not to drop your standards, not to decrease your concentration and all the energy that you are putting into your work, because this is a very favorable period, where the pure strength of your will can overcome any obstacle and any challenge. Gathering up all the power that you have in you and investing it, during this period, is going to guarantee you success, but this success is going to reach it's peak in the month of August, and it is then, when you are truly going to be grateful to yourself for holding out and doing everything in your power to bring into your life that which you have desired.


Libra natives might be experiencing the full force of the Pluto retrograde in Capricorn energies. In the past you have been through a very painful separation, one which subconsciously you are still trying to process, but there are hurts deep down inside which are still blocking you from enjoying a state of total emotional freedom. Due to your romantic nature, you may not desire freedom at this time, but mentally you realize that it is something you have to achieve, even if it hurts, and even if it involves facing loneliness. Additionally, this combination of cards can also represent a different type of trauma, an emotional distance, which you've always had with your parents, sibling, someone very close to you, and it might be the case that it is these traumas that are resurfacing and blocking you. You are troubled by the fact that you do not meet the expectation of people who should be close to you and look up to you, and your past sacrifices may not be appreciated, this adding some salt in your wounds. The month of May is going to be easier energy, because you will refuse to suffer, you will refuse to dwell on things you can not change, and rather search for an alternative source of happiness. During this time material success, and material values might not matter that much to you, which will disconnect you a little bit from this area of your life. But this is not a negative aspect, because it will allow you to connect to your deepest most spiritual side and you are going to find answers in that corner of your soul, answers which will liberate you, because you are going to find the strength and courage to face truths in your life, which you didn't really wish to know and have blocked out, because they were contradictory to your idealistic way of seeing things. Success, progress and moving forward can be obtained by letting go and creating brand new hopes and dreams, and being able to feel excitement, for the unexpected and mysterious future, and embracing a state of serendipity.

Advice from the Universe: The Magician. This card challenges you to discover your own, individual unique magic within yourself. The Universe is telling you that both mentally and emotionally you were quite successful with understanding, making sense and ultimately mastering aspects of the world outside yourself (career/job/the ways of society/how to get what you desire by working with the rules that govern the material world), but right now the time has come to discover how your inner Universe works, and to get to know yourself though a process of auto-psychoanalysis, so that you can understand even your deepest and most “irrational” feelings and emotions. By combining the exterior mastery with the inner mastery can you obtain that which you desire the most, living a kind of life you have always dreamed of!


Natives born under the sign of Scorpio are going through significant inner and outer changes. In the recent past you might have ambitioned yourself to release the past and an old way of thinking, and especially forgiving and forgetting those people that have hurt you, instead seeing them as sources of valuable life experiences, which have taught you how to be a true warrior and to stand up for yourself. The month of May is going to further provide you means by which you can further evolve and transform yourself into a much more stable, wiser and successful version of you. Career wise things might not go as you have planned or foreseen, but this is nothing to be concerned about, because during this time problems might simply solve themselves, and progress is going to be made, but in which direction it leads you towards might not really be in your hands, and might not exactly go according to you will, but the outcome is going to be more than satisfactory. From an emotional perspective, the energies of May are going to be quite delightful, single natives are going to enjoy a time of flirt and romance, and those in a steady relationship might be invited to a journey, social event, wedding or some kind of celebration, which will provide them with a wonderful opportunity to enjoy beautiful moments with their praters and with loved ones, friends. Things are not going to be as favorable regarding the evolution of legal documents, possible court cases, official responses you may have requested, or anything to do with justice, this area of your life will enter a short stagnation, a stagnation which has a positive side, allowing your thoughts to be focused elsewhere.

Advice from the Universe: Seven of Earth. This card urges you to be as compassionate and open hearted towards your friends and people you work with or have any kind of relation, because, this will be a perfect opportunity to show your social surrounding the kind of person you truly are. Good deeds, help, support, generosity of all kind is going to win you the highest respect, and you will greatly benefit from your present kindness in the future. Your compassionate actions and selflessness during this time are going to attract all the right kind attention into your life.


Natives born under the sign of Sagittarius might be going through a phase of mental blockages. Worries, fears of not living up to other peoples expectations, regrets, fears to make wrong choices are creating chaos in the minds of these natives. These worries also have a financial element attached to them, but not regarding the present, rather they are trying to plan and foresee their future, from a financial point of view, because they aren't only thinking about themselves, but also their close ones, families, and most of all “what ifs”, in case anyone dear to them might need their help and support, especially regarding money. The energies of May won't be any easier, because Sagittarius natives might find the right thoughts and the most favorable way of thinking, in order to banish the mental chaos they are going through but certain problems, conflicts, disagreements, moral obligations, debts which originate from last year, may return into their lives, and when faced with these problems they will be fully occupied and ambitioned to put things right and to erase anything negative or restrictive which comes from the past. Career/work/business/project wise, May is going to prove to be a month which doesn't promise much evolution, this area of life is going to face stagnation, much to the annoyance and disapproval of Sagittarius natives. There is also a very positive aspect which comes in form of either a present, a gesture of respect and love, or a honor, un-requested gesture of kindness bestowed upon them by someone who they had a close connection with in the past and still do, but that person may live far away from them in the present moment. Or this could appear in the form of an invitation to go overseas or in a foreign country, combining a wonderful, holiday experience with reunion and catching up. The month of May can also bring very unpleasant surprises health wise, because if you are suffering from a condition, there could be flare-up, or a medical problem which originates from the past may return. Advice from the Universe: Child of Water. The Universe advises you not to succumb to childish emotions, and not to lose your temper, because during this time you may tend to be a little bit irrational and extremely irritable. Before you express your feelings, it would be advised to think things through, because you shouldn't express things in such a manner in which you wouldn't like to be subjected to yourself. Also focus upon your emotional maturity and stability, because during this time, you have to know how take criticism, if you learn not to take it personally it can be a source of learning and greater wisdom, because not everyone around you criticizes you in order to hurt you, but rather to help and guide you.


Natives born under the sign of Capricorn might be in for a huge surprise in the month of May. For those of you who are single, a lover from the past might return to your life. There is a high chance that this will lead both of you to reconnecting to each other, to talk things through and understand the events of the past, why your relationship didn't work, and even another union is possible. But, things are going to be taken very slowly, neither you or the returning ex-lover are going to rush things, and the meeting of fates is going to feel like breath of fresh air for both of your. For those of you who are in a committed relationship, should be very careful because your current partner may not approve of your past returning, and there might be a display of jealousy and disharmony. Absolute honesty might not be the right choice right now, a more discrete approach or a while lie might prove more useful. From a professional perspective the month of May will prove extremely prosperous, giving you the opportunity to earn extra income and also learn something new, or perfect a skill you already have. You might get involved in different project, some of which might be forced upon you, and because of your high workload you might get extremely tired, exhausted and irritable. Conflicts are also likely to spark up at your workplace, you might share your opposing point of view to that of either a superior or someone under your leadership, an event which might hurt you emotionally a little bit, but it's not going to affect work.

Advice from the Universe: The Tree (Hanged man) This card tells you to trust in yourself, to trust in your own judgment, to trust in the clearheaded logic you see things with and don't allow the influence or blurred vision of those around you in manipulate you in any way. During this time people might reflect your not so good qualities back at you, in an attempt to change your perspective, to force you to adapt to their needs, and while negotiation and compromise are always valuable tool, just be sure not to let anyone walk over you and make you doubt yourself , your choices and especially your self worth.


Natives born under the sign of Aquarius may have suffered certain disadvantages, regarding their social and love lives. People, who appeared as friends, may have shown their true colors, may have made mistakes which Aquarian natives can't simply un-notice or forget, they might have been victims of manipulation, mind games coming from narcissistic people, but fortunately their quick minds and cold logic, and maybe even sharp intuition damasked everyone around them, so now they know exactly where they stand. Deception is only painful when it is revealed, so this isn't something as negative as it could have been., because disappointment is something these natives are used too, and since the damage was prevented, these experiences merely serve to strengthen their self trust and value the power of their intuition that much more. For those who are in steady relationship, this energy might have been a little bit more painful, because the deceiver might have been their partners who they trusted, so this sort of disappointment is a bit harder to process and accept. The energies of May are not going to be any easier, quite the contrary, their past bad experiences and mistrust is going to concern them the most, ignoring almost all other areas of their lives. Perhaps the financial area won't really be ignored, because they have BIG hopes and dreams and need to find a little bit of extra income to help them achieve a heightened degree of financial stability, but even though new sources of money will be found, there's a very strong energy of wastefulness, and they might be tempted to purchase very expensive things they might regret later. If someone owes you a larger sum of money or something that can be evaluated in money, then there is a chance that this debt is gonna be re payed in May, but as I wrote earlier, be careful of wasteful tendencies, because it can go as quickly as it comes, and while whatever you are willing to purchase will delight you, it's going to lead you to financial hardship in the next 4 months. Advice from the Universe: 2 of water. This card suggests, that even though many people may leave your life, or at least your heart in the weeks to come, you shouldn't get sour, your shouldn't let these disheartening events distance you from true life-long friends, family and people who already proved their absolute loyalty to you continuously in the past, because you might rely on their emotional support and their unconditioned love more than ever. During this time, a maternal figure, or a relative older than yourself might be your greatest ally and friend, so be sure to keep relations as harmonious as possible with them.


Natives born under the sing of Pisces, might have been a little bit too optimistic and may have gotten lost in their wishful thinking in the recent past. While some of their plans, especially regarding business and financial evolution did come to fruition, it certainly wasn't as prosperous as they would have hoped for. These heightened expectations might cause some of these natives a spiritual” winter”, where they might tend to distance themselves from their inner world and spirituality, because they might think that their intuition is playing tricks on them. The truth is, intuition needs to be “healthy” and balanced, if wishful thinking and overoptimism has a stronger grip on your then reality and logic, then it's very easy to get disappointed, but instead of harnessing bad feeling, try expressing gratitude and being happy for all the things that did manifest, even though not perfectly, it still got you a small advantage and evolution. The month of May has very versatile energies in store for you, because from a financial, material career-wise perspective, the evolution is going to continue, slow and steady, but conflicts might arise. Business partners, friends who you take for granted, associates, allies, colleagues, co-workers might back stab you by expressing their dissatisfaction with your work ethic, or they won't keep their promises, might abandon you, or might not cooperate, causing you to reevaluate your friendship/partnership. In contrast to this, you might receive a very pleasant surprise, gift, an expression of love, support from your family, or it could even be an invitation to travel somewhere and spend some time with each other. Regardless, if it's your family of origin or the family of your own, harmonious energies and doing things together will nurture your soul and recharge your batteries.

Advice from the Universe: Justice. This card suggests that you keep a very strong balance between your emotions and thoughts, between your heart and mind, because if you allow the scales to swing in either direction, it can lead to mistakes and choices which you are going to regret later. Also, the justice card can represent, that if you feel that you are not treated fairly, or you are a victim of any kind of injustice, or you are not treated as an equal, you need to take action and express your true feeling. Without action or with subtle ways to go about this, the scales simply can't change their position and you are going to get stuck in an emotional black hole, which can cause all the negative energies and aspects typical for Pisces natives to dominate you. If you feel like a victim, you must look for ways to change this status, even if sometimes this may require some harshness from your side.



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