Hi everyone, welcome this very important astrology update. This time, we're not going analyze the dance of the planets, but we're taking a look at a very important aspect, which involves the North node.
Before I get started on what changes this brings, most of you probably have no idea on what a North node is. Nodes, (south, north) are not planets, are not celestial bodies, they do not exist in the physical sense. They are merely imaginary points in the sky, calculated by astrologists. The North node, represents the direction where your life, and karma is taking you all the things you can accomplish and thus evolve, the South node represents the challenges and lessons of life you have to overcome, in order to make sure that you receive all the blessings that the direction of the North node can take you.
This is a VERY important aspect , because nodes move very very slowly, and the energies of the signs where they reside in have a predominant effect. Until the 7th of November the North node is in Leo. This means, that the last 2 years Leo energy dominated your life, your choices, your desires, your aspirations. Leo is a very fiery and passionate sing which has much to do with expressing your self, expressing the person who you are. Leo is very dynamic, always seeking to try new things, live new experiences, is not afraid to take risks, it's not afraid to make sacrifices in order to get to where it wants.
You had the chance, the opportunities, to know yourself, to see all the things you are capable of, to be in the spotlight in one or more area of your life. This period when the North node, resided in Leo, people who work with the public, who were always in the public eye, (actors, streamers, you-tubers, public speakers, sales-people, dancers, TV/Radio announcers, customer service people, lifeguards, politicians, lawyers, spokesperson, and anything else who works face to face with people, public) were in their element, and had the chance to discover their full inner masteries, and to express this.
For others, Leo energy meant self discovery. You had the chance to see what is it that you truly love, feel passionate about, and what are your limits, in the sense how far are you willing to go to do that which you love. Of course the career, material aspect isn't the most important one, what truly matters is love, relationship and inter-human connections.
The past 2 years you had the chance to meet new people, form love-relationships with different types of personalities. Regardless of how the relationships played out, all the people you attracted in your life were life lessons, and valid mirrors to see yourself more clearly in. The lessons that originated from these experiences, showed you who you really are, and what love and the expression of love means to you. For most people these were slightly negative experiences, because you came to realize just how incompatible you truly are with shallow people, and just how sacred love and relationship is to you. In your younger, more naive ways, love may have been just a game for you, or a source of financial, material stability, or maybe just another mean to dispel boredom, solitude. But as the North node slowly started moving towards it's future home of Cancer (7th of Nov) you became emotionally mature, love games, battle of egos, the financial aspect of love, became a heavy burden and you came to realize that you no longer wish to tolerate anything, you no longer wish to make any compromise, you can no longer endure things which you don't identify with, and you also saw all the bad qualities in your self and the big influence of your ego, against which you ultimately won the battle.
Right now you life from every aspect might be a bit of a mess and unstable, and you simply can't figure out why, what are you doing wrong? You felt so happy and content that you finally found yourself, broke all connections with undeserving people, you probably quit jobs because you didn't feel a sense of accomplishment and value, and you faced so very many of your fears, and overcame traumas of the past, especially childhood.... and still while, inside you are a totally new person, and you are so proud of yourself for reaching this stage of your spiritual and personal evolution, then why isn't the physical aspect of your life reflecting this?
The answer for this question lies in the South node, which was in Aquarius, which until now gave you all the things you needed to change old habits, and to see your own personal truth and the futility of living according to societies illusions. You attracted so many fake friends in your life, in orders to see just how very different you are, and to acknowledge once and for all, that your good nature, is not just a mask you hide beneath, but it's the real you! The energies of Aquarius, got you into so many tight situations for the exact same reason, to give you the chance to do things differently, than the old, childish immature you would have done. And let me tell you this, all of you who are reading these lines at the present moment did more than a fantastic job, so CONGRATULATIONS!
The South node is going to move into the sign of Capricorn, a sign which at the present moment has 2 very influential planets residing in it. Pluto and Saturn.
It is the influence of these 2 major players, that your life is so unstable and almost in ruins at the moment. When Pluto and Saturn join forces, the cleans and purge every single aspect of your life. The first sign of this in the balance of karma. Everything that you did wrong these past 9 years, is going to be reflected back at you, and you're gonna learn the lessons the hard way but in a very short amount of time (2016-2018). The second stage is breaking of friendships and people disparaging from your life. The New you, who is now creating so much good karma, is no longer compatible with sources of negativity, disruption and parasites. The last stage is feeling lost. You found all this inner resource, all the purity, all the emotional supremacy within you, you are wiser, stronger, blessed with incredibly inner beauty and inspirations, but still this inner world of yours can';t be expressed in your real life.
I have some very good news for you! This is the true new beginning. As soon as the North node, moves into Cancer, slowly, but surely your life will start to actually reflect the person who you became. Cancer is a very emotional sign, it values the purity of feelings, love, harmony, friendship, unconditional help of any kind, charity, mercy, family and is capable of absolutely ANYTHING to ensure that all of these values which matter the most in life are not only present but very stable and are gonna be there for a very long time.
This is a perfect change to settle down, find the true life partner that you long for, to build a home, buy a house, move to the place in the world where you heart always wanted you to live in, to reconnect with family, to honor and value the true friends and allies you have in your life, and last but no least to do the work you love.
Starting from the 7th of November when this transition takes place, the Cancer energy is going to be in it's baby stage, so expect heightened emotional vulnerability, and an explosion of spiritual energies. While the emotional vulnerability is the weakness of Cancer, there is no need to be afraid, because it will open you up, for all the spiritual blessings that are going to enter your life. And most probably this is the biggest change, because this doesn't merely mean that you are going to benefit from heightened intuitive state, and feel more guided, but you will witness true divine intervention and the power to manifest that which you love the most.
The most powerful, magical, mystical time for this is going to be the December of 2019 when the South node will bless you with all the qualities of Capricorn. Cancer is easily overcome by emotions, and struggles when material, social, financial aspects of life are a source of unrest. Capricorn on the other hand, can easily switch off emotions and live in the present, deal with all problems in the most efficient and lucid way, by enforcing it's pure, unshockable, unmovable will.
When you combine the emotional power of Cancer, and the rock hard will of Capricorn, you get the ultimate power of manifestation. And indeed, when Pluto and Saturn will form a conjunction in Capricorn December 2019, it will be the time when everything you ever worked for, sacrificed for, dreamed and hoped for, is going to get REAL, stable and last for the last of your life. You see all the soul searching, all the lessons, all the failed "experiments", all the bad choices in love, all the unpublished work, all the times you help back and battled with your own ego, is going to pay off, and we're not talking about years, we're talking about NOW, because the Cancer energy is just in it's baby stages. All the good, all the blessings, all the ideas, all the premonitions that you are getting now, are going to grow get bigger, stronger as we advance towards 2019.
The love you've always dreamed of, the home you've always wanted to live in, the job you've always wanted to get into, the magic that you've always dreamed of being part of, the mysteries of life and the Universe that always fascinated you are coming you way, so do not give up, and push as hard as you possibly can, because we're almost at the finish line!