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Magical Full Moon in Libra (19th of April)

Hi everyone, and welcome to this astrological analysis of the upcoming Full Moon, taking place on the 19th of April at 29 degrees of Libra. This Full Moon is very rare and special for a couple of reasons, first of all it is the second Full Moon in Libra, last month, we also had the Full Moon in this sign, but at zero degrees, the very first degree of the sign, this time around it's happening in the very last degree, it's very are to have two consecutive Full Moons in the same sign. Secondly 29 degrees of a sign it's called a critical degree, and it's a signal, that the energies of the Full Moon are going to catalyze important changes to occur in your life, most importantly, it emphasizes on endings. The sing of Libra, rules relationships, and one's position in a relationship, even though it's the astrological house of marriage, it can also signify partnerships of all sorts, business, commerce, common purpose lucrative or not, alliances, “symbiotic” relationships, so anything that has to do with collaboration and sharing a common goal with someone. While, last month's full moon in the first degree of Libra empowered new relationships and alliances to form, this month's full moon tends to do the opposite. The Light of the Moon is going to illuminate that area of your life which is ruled by Libra, and it's going to reveal, things which might have been hidden from your sight or either out of necessity or compromise ignored. Usually the Moon tends to pull to the surface those emotions which may be stagnant in one's soul, and also those which have been buried deep in the subconscious. So, during this time, dissatisfactions with your relationships of any kind, not just romantic ones, are going to be heavily felt. This energy is not meant to punish you, or give your discomfort or create mistrust between partners, but quite the opposite, it will help you take a very close look upon those aspects of your life, and give you the clarity to see just how balanced or imbalanced that area of your life is, and where it needs improvement. A Full Moon, from an astrological perspective is an opposition of the Sun and the Moon, so the Sun is going to illuminate the Moon from the opposite part of the sky, the critical degree of Aries. This in it's self adds some very fiery energy to this conversation, and Aries is associated with action, so whatever truths, secrets, realizations, the light of the moon is going to reveal, it will determine the individual to take action, as quickly as possible, and not just acknowledge the information passively. The energy of Aries, especially in critical degree, can empower us to have incredible amount of strength, resilience, courage, determination and everything needed to eliminate that, which we no longer desire in our lives, that which doesn't serve the Self's highest purpose, greater good, and is keeping our spirits shackled in one way or another. If the Fiery energy of Aries wasn't enough, the Sun is also going to form a conjunction with Uranus, the planet of awareness and surprises, the ruler of the unpredictable and unexpected, which is in the first degrees of Taurus, This conjunction is going to add an element of surprise, of shock, of epiphany, of groundbreaking realizations, something that will change your outlook on your own life, especially love life forever. When, Uranus is part of such a powerful conversation, it ensures that we see things from the widest perspective possible, so things which may have not been very important to us in the past, may suddenly matter the most, everything that we discover that limits our freedom in any way, has to be eliminated from our lives, or it's influence reduced as much as possible, and most importantly past compromises, agreements, settlements may all of a sudden become unacceptable to us, and we will desire change, renegotiation or just refuse them without giving a second chance. The desire for independence, especially psychological, moral and spiritual, will almost, become an obsession, joined by the feeling of an urgent need for equity, equality and balance in your life, especially with things related to love and partnerships. There are also important power players in the sky who are going to have conversations of tension with this Full Moon, one of these being a square that the Moon has with the conjunction of Saturn, Pluto and the South Node in the sign of Capricorn. This will greatly emphasize the need for equality, it will force us to take a very deep look at who it is that holds the power in any relationship that may exist in your lives. May we realize, that we are greatly disadvantaged, and that we invest way more power than it is healthy and necessary, or may we realize, that someone is using our compassionate and helpful nature for their own purposes, or is mistaking our kindness for submissiveness, than chances are, that this energy is going to determine us to act very quickly and reclaim our power, in order to establish a state of equality. For those of us who may be single and not even looking, this energy can play out as the realization, that our solitary lifestyle may not serve to our greatest advantage, it may highlight the fact that we are missing out both emotionally and socially, and maybe it will determine us to change the way we think and allow love or new friendships or any kind of partnership into our lives. Also, Saturn and the South Node can play out as a very different energy, one which will bring people from the past back into our lives, giving us the chance to settle scores, unfinished business, and “clean out the closet”. The Uranian energies, may reserve an element of surprise, it may revive certain relationships that started out very positively in the past, but came to an end, an end which we never ever thought would be reversible. If you owe someone a a massive favor for a big help they have offered you in the past, or the opposite if someone is indebted to your soul for something that you did for them, there can be an element of karma here, which settles the debt. This kind of debt, is mostly moral, but it taking a material form is not excluded. Another big power player is, Jupiter, from his home sing of Sagittarius, forming a trine (energy of supreme harmony) with the Sun conjunct Uranus. This is a very favorable energy, because it empowers fated events to take place. Everything that the power of the Full Moon is going to shed light upon in your life, during this time is going to be expanded, and you are going to feel as if, there's a divine guidance present in your life, which inspires you to take action and use your moment of epiphany to change your life, eliminate all bad habits and toxic relationships that disadvantage you, and find a state of incredible gratitude and happiness for all the blessing present in your life. During this transit, you may feel more empowered and blessed than ever, all your virtues, talents, skills, your wisdom and life experience are going to be greatly appreciated by yourself and others close to you. In other words, you are going to be grateful for being yourself, and you will realize just how luck you truly are to have the opportunity to be here and live these interesting and intense times, and be a part of the collective, and ultimately gratitude, and appreciation release such energies into the cosmos that attract an even greater manifestation of good fortune, especially because Jupiter is going to be retrograde during this time, giving you the chance to bring luck unto those area of your life, where you might not have been advantaged in the past, and also it will offer you a greater, more intense spiritual power. This spiritual power can truly be the invitation of a miracle to materialize in your life, because Jupiter, is also going to form a sextile with the Moon, and this conversation of harmony, has the potential to unite you with your soulmate or twin flame, or at least reveal their identity to you. This may not happen very directly, because Full Moons are moments when magic and mystical energies are at their peak, so it could be that your will receive clues, or intuitive information about your soulmate, through dreams or visions. Also, if you have already met them but for one reason or another your relationship didn't work out, that's to the powerful Sagittarian energies empowered by a Jupiter rx you might get a second chance, or you might get in contact with each other and change the nature of your relationship, so that the reasons why it didn't work out won't be an obstacle anymore, for example, if distance was the main problem, then you might get the opportunity to shorten the distance, or reach a compromise to be life long friends, or if material obstacles were the main issue, you or them might win a considerable amount of money, deleting the obstacle from your path. Another aspect, which even though doesn't converse with the Full Moon directly, is going to be present and might make things a little bit frustrating, which is Mercury forming a square (conversation of tension) with Jupiter. The Light and power of the Full Moon might agitate your feeling, might bring hurts back to the surface, might open old woulds, and you might feel compelled to express all the things that displease you, which can lead to conflict or hurting the feelings of other people. Suppressing the expression of your inner most feelings may also be a bad choice because it can lead to depression and the feeling of being undervalued. The best way to work with this energy is to always stand from a place of compassion and equity, and simply do not say or express things in such a way which you, yourself wouldn't like to hear from other people. Last, but not least the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, is going to have a conversation of harmony with Neptune in Pisces. This energy may be a very important ally, because it's further going to shed clarity on things which are psychological in nature. It will act as a mirror, showing you the person who you are without the masks, stripped from illusions, it will show you your most authentic version, and also the way people, and society in general see you. This energy is a very strong ally if you are having issues with self worth, harsh self criticism, are struggling to find your place in society, have had a conflictual relationship with your family, or events in the past may have traumatized you, because it gives you the chance, to close your wounds, accept things which have deeply bothered you about your self or elements in your life, regain a greater sense of self worth, and empower you to act accordingly in relations with others, giving you a sense of more personal power, more magnetism, and to attract similar like minded people in your life.



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