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Jupiter special forecast for the month of April

Hey everyone and welcome to another astrological analysis. This time we're going to talk about Jupiter's transit and conversations that are going to take place in the next couple of days. Before, I get into details I would like to mention once again, that Jupiter is traversing it's home sing of Sagittarius, making it's influence stronger than ever. Usually in every context, Jupiter is a big power player in the sky, but when he is in his home, makes his influence that much more dominant. He is associated with expansion, good fortune, nobility, bravery, luxury, he is often called the major planet of blessings, Venus being the minor one. While these energies seem very positive to all of us, Jupiter's power and influence isn't always as beneficial as we might think, because he tends to amplify, expand, magnify everything that he touches, which means all the negative aspects of our lives as well. If there are more obstacles, problems, things that cause stagnation, psychological blockages etc, than positive and useful things in our lives, then a very active Jupiter is not going to miraculously save us, just make all existing things more intense. Also, many times Jupiter doesn't take sides, it can expand and lead towards success the darkest aspects of people, it can boost illegal activities, success gained through cheating, excess of unhealthy, addictive things, so it kinda depends on each person how they use this energy. Fortunately, the strong influence of Jupiter, is balanced out by another very important power player, which is Saturn, who is also in his home sing of Capricorn. Saturn's energies are quite the opposite to Jupiter's influence, because it's associated with restrictions, respecting rules and regulations, karmic and even earthly justice and equity. So, from this perspective it is a very active Saturn, sitting on his throne in Capricorn who ensures that Jupiter extravagance, lack of balance and the tendency to expand everything is kept in bounds, allowing only those things to be expanded which are earned, have been worked for, and we can use this power to eliminate excess of all those things in our lives that cause us harm. In the last couple of months, Jupiter had an ongoing conversation of tension which we call a square with Neptune (also in his home sing of Pisces), and these energies were received very very differently by each individual. Because Neptune rules spirituality, psychology, all the hidden aspects of ourselves, the subconscious, and certain areas of mysticism, people who were doing inner work, or spiritual practices, or were trying to eliminate negative thinking, traumas etc from their lives, had a very hard time, but while the struggle was very very strong, it guaranteed a permanent resolution, it guaranteed that once you successfully manage to take control over your life and cleanse your mind and subconscious of all the “bindweed” ,you are going to be free and you are going to enjoy a much happier life. Also, the amount of self knowledge one could gain during the Neptunian activity, will serve them as learned life lessons, greater love and wisdom for as long as they live, so all the suffering, all the painful moments, all the moment of epiphany were well worth it! But there is also a very different side to this, because Neptune also rules illusions, lies, secrets, fantasies, and if Jupiter expands any of these, it can lead to depression, confusion, almost like a double personality, and most importantly addictions (drugs, alcohol, escapism etc), so this transit was extremely difficult for people who don't have a great deal of life experience, or have self limiting beliefs, suffer from addictions, don't have sufficient self control. The fact that a Mercury retrograde also joined this conversation, made those days that much more negative and confusing, where life could have felt like a bottomless ocean of quicksand where you just keep drowning and submerging. The good news is that around the 17th of the month, Mercury is going to leave Pisces, a sign in which he doesn't like being in at all, so with Mercury's freedom , all of us are going to feel much freer, much clearer, much more independent from our thoughts and feelings, it is US who are going to be in charge, not just fragments of our beings, and because it will enter the fiery sing of Aries, it will bring forth many important progresses and end to stagnation in many areas of life, because Mercury is a very quick energy just like the sign he will enter, associated with haste, celerity, quickness of action. Communications, the movement of documents, evolution of finances which depend on communications and documents, things which depend on estimates, calculations, evaluation, project type works that were started earlier in the year, artistic projects etc. are all going to start moving and progressing. If you had been prevented by all sorts of inconveniences from making purchases, investments, getting loans, mortgage, or kept getting errors in lab results, medical errors, banking errors, faulty technology, software etc, all of these things are gonna clear very quickly. But, let's talk about the main subject, Jupiter's transit, on the 11th of April it is going to stand still in the sky and go into shadow, which means it's going to prepare to go backwards on the path he traveled. On this day, while he is not yet retrograde, there is going to be a conversation of harmony between Jupiter and the Sun in Aries. This is a very important event, because the Sign of Aries, which represents, the self, the primordial fire, the power, courage, inner will needed to take action, the ambition to find the means and do everything in our power to get what we want, it's also the first sign of the zodiac, so it's always associated with new beginning, starting anew, finding new inner and outer resources that we can put to use. And if we add to the the power of the Sun, which basically represents the power of manifestation, the Source of all, most importantly the Self, we can easily anticipate that we are gonna fight harder than ever, go and do everything in our powers to get what we deeply desire. And if we add the power of Jupiter to these energies, then it means, chances are, during this conversation and during the Suns transit through the sing of Aries, we may actually find the means to get what we desire deeply, because our wills, the power of our minds, our ambitions, our desire for freedom, our self-worth, the sense that we truly deserve this, are going to be expanded, and a small dose of good luck is guaranteed. On the 12th of may Jupiter will start to go retrograde, this is something very very positive for many reasons. First of all, a Jupiter retrograde tends to amplify inner values, all the good qualities of a person, all the things that are within us, giving us the chance to create our own good fortune. Secondly, when retrograde phase, it goes back to those degrees of Sagittarius it has already traveled trough, which means that there are gonna be second chances for everything that we might have missed during the time he was direct. Thirdly, when in retrograde phase Jupiter doesn't amplify, doesn't expand things so dramatically, so whatever he expands, especially if it's something negative or undesired, it's much easier to keep it in bonds, under control, especially if you already learned the lesson in the past. And last, but not least, it is going to form conversations of tension with Mercury (while trying to exit Pisces) and Neptune, who is going to have a celestial companion, a guest is his watery world so to speak, Venus. This is most fortunate, because the meeting of Neptune and Venus tends to fill the air with romantic energies, romantic desires, fantasies, seeking and expressing love from every possible perspective, because Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, and both planets rule love. While this a very positive, delightful, magical, surreal energy which is going to be pure gold for artists, writers, poets, painters, musicians, spiritualists, people who are at the beginning of their relationship, people who are in harmonious marriage etc. a square (conversation of tension) with a Jupiter retrograde, tends to heighten the surreal, overly optimistic, overly romantic and loving energies, which can cause a bit of an excess but nothing that we can't handle. So, we are quite lucky that Jupiter is gonna be retrograde, during this time, because if he would be at the peak of his power, it would be just too much, in the sense that fantasies could turn into illusions, fake premonition, people might associate a simple flirt with fated love, the worst decisions regarding love can be made if a Jupiter direct has a conversation of tension with a planet that rules love. And another positive effect of a retrograde Jupiter is the fact that for single, lonely, vulnerable people, the conjunction of Venus and Neptune isn't gonna feel very romantic, because all they will feel is the desire to have someone in their lives, and this is where self criticism can come into play, and they might ask themselves why am I so alone?, why doesn't anyone love me? What's wrong with me? And we really really wouldn't want these feelings to be expanded by an ultra powerful Jupiter, cuz that can lead to depression and drowning our sorrows in unhealthy, unsafe, un-beneficial things. On the 14th of April, there is going to be another conversation of supreme harmony taking place between Jupiter (already retrograde) and the Sun in Aries conjunct Uranus in Taurus. While the simple trine with the Sun on the 11th is a very ,lovely and helpful energy, this second one, where Uranus the planet of supersizes, unpredictability, shocks, magnetism and superior awareness, in the sign of Taurus, which rules worth, value, materialism, beauty and physical well being, also joins the celestial dance, this could be a moment of maximum blessing, where success, or an event of maximum good fortune, an unexpected gain, unexpected blessing, a gift, surprise, donation, reward, meeting the man/woman of your dreams can happen. It is going to be one of the most luckiest days of the year, because Jupiter rules luck, and Uranus rules the unexpected, and has the magnetism to draw in all of Jupiter's power in order to create a BIG surprise to those who can tap into this energy. This is going to be a perfect opportunity to test out your luck if you like to gamble (in a very healthy, disciplined and balanced way), play the lotto, enter competitions, do spiritual work that is meant to grant wises etc. Even though a trine is easy energy, which doesn't require any effort from your side, the Sun conjunct Uranus is also going to have a conversation of tension with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This is meant to balance out the miracle like energies of Jupiter and Uranus, by adding an element of karma and justice to all of this. So, from this perspective, while it is going to be a lucky day for everyone equally, only those people can expect a huge display of good fortune who worked a lot and have made a lot of sacrifices for others in their lives, also Pluto can represent the sense of urgency, you had to lose, or something from your life had to disappear, and the losses you suffered are still causing a void that wasn't filled, so that this energy can replace it with something beyond your wildest expectations. From this point of view, people who had massive financial losses in the recent past, people who lost a loved one, people who went through divorce, people who successfully defeated a strong addiction or a bad habit, people who chose to miss out on once in a lifetime opportunities in order to help someone close to them in need, so in other words, Pluto adds an element of having to had to go through loss, to this conversation, and Saturn speaks about not just desiring something, but desiring it with all the power of your being, because you need it urgently, and having worked towards achieving your goals in the past. This energy, of Jupiter's harmonious dance with the Sun and Uranus, and both the square between the Sun and Pluto,Saturn, can be used to your own advantage regardless of what has or hasn't taken place in your life, a blessing and good fortune is very welcome, no matter the amplitude or if it's just a gesture of love and respect or it's a big sack of money, or the love of your life, or a miracle to get you out of debt. On the 19th of the month Jupiter retrograde is going to form a conversation of tension with Venus, approaching the last degrees of Pisces. Also on the same day there's gonna be a Full Moon at 29 degrees of Libra. Both the square and the energies of the Full Moon are going to force you to reevaluate your love life. If you have been overly tolerant, if you have been deceived, if you have forgiven your partner way too many times, if your partner is keeping you in the relationship by amplifying your insecurities, or if there's any kind of emotional blackmail going on, or simply it's the case that there isn't much love between the both of you, but you are together just out of comfort, then very powerful and significant endings can take place during this time. The gravity of the Full Moon can pull all your emotions to the surface, and shed a light on those parts which you should no longer accept or tolerate in your life, while Jupiter's and Venus's square could give you the strength, courage, motivation to speak about it, express what you feel, and most importantly Venus is all about KNOWING under the light of a Full Moon that you deserve much much more and the only way you can achieve that is by setting yourself free emotionally. It doesn't necessarily have to mean an end of relationships, because there are lots and lots of people, families living in harmony, but for then this conversation of tension, is going to come as an inspiration to put in way more effort into financial aspect of things, because the Light of the Full Moon is gonna be like a wake-up call to urge you that you need to make sure that your happiness and prosperity is going to last for a long time. Also this could play out from a very social perspective as well, Full Moons always bring clarity to something and reveal secrets, so you may discover a toxic person who is a bad influence for your relationship, and the ending associated with 29 degrees of Libra could mean the elimination of all those people, external influences that are a threat to your relationship and disrupt your harmony in any way. There is going to be another article about this in the Full Moon in Libra special, which I'll publish as we get closer to the 19th of the month.



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