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Jupiter in Sagittarius Special

Hey everyone, this is the time every astrologist was waiting for, the moment when Jupiter, the great benefactor finally enters it's home.

You don't have to know any astrology to figure out, that this is a very good astrological aspect for everyone, since the greatest source of blessings, good fortune and well being enter's it's home sign. Let's think about Jupiter being a person, and Sagittarius being it's house/home. This is very important because everyone feels differently when being at home. You can do whatever you wish, at any time you wish, you can manifest and express yourself without any limitations, and especially if you don't share your house with anyone, there is no one to stop you from redecoration and changing your house the way you feel like it.

This comparison is very important, because there are very few aspects, in the coming 1.5 years which can limit Jupiter's influence. This doesn't mean that Jupiter's energies are gonna go haywire and blessings and good fortune is gonna be poured down on anyone equally without limits.Let's not forget that Jupiter like to take as much as he likes to give, and hates expressions of ungratefulness. This great freedom that Jupiter has, even in the present moment, is gonna make it very selective, very powerful, very calculated, and the blessings for all of us are not gonna be random, and limitless, but very well tailored to suit our needs, and with certain limits to ensure our inner balance. This is why for some people, this new found liberty, the unshakable feeling in their hearts that they must answer a higher calling, all the Divine synchronicity bombarding one's life, and the series of coincidences arising in one's life to complement intuition, can leave a person feeling very lost and confused. So, from this perspective, is it truly a blessing?

Well, it might very well be, because we have to take a look at most of this year and 2017 to understand why Jupiter is allowed to act so freely, once it reached his home.

Before, moving into Sagittarius, the last part of 2017 and this year it resided in Scorpio. This was one of the darkest days for most people, because in Scorpio Jupiter acted in a very harsh way. It mostly took, brought fourth situation of crisis, inner turmoil, losses of all sorts, the break-up of relationships of any kind, the failure of businesses, the urgent desire to escape routine, and it simply made everyone's tolerance very thin.

But, by no means was this meant to hurt anyone, this was merely the preparation process.

Jupiter in Scorpio had to pull a lot of strings, had to create a series of events, for us to finally figure out that we are not happy the way we are currently living. The Ultimate purpose was to direct the energies of Pluto (the ruler of Scorpio) and concentrate it upon cleansing our lives, our souls, our minds, and to create room for new. This meant lots of break ups, lots of soul searching, emotional states heightened to the most absolute state, and then suddenly quieting down, loss of friends, partners, life guided us to identify and reject fake values, bad habits, compromises that were ultimately leading us down a dark road.

It took away our material or emotional comfort, so that when we're out in the cold, we do some serious soul searching and figure out who we truly are and what it is that we truly wish to do with our lives, and where it is that we wish to live. What kind of people can we tolerate in our lives, and who it is that we can no longer connect with on any levels. And if we thought that we accomplished something meaningful, or really established ourselves, it came to show us just how vulnerable we truly are, and when emotionally we are no longer resonating with our established lives, and the old accomplishments mean nothing, then everything starts falling down on us just like the Tower tarot card.

I don't think that I would exaggerate if I'd say that many of us faced our true karmic judgements, everything that we ever did reflected back to us one way or another, old traumas resurfaced, old life lessons were relearned, and new ones were learned as well, so painfully that it was almost like they were burnt into our memory forever.

The opportunity in all of this is a very BIG one. The time is here for rebirth! But, only souls who have a conscience lighter than a feather can be reborn and receive the true blessings of Jupiter.

All of this hardship, pain, transformation, metamorphosis was brought on by Jupiter, while being in Scorpio, so that this November, when it find it's way home, it can give us what we truly deserve, wish and desire. All of the emotional purging made sure, that we get to the point where we align ourselves with values which matter to us even more than life and everything that we accept doing is going to be a valid reflection of ourselves, and not just the illusions and hunger of the ego.

Jupiter in Sagittarius opens a whole new world full of NEW and DIFFERENT possibilities for us. It will be our greatest ally for everything that has to do with travel, (especially long journeys, long distance), education, higher education, but mostly learning from situation, learning from experiences, learning from life situations and using the lessons and the knowledge in the most constructive way possible. Last, but not least this opens a new era for humanity, from a spiritual perspective. The soul, the psyche, one's inner world will matter more, than in any other era,and it will be seen through a very different approach, very different non-religious, non dogmatic perspective. Yes morality will matter more than ever, but it's not going to be a limiting one, different visions, expressions of spirituality will no longer contradict each other, but will instead compliment each other, work in harmony for the greater good. Jupiter will also bless humanity with great advances in science, which will ultimately lead to progress in space travel, the lights of which we've never seen before.

Perhaps the most important collective blessing, from my point of view will be that science will no longer be the contradiction of spirituality, in fact maybe in a couple years, (specially that Jupiter will very slowly change houses in the next 12 years) one will include the other.

As I mentioned above, Jupiter will have a great freedom in it's own house, but there are going to be a couple of aspects which will balance it's energies.

The first aspect, which in my opinion is essential, is the North node in Cancer. The impulses that Jupiter is going to fuel are related to travel, to change our lives completely, to live more freely, to live for the moment, do do everything that our heart desires etc. These are going to be contradicted by the powerful Cancer energy, which seeks total stability, doesn't like to rake risks, under no way would it like to leave it's comfort zone, wants total emotional well being, doesn't want to travel, instead it wants to build a lasting home and to feel at home, to be with family to live in peaceful partnership. All of these mentioned here would lead to a big inner conflict and drama, if Jupiter hasn't had traversed Scorpio earlier. By now, by the time it reached home, and the North node switched to Cancer, we already have most of the inner work completed. Now we know what we truly desire, we know what risks we are willing to take and most importantly we know that which we are willing to let go of and sacrifice, and that which we still hold dear and under no circumstance would wanna change, lose.

Because, of this balance of priorities that, we achieved the hard way, all of last and this year, the energies of Cancer empower us, rather than hinder us, we already know what's important for us, and we know what kind of stability we desire, and we were already forced to leave our comfort zones, so in the future doing this will be that much easier.

Another very important aspect that we may not ignore is Jupiter in Sagittarius forming a square with Neptune in Pisces (January 2019 lasting up to October 2019).

For some people this is pure heaven, once you face the challenges of your own persona, once you reach a state of self knowledge, and healed most of your own traumas and psychological issues regarding self worth. In this state of self empowerment and balance of your inner traits.... miracles are on their way, you will be a magnet for the best things in life!

For other people, Neptune in it's home of Pisces tells a very different story. Jupiter, will immensely amplify the expression of spirituality, since it resides in it's home, which also happens to be the house of spirituality, but Neptune in Pisces on the other hand will amplify one's openness to spiritual experiences, which can be a very bad combination for some people.

There will be a tendency to be addicted to prophecies, to interpretation of religious texts and dogmas, an obsession with the end of the world, an obsession with alien invasion, Illuminati, reptilians I think by now you get what I'm talking about.

So, for people, who are very receptive to these sort of things and conspiracy theories, it could bring forth a massive trauma, because they will simply lose all sense of reality and be disconnected from their own lives and perhaps thanks to the influence of the media will believe so strongly in the speculations that certain events, that are supposed to happen, that they might end up in psychiatric care and have a mental and psychological meltdown, once they realize that all of this is not going to take place in the physical, material earthly realm.

Another important aspect is when Jupiter meets Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This configuration is going to bring stability, grounding and the actual manifestation of all the blessings that Jupiter possesses. All the inner/outer work is slowly gonna pay off, and this will be the time of the actual harvest, where your new life is gonna have the chance to be permanent.



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