Before we get into the horoscope I would like to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year! The Solar eclipse, which took place on the 6th of January 2019 in the sing of Capricorn , started this new year in the most amazing fashion. Since the Sun, Moon, Pluto, Saturn and the South node were all present in Capricorn at the time of the eclipse, we can be sure that it's gonna deeply change and transform at least one area of our lives. Capricorn generally rules career, life purpose, our relation to rules and regulations, justice and karma, it is these values that are going to undergo change, but this change is slow and it will require your input, your work, in order to get you to where you desire the most. This might not even be an external transformation, it could very well be an inner one, which gives you the opportunity to upgrade yourself, and become a much wiser and stronger version of yourself. Mercury slowly heading into the sign of Capricorn, and Uranus going direct towards the middle of the month also encourage and empower the individual to reclaim their power and to use it towards building a much happier, healthier, abundant and successful future. While the final destination is 2020, when Saturn and Pluto are going to be conjunct and speak in supreme harmony, changing the world forever, try and perceive 2019 as the journey, the road, the adventure that leads you towards a much more stable and happier future in 2020. If you wish to know more about the January Solar eclipse, please check out the previous article, analyzing the energies of the eclipse. Another very important aspect this January is Mars, and Uranus being in the sign of Aries, and to add to the intensity of this energy, Uranus is going stationary direct towards the middle of the month. This is extremely significant, because Mars and Uranus represent quickness, haste, rush, fast manifestation, celerity, even individually, but once they work together, the energies unleashed are going to work with the speed of light. So you can expect the unexpected, surprises, shocking discoveries, epiphanies, moments of “eureka” and even miracles is very few cases, in at least one area of your life. Globally however, when these 2 massive players meet in a fire sing, it means natural calamity, accidents, explosions, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. And if we add to this the conversation of tension between Neptune and Jupiter, this can also very well be a watery disaster like massive storm, tsunami ans sea-quackes. Last, but not least, the total Lunar eclipse, on the 21st of January, taking place in the sign of Leo at zero degrees and 51 minutes is going to greatly intensify all the energies present at that time. The Light of the Full Moon, empowered by the Sun and Uranus is going to reveal all of our inner blockages, the root of all inner chaos, dissatisfaction and unhappiness, giving us the chance to eliminate these from deep within our subconscious and if we do the inner work to balance ourselves out, and become a much braver, stronger and more gentle version of ourselves. The energies produced by the Lunar eclipse can greatly empower those individual who perform spiritual practices, because the Veil between the world is going to be especially thin, empowering us to manifest with great haste and precision something that we desire deeply. To find out more about what this Lunar eclipse is going to represent please check out a previous article specially dedicated for this astrological event. Now, let us see what the planetary transits bring for each of the 12 signs:

For Aries natives it's going to be a very productive and creative month. In fact, an epiphany, a sudden realization, a wake up call from someone or something that inspires you, is going to change the way you look at yourself and your life. The past as you know it, is going to undergo a massive reevaluation process, helping you to let go of old traumas, fears and hurts, and even some of you might reach a state of perfect clarity in which, you can consider all the negative aspects of your life as new sources of personal power. This change of perspective is going to greatly reflect on your professional lives and careers. While massive changes may not come to you yet, you will find out what is it that you want to do in the future, what serves your very best interest, what sacrifices are you willing to make in order to get where you want, and slowly, but surely you are going to create many plans for 2019, with the difference that this time, being empowered by your ruler Mars, joined by the planet of surprises and awakening Uranus, many of your plans are actually going to come to fruition. Uranus, after going direct also makes you very lucky, many things that you want to do this month could be facilitated by you being at the right place and right time, someone coming to your aid unexpectedly, making whatever you wish to accomplish much easier, or you could win money by gambling. Venus can also empower you towards the middle of the month, by sending you resources, money, riches, offer of help from friends and family. Those of you who wish to travel, study (higher education, courses, resume studies, learn something new), are also going to be greatly advantaged. Towards the end of the month it is going to be a fantastic time for social gathering, making new friends, new professional connections, partnerships, because Mercury will be speaking in supreme harmony with the Sun in your 11th house. With Neptune residing in your 12th house empowers you to use all your inner potential and inner resources and directing all the inner energies of the Self and concentrating it unto those areas of your life which need your attention and work the most, helping you in this manner, to free yourself from all obligations that you have towards others, or any debt that you may have and giving you the chance to live a freer life, having more time for yourself and what you love to do the most.
The Tarot cards I have drawn, to give you more insight about the month of January are The Emperor reversed and Strength upright. The Emperor reversed means, that this month things may not go according to your plans and most importantly according to your will. Unexpected events, situations or reactions from people close to you may force you to adapt and do things differently than you would normally do. By no means, is this a negative aspect, because you are being challenged to let go of your stubbornness, “the you know best what to do”, to your own interpretation of reality and adapt to the situation. It is exactly this sign of emotional and psychological flexibility, acceptance, gentleness, consideration of others feelings, and this versatility to be able to change the way you look at things and how you perceive them, gives you the power, stability and energy suggested by the Strength card. The Emperor reversed and Strength upright are supreme expressions of one's personal inner power, because a really strong and stable person doesn't need to be right all the time, and can rejoice in the pleasure of helping others reach their own personal truths, without lectures from an Aries, just unconditional support. And of course we can not neglect the fact that all of the positive things that you are gonna do this month, all the gestures of compassion and kindness are gonna be reflected back at you, increasing your own happiness and strength even more!

Taurus natives are going to go through a time of inner change. Mars and Uranus are going to have a great influence in this process. Events are going to happen in your life, which are going to act as a mirror, reflecting back at you the person who you are at the moment. The truth is, you may not necessarily like, what the Universe reflects back at you, but all these events that are going to happen, are not destined to hurt you, or cause you to be disappointed with your self, but rather, they come as a wake up call for you to make a choice. If you do not wish to change anything about yourself, then it's time to change the way you look at life, what expectations you have from others, and the way you respond to challenges. If you are not very satisfied with anything that life and the Universe reflects back at you, than this is the time to change your ways, and change your priorities in life. While Uranus stirs up your life, in order to show you the truth, which you may not wish to be aware of, Mars give you the strength and the courage to do things, and to initiate things, which you may have not been able to do in the past, for the simple reason that you deemed certain things too hard, too complicated, not totally worth the effort etc. As Venus slowly exits the sing of Scorpio and enters Sagittarius, it will reignite the flames of passion and love in your hearts for learning. You've had the last few months of last year, when Venus was in and out of Scorpio, to figure out what it is that you love doing the most work and career wise, now as she enters the sign of Sagittarius, joining Jupiter in his home, you will have the opportunity to start doing something that you really love. This might be related to a foreign country, or a place far away from your home and has to do with activities regarding communications, mentor-ship, teaching, coaching, H.R. and anything to do with the internet, creative writing, or enhancing and mediating communication. Towards the end of the month Mercury will be joining the Sun and Pluto in your 10 house, which can also represent a job offer or an opportunity to seize a promotion that you've been eying for quite some time now. Pluto empowered by the Sun can also end your current career, and encourage you to do something totally different, but this can also give birth to partnerships, sharing resources with another person, and long distance travel.
The Tarot cards I have drawn, to give you more insight about the month of January are The Chariot and Knight of Coins. The Chariot represent mobility, and the evolution of things. The two mythic animals depicted on the Card, fits the astrological context like a glove. One can represent Mars, the inner power, courage and motivation and the other one Uranus, the realization that change is necessary and imperative. The conjoint efforts of the two, is the “motor” of the carriage, but the direction towards which it is heading depends only on the driver, who is none other than you. This means both a material, motivational, and deep psychological empowerment, but you are the one who has to start things. Alternatively the Chariot can also represent travels, which bring significant change to your life. The knight of Cains represents the road towards financial, material stability, and if you have medical problems it can also mean a slow but steady recovery. But know that the Knight of Coins is the slowest knight in the Tarot, so don't expect miracles over night, it's gonna take some time. If we combine the meaning of the two, the situation is clear, there's gonna be breakthrough and evolution, but on a slow and steady pace.

January is going to be a very important month for you guys concerning many areas of your life. I'm going to start with an area, which in my opinion matters the most, and that is health. Jupiter forming conversations of tension with Neptune in Pisces, may mean, that health related problems and issues, especially those which originate from the past, may return once again, so it would be wise not to neglect them. Neptune can also represent psychological problems, anxiety, bad sleep, nightmares, depression, so if you know, that you possess this vulnerability, this is a fantastic opportunity to eliminate these from your life once and for all. Also those Gemini natives suffering from life-long conditions, may find an alternative method, which can prove to be more efficient than anything you've tried before. Those female natives who are trying to conceive, are going to be blessed, while Venus travel through your 6th house. Things are also going to be “complicated” in matters concerning love. Those of you who are single have every reason to be happy because Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are going to join forces and bring new love into your life. This can play out in various different ways, but for some of you guys it's something fated, “written in the stars” so to speak, because Saturn adds a touch of karma to all of this. If you have been looking for your soul-mate, chances are, as we head towards the middle of the month Mercury is going to empower all communication, and you might find the person who is perfect for you. If you use the internet, applications (like dating apps, sites etc) there is a heightened chance that you will find them there, but if you don't it's not really an obstacle, because if it's fated Jupiter the great benefactor and Venus the source of love are going to trigger events in such a fashion, that you are gonna be at the right place at the right time. Those of you who are single but not really looking for love, it's a perfect month to flirt, socialize, have fun, find the perfect partners, go on trips and holidays and meet new people there, and if it's not going to be love, it certainly is going to be a lifelong friendship. Those of you who are in a long term relationship or marriage, things might get very complicated, because if your partner is not fully compatible with you, and your relationship is based on cooperation and compromises, Saturn might intervene by showing both of you how different and maybe better your lives would be individually. This doesn't necessarily mean divorce or separation, but you will have to reevaluate everything and reach new compromises. Important changes are also accruing in your 8th house which rules inheritance, sharing resources with others and transformation. Pluto is a major player here, and rest assured that it is going to change the way you think about possessions. Every Gemini native out there is going to feel the need for a greater financial freedom, and will no longer accept the need to share resources with others. For those of you who are struggling financially, this might mean quite the opposite, maybe you will receive an offer, a gesture of kindness, a donation perhaps, which will greatly improve your financial situation. Career wise there are also significant changes or better said “upgrades” because Mercury your ruler will offer you the chance to study new things. But these studies are going to be proper courses, or studies which result in a recognition or diploma and are going to greatly advantage you. For others, this means that professional connections can be made, and if you work with projects or freelance, this could result in a very potent alliance with someone who can make full use of your wisdom and mastery and together you can aim for success, the likes of which you could have only dreamed of. The downside of this is, that it's just beginning, to reach success, you will need to invest a lot of time, effort and most of all faith into the work that you are going to do. This is also a very important time for you guys to climb up on the social ladder. Uranus is going to offer you the opportunities and the inner focus needed for this, while Mars is going to make a a very “attractive” individual, from a social point of view.
The Tarot cards I have drawn, to give you more insight about the month of January are the Page of cups reversed joined by the Strength. The Page of cups reversed comes through more of an advice, than anything. It means that emotions can be very tricky things, especially if you are dual sing, and understanding them and deciphering what exactly is taking place in your soul is a very complicated thing, which thanks to the very active sky this January, hinders you greatly. It would be for the best if you try and give less significance to the emotions, than others do around you, and give much more importance to the logical way of thinking, mastering your thought and putting your creative mind to work and demonstrating self-discipline. The Strength card comes to complement this, by showing you that through self discipline and controlling your emotions you are at your strongest, and whatever you may decide to do, never forget that Gemini is a dual sign so you can process almost double the information that others can, so this gives you a great advantage in every field of life.

Cancer natives are going to go through a major spiritual, emotional, and vocational awakening this January. Those of you who work in areas regarding arts, aesthetics, beautification, literature, fitness, or manufacturing are going to be greatly advantaged, inspiration, new ideas, creativity, and opportunities to be rewarded for your work, are going to come into play. Some of you guys may be facing problems concerning your health, a visit to the doctor might be needed. The mouth, teeth, tongue, vocal chords, upper part of the respiratory system, airways, lips, the interior of the mouth may be affected. Important changes are also bound to take place in the area of life regarding love and partnership. If you are single and looking, Pluto is going to guide you and assist you to change your standards. This doesn't necessarily mean, that you have to lower or increase your standards, but rather it means that you have to take into consideration, things which you haven't in the past. One of those things is the importance of emotions and emotional equilibrium in a relationship. We all know that most Cancer natives are incurable romantics who live for pure emotions, passionate love, steamy romance and all this has to take the form of a very stable relationship based on mutual respect. But, thanks to Pluto, who will also be empowered by the Sun in the middle of the month, is going to give you the strength to open yourself to different possibilities, and to adapt your standards, to what your life currently has to offer. This means, that you might just accept love, passion, lust, beauty and the emotional comfort, that, a partner can offer you, without strings attached or without the moral obligations, which result from accepting and offering love. These are very liberating energies, giving you the opportunity to fully live your life, and not restrict yourself to condition love, and the person who offers you that love. If you are in a stable relationship, these changes are more beneficial than anything, because you will feel the need to take your relationship to a whole new level. This might also include plans to have a (another) baby, or to embrace together a different lifestyle. Career wise Uranus might surprise you with new opportunities coming into play, this is especially beneficial if you have your own business, because this could mean a huge and important client who may rewrite the future of your business. Or it could mean the sudden and unexpected stop to a career, giving you the chance to rest for a couple of months and then begin something totally new! The Tarot cards I have drawn, to give you more insight about the month of January are The Queen of Cups and 7 of coins reversed. The Queen of Cups signifies your own personal empowerment. Your creativity, emotional clarity and intelligence, and being true to your feelings offers you the chance to see everything in the most clear fashion possible, allowing you to make the best choices and decisions for yourself and also this extends to the way you look at your future, optimism, hope, and lightheartedness are all feelings that you wish to feel more of. The 7 of coins reversed means, that those activities, job, project, lucrative goal that served you and suited your needs til now, may not be as good or as convenient as they once were. The time for change is here, but before you can change anything, you will need time to think things through. It can also signify, that you may possess inner resources, skills, talents, maybe even higher education, that you do not use, maybe things didn't work out for you in the past, but the way your life is right now may actually benefit you even more if you resumed an old occupation of your, or do something different where you can use all the talents and skill that you possess.

I find it appropriate to start you astrological forecast with the most important event happening in your sing, this January, which is the Lunar eclipse (21st January). To find out what this eclipse means generally please check out one of the previous articles, dedicated to this event. For Leo natives, this eclipse is going to bring an inner revolution, that has the potential to change your lives. As we know, all significant changes in life, have to come from within, and it's exactly this alchemical process that the Moon is going to catalyze. If there are things, people, situations in your life that make you feel unhappy, uncomfortable or restrict your self, mind, heart, spirit in any way shape or form (materially, morally, emotionally, spiritually), it is these that are going to be highlighted and identified. All the tension and conflictual position of the stars, are indeed a great blessing, because not only will you see your own truth, your own limits and illusions that hold your growth in place, but you will also find the inner strength, courage, determination, inspiration, the breakthrough idea, to eliminate and change that which no longer serves you. While the epiphany is going to come to you in a flash, the effects that it will produce are going to last for a very long time, giving you opportunities, and a determination, the likes of which, you never felt so strongly in your life. The power to follow through with everything that is necessary to slowly but surely lead you down a path of happiness, joy and self-appreciation is going to finally be yours! Other than the eclipse, there are going to be other aspects which will come as a surprise this January, especially in the middle of the month. You health is one of those areas of your life which are going to benefit from the astrological context. If you have any medical issues that have been going on for some time now, Mercury is going to create the perfect opportunities, connection and timing for you to take care of those problems. You will also benefit from a burst of creativity and will feel the need to change something about the place that you live in. Most of these changes are going to be cosmetic, making the environment which you live in, a much happier, brighter, nicer and more aesthetically pleasing reflection of the person who you are. Your creativity, inspiration, and inner power will also reflect on every single area of your live, including hobbies, work, all the things that you love, and all people that you love. It's also a perfect time to make new friends, connections, find people with the same interests and values. There are some surprises reserved for you regarding travels, work, and spirituality. Last, but not least, if you are struggling with debt, your partner or family member or perhaps a very close friends might change this situation and help you manage your finances in a much more practical way, than you did before.
The Tarot cards I have drawn, to give you more insight about the month of January are Ace of Cups, King of Coins and 6 of Swords. The Ace of cups signifies that the time has come for you to fill up the chalice of your soul, with love, positivity, optimism and hope. This is a divine gift coming from the Universe, which gives you the opportunity to enter your state of flow, to shut out everything that makes you unhappy and to concentrate on the joyful things in life. For those of you who are single, this means a new love that you've been waiting for. The King of Coins compliments this by telling you that all the positive feelings that you are going to feel, are gonna transform you into a magnet, attracting either helpful and generous people in your life, or other expressions of wealth and abundance. The 6 of swords however means that you will have to abandon a dream of yours, or a state of being which simply doesn't suit you anymore, you are embarking on a boat which will lead you towards an unknown, yet exciting and thrilling future.

Towards the end of January Virgo natives are going to embark on a new journey of discovery and learning. These might involve some forms of higher education, it could be a mastery over a domain that you already know and practice, or it could be something totally new. Either way the benefits of your study or mastery are going to be long term so it will be well worth it. There is going to be a huge revolution regarding your family and home, and the way you feel about this. This could play out in a number of different ways, this could be your physical separation from your family, meaning that if you share a house with others, you are going to return to your family home, or if you have a family of your own, this might mean, that either you are going to upgrade it, transform it into something so new, so improved that it won't even resemble the old house, or you could be buying a new home altogether. For some of you, this will represent the completion of plans that you had in 2018, while for others this will give birth to the idea, and financial means to buy a new house. Since, Uranus is extremely active in the sky and will play a major part in the eclipse, this could also mean a surprise inheritance, gift or donation from someone very unexpected, which will facilitate improving your home or building a new one. If you have a family of your own already, this also brings emotional change, a new source of happiness, harmony and mutual appreciation with your partner. It also has a touch of karma to it, meaning that you will see clear evidence that your relationship was predestined and you are exactly where you need to be in life. (partnership and love-wise) If you are single or do not have a family of your own, then January is going to give you the energies, inner strength and guidance needed to establish something beautiful and long lasting in this area of your life. Because of the powerful influence of Saturn, Pluto, Venus and Jupiter this also has something to do with your work and career, so this opportunity to massively improve your home or/and your family life, is going to start with an extra income, more money, or more sources of income, thanks to the mastery, ambition, endurance and resilience that you put into your career/work. Neptune forming conversation of tension in your 6th house, towards the end of the month is going to influence your psychological well being, you may feel overwhelmed by worry, stress, insecurities, lack of self trust, but don't be concerned, it's only for a short period.
The Tarot cards I have drawn, to give you more insight about the month of January are The Tower and Death. The combined meaning of these 2 cards are pretty straight forward, you must accept the loss and imminent destruction of something that you invested much effort, strength, and resources in, but it simply refuses to bare the fruits that you expect, but this is a sweet surrender because something much greater is coming in your life to replace it. The Death card signifies a deep transformation of one area of your life, and it is that area which currently matters to you the most, and that area which you currently focus on.

For Libra natives the month of January is going to bring some major improvements, regarding your material well being and finances. Jupiter the planet of blessings and expansion is going to send blessings you way, giving you the opportunity to find miraculous ways and sources, to cover all your debts, and to erase all financial obligations that source from the past, while Venus your ruler is entering the Sign of Sagittarius, a fire sings that she loves being in, and this also opens new horizons, new possibilities for you to upgrade your financial situation. This could have something to do with a foreign country or long distance travel. This, could also come in form of generosity and expression appreciation from your partner, family, or a very close friend. Those Libra natives, who are young and are studying, taking exams, are working on a degree, any type of education, or desire to learn something new, like a course of their choosing, or are just about to start their careers, are in for a very intense but beautiful January. Most of the planets present in your chart are going to work together in perfect harmony to facilitate your studies, travels, exams and the completion of anything related to study. This also advantages those Libra natives who are a bit lost career wise at the moment. If you have been uninspired for quite some time now, even a few years, and are desperately looking for the perfect job, career, activity, chances are this January, especially towards the middle of the month is going to give you exactly what you desire. Thanks to the power of Uranus, who is full of surprises, you might just be in the right place at the right time and in an instant, you are gonna find the right thing for you. Others who won't be so lucky to benefit from Uranus’s speed, are gonna find the idea, the truth, the information and all the connections needed for this, and if you follow them up slowly, but surely towards the beginning of 2020 you are gonna to live a totally different story, one which you love and represents the person who you wish to become. Those Libra natives who suffer from high blood pressure or any heart condition, have to be very careful because Mars and Uranus together in the sing of Aries, might increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. Last but not least, Uranus may also have surprises for you love wise. Regardless if you are in a steady relationship or single, you have the change to meet new people, who you are gonna be irresistibly drawn too. This could result in third party situations and complicate your life greatly.
The Tarot cards I have drawn, to give you more insight about the month of January are 5 of coins and 10 of Cups. The 5 of coins may indicates, that you are gonna go through a time of financial difficulty, shortage of money and resources, or perhaps it means that you are gonna overspend and get into debt. The 10 of cups joins this card to deliver you a very positive message, that no matter how bad or tight your situation is, someone who values you and find you very dear is going to help you out. Alternatively the 10 of cups can also indicate a person from the past returning into your life, and beginning something new together.

This January is going to be a very important month for Scorpio natives, because you will have the chance and opportunity to create the perfect blueprint, come up with the most perfect idea(s) to revolutionize your finances and material well being. Venus traversing the sing of Sagittarius is going to empower you with power and magnetism, giving you the opportunity to draw into your life everything that you need. It is those purposes, intentions, ideas which have a very strong emotional support from your side, that are going to be prioritized by this energy. In other words, you will draw in everything that you love, everything that gives you pleasure, comfort, and the opportunity to enjoy your physical existence and this incarnation from a very earthly, bodily, physical perspective. Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury are also going to pay a very important role, but their support can play off in a number of different ways, just that the different possibilities do not exclude each other, they can come simultaneously. Jupiter is going to provide you with good fortune, strength, courage to follow through your ideas, and to find the means to manifest them. Those natives are going to be advantaged the most, who’s financial situation doesn't reflect the life they deserve to have. If you are struggling with financial difficulties, things just didn't work out until now, no matter how hard you've tried, regardless of the effort and energy you invested in your work, or your sources of income, things are slowly going to change, and turn the opposite direction. Saturn is going to provide that karmic justice, which will enable your finances to evolve and to reach a path of growth, while Mercury will make sure that you are going to have all the connections that you need. This is a slow, but steady process, which is going to continue all throughout 2020. Scorpio natives are also advised to be very careful, because Uranus will increase your chances for accidents. If you perform physical work, handle equipment of all sorts, work in risky environment, you should take extra caution. The conversation of tension between Mars and Saturn might produce some days, where you feel extremely tired, lack inspiration, lack creativity, and find yourself unable to enjoy life to the fullest. Towards the end of the moth Mercury might surprise you with unexpected travel and journeys that you have to take.
The Tarot cards I have drawn, to give you more insight about the month of January are 5 of Swords reversed, 9 of Swords reversed and the 3 of wands. The 5 of swords reversed is a very good sign, because it means that you are going to recover from whatever injustices are present in your life. If a person is the source of the injustice, then this might mean an apology or an attempt to make things right. If the injustice that is present in your life is more karmic than anything, then this means that you have reached a turning point, where you will have the chance to get to where you feel you deserve to be. The 9 of swords reversed, means that you are going to suffer from fatigue, sleepless night, restlessness which can turn into a mild depression. But, that is just a feeling, a temporary state, and the reason why it's gonna be present in your lives is a very positive one. Your mental energy is being used, transmuted so to speak, into the realization and manifestation of your plans. So, in a non linear way of thinking, your energy is being drained, because it's the fuel your plans need to become stable in the physical reality. The more you feel this, the more powerful the manifestation is going to be!

With Jupiter and Venus traversing your home sign and later on in the moth, they are going to be having conversations of harmony, all of which are going to delight most Sagittarius natives. This January gives start to a massive psychological and spiritual transformation. Events are going to take place, which are going to inspire you to change you ways, and become a more loving, tolerant, less judgmental person. You are going to feel a great spiritual power awakening inside you, a power, which you are going to possess and master all throughout 2019, because Jupiter isn't going anywhere, it's staying in your sign all year. This positive aspect between Venus and Jupiter is going to shower you with good fortune and love. People around you are going to express their love and appreciation towards you, and you will achieve a sense of greater harmony that will exist between you and other people, you are going to benefit from their generosity, compassion and the sum of all these positive emotion and feelings are going to empower you to become a better person yourself. This spiritual power is going to affect your finances and material well-being. You are going to draw in extra money, extra income, extra resources, in other words everything that you need, material in nature, to offer you a greater sense of freedom, and much less limitations. The more you focus on your well-being, joy, happiness, lightheartedness and let go of worry, stress, disappointment, the more your life, from a material perspective is going to reflect that, which you feel deep inside. If you have big dreams, big goals, are full of determination to create the life that you deserve to live, the life which offers you the chance to be a happier and freer version of yourself, then starting with the month of January and persisting all throughout 2019, the planets are going to smile upon you and give you everything that you need, to fulfill your dreams. Those natives who are drawn to arts, hand-crafts, music, expression of self, are going to benefit from an endless source of inspiration, learning and mastery. Last but not least, those Sagittarius natives who are single, can expect surprises in matters of love and romance. While, this doesn't mean that a stable relationship is guaranteed, or that you meet the love of your life, but anything that has to do with passion, romance, friendship, flirts, bodily pleasures has a very high chance to enter your life.
The Tarot cards I have drawn, to give you more insight about the month of January are 8 of Cups reversed joined by the Knight of Coins reversed. This is fantastic news, because it means that you will get the chance to resurrect an old dream, or desire of yours, and that which didn't work out in the past, and had to be abandoned, is going to surface in your life once again. This could also be an old relationship, that couldn't work out in the past, but now it's a totally different story. The Knight of Coins is reversed, to tell you that it's going to be a slow process, and it might not ensure you with any guarantee or security that it's going to work out 100%, but it's worth a try, because you have the power and inner mastery to turn that Knight around and make it permanent and stable. The Universe can only provide you with the opportunity, but you have to decide if you wish to accept it and work with it, or if it's better for you to close the past forever.

For Capricorn natives this January and all of this and next year is going to be life changing. With Pluto the planet of transformation, joined by Saturn your ruler, the Sun, South Node and Mercury all of them direct and present in your sign are going to give you that opportunity, which you have been waiting for all your life. It's going to be the moment of supreme karmic justice, when your ruler is going to make sure that all of the planets conspire in your favor, to give you all those things that you have desired for a very long time, but it just never worked out the way you wanted. We can't generalize which area of your life this is going to play out in, but one thing is for certain, the events that are going to be started at the beginning of the month, catalyzed greatly by the solar eclipse, taking place in your sing, are going to change your life forever and these changes are going to be permanent. One of the things that all Capricorn natives are going to experience is a greater openness towards learning, perfecting your skills, reaching a level of inner mastery, that is going to greatly advantage the person who you are gonna become. For some of you these changes and events triggered by the eclipse are going to be instant, miraculous, unexpected events, while of others, they come in form of opportunities, too good to miss out or to decline, but they will require lots of work and input of energy and resilience from your side. These changes, are more than likely to have a massive say on your finances and material well-being. Mars is going to empower you with strength, passion, determination to draw in your life everything that you desire, from various sources, while Uranus is going to trigger unexpected events, which will also enable you to get what you want. For some of you, it might not be events that are going to be influenced by this powerful Uranian energy, but rather ideas, thoughts, moment of epiphany, awakening to a whole new level of consciousness, which can open an infinite number of doors, which you couldn't even conceive before. This could also play out in the form of new people, friendships, mentors, professional partners, people who share the same passions and interests as you, who are going to have a massive influence on you and pull you up the social ladder. We could perceive this as a significant upgrade of your social position. A different, new layer of society is going to take you in, you will have the chance to enter organizations, guilds, professional groups, associations etc.. If you are a highly skilled professional, with higher education, studies and have sufficient experience, this could be the year when you transform yourself into an elite professional. Also, if you are single, these professional connections, or amongst those people who you share a common hobby, interest or love of a craft with, there can be someone who you've been looking for all your life. This could give birth to a very strong partnership, where you not only share material resources, and unite your emotional worlds, and also share an undying passion and love for something that is very important for both of you, this making your bond unbreakable.
The Tarot cards I have drawn, to give you more insight about the month of January are The Devil and the 6 of Cups. The Devil card has many different meanings, but in this case I sense that it represents your mental power, your mastery over the physical world, your sovereign wills and your magnetism, which lets you transform anything that you can create mentally into reality. The Devil card represents the strength and mental virtue but also the weakness of Capricorn, because if you do not possess a clear mind, or self discipline and let your feelings overwhelm you, this creative power can only summon chaos and imperfect manifestations. The 6 of cups speaks about nostalgic feels, all the things that once brought you great joy, but are no longer present in your life. Combined with the Devil card it signifies that you will once more possess the power, and the magnetism to draw in the occasions, events, journeys which help you to relive those feeling once again.

January and all of 2019 is going to be a very unusual time for Aquarius natives, especially towards the end of the month when a very powerful Lunar eclipse is taking place in your opposite sign. The light of the Full Moon, and all the energies that are going to be released are going to shed clarity on areas of life, in which you suffered losses in the past. For some natives these losses or unfortunate events affected their careers and work, for others their finances, and there are those who suffered separation and discord in love. These events from the past may have caused you a great deal of distress and suffering, and have impacted your life from every perspective, so the changes they produced, almost forced you to live a different life, or lifestyle other than you have done previously. Because of the power of Saturn, the way this clarity, this moment of epiphany, sudden realization, is going to effect you varies and depends on the inner work that you have done. If you and your unwise choices or lack of self discipline was the major cause for your dissatisfaction in the past, then chances are you are going to go through a very tough period of self criticism, and sever punishment of the self, because the way you saw things when they happened, and afterward was very distorted, almost self righteous, where you refused to take any blame for what happened to you. Those of you who did the inner work and worked closely with the inner critic, are going to be relieved from all negative emotions, the Light of the Full Moon and mystery of the Eclipse is going to create new connections in your life, where the people who are going to be part of your life, will reflect the person who you have become. And since you done the inner work needed to balance your life and to recover emotionally from the negative phase that you went through in previous years, now you will get the chance to be proud of everything that you have accomplished and a sense of joy and gratitude is going to overwhelm you, because you will know that the Universe has and always had your back. Work and career wise many positive things are going to come into your life, especially the financial aspect of this field of life is going to benefit from major improvements, prosperity and good fortune, especially if you run your own business. On the other hand the restrictive powers of Saturn can also cause disharmony and conflicts in your social life.
The Tarot cards I have drawn, to give you more insight about the month of January are The High Priestess reversed and the Queen of swords reversed. The combination of these two cards are reflecting exactly what is going to take place in your 12th house. The reversed position of the priestess, which signifies secrets and your own personal illusions that are distorting your vision and prevent you from living your own personal truths, while the Queen of swords reversed means that your future plans may be compromised, and you may make some very unwise decisions. This combination is quite negative and intimidating, especially for the present, but these events are going to be source of life experience and are going to force you to open your horizons, and to carefully think things trough before you make a decision.

Pisces natives are going to embark on a journey of self discovery, starting this January, and lasting a good couple of months. The active sky, and all the planets being direct, are going to give you an inner power, to reveal, uncover many hidden traits that you posses. Perhaps some of you are going to discover skills that you never thought you had, or for some of you the flames of love are going to be ignited towards a domain or activity which you never gave much attention to in the past. Those of you drawn to spirituality and spiritual practices are going to be showered with signs, manifestations of your thoughts and desires, from the smallest possible things to manifesting your biggest dreams, or at least the opportunities to get to where you desire to be. While this is extremely positive, it can also have a very dark side, control your emotions, your fears, lack of gratitude, and dissatisfaction, because the negative part of your souls also has a high chance of manifesting. Those natives who wish to study, or reach a heightened level of mastery, those who wish to make long distance travel, or perhaps move to a foreign country are going to be greatly advantaged. If you are a business person, owner o a business, work with projects etc are also going to be advantaged by drawing clients, customers, interest for your area of activity, from all over the planet. All communication, negotiation, offers, contracts are going to be advantaged. From a social perspective, massive changes are going to take place. The power of Saturn is going to reveal and give you the power and opportunity to eliminate all social connections and obligations which do not advantage you. Some of these endings may disadvantage you in the immediate future, but rest assured that in the long run it's the best choice you ever made. To add to this, anything that disappears from your life, from a social point of view is going to be replaced by something ten times better and more advantageous. The combined energies of Pluto, Mercury, and the Sun are going to guide you, direct you from a social perspective, offering you the chance to shine and receive recognition and gratitude for the person that you are today. I think it's safe to say that this January Pisces natives will be the supreme stars of the show, because anything that has to do with social gatherings, social evens, friendship, partnership (not romantic) in your life are gonna be blessed and they are going to be sources of pleasure, joy, and personal satisfaction.
The Tarot cards I have drawn, to give you more insight about the month of January are 10 of cups and the Fool. This is a very favorable combination, because the 10 of cups signifies partnership. This means that you are going to find those people, or those people are going to find you who simply belong in your life, and with their help, support and guidance, your life is going to benefit from many fresh starts and new beginning, which are symbolized by the Fool card. Lightheartedness and a playful attitude is going to revive your inner child, thus offering you moments of happiness and emotional satisfaction.