Hi everyone, and welcome to another pick a card reading. Today I was guided to do this reading for people who are going through a very very tough and negative times in their lives, and ask the Universe for guidance and advice. I must repeat, this reading is specially made for those of you who are facing very difficult times, who feel lost, desperate, can't see the light at the end of the tunnel anymore. It might not make sense and be irrelevant for those who aren't going through such a period in their lives.
I asked the Universe to channel through me it's wisdom, power, and synchronicity so the advice and message that you need to change your situation reaches you.
Relax and ask the Universe to guide you, asking for it's wisdom to reach you;
Take a deep breath;
Look at the symbols for as long as you needs, and choose one, which you feel drawn too the most;
Jump straight to the interpretation of the pile of cards that you chose;
Try to adapt the reading to your specific situation;
Never give up, stay strong, know that you found this reading/this post, because the Universe wants you to know that you're not alone in this!
The Interpretation of the cards:

Those of you who chose the star symbol, might have suffered a big loss, or may have lost the stability in all areas of your life. As the Tower card suggests, your hard work, everything that you've been working for, everything that you should have gained, everything that you invested strength, power and creativity into, came crumbling down. This loss/disaster can mean anything, from end of relationship/marriage, end of career/job, end of an era of your life, end of independence, great financial loss, the death of someone you loved and who ensured emotional stability. Or it could mean that someone ruined you lives, as the “enemy” card suggests. This can either mean manipulation, someone intentionally guided you towards ruin, someone lied to you and made you big promises on which you acted upon and are now left out in the cold.
Whatever your situation might be the Universe has a very important message for you! Don't blame yourself, don't feel angry at yourself, don't punish yourself anymore. The Ace of Swords reversed means, that you see your own situation and your own person in a very negative and twisted way, and this needs to end A.S.A.P. The Tower is crumbling because you tried your best to adapt, fit in society, and you tried your very hardest to be useful, to play your part, to tirelessly put your contribution into whatever you were doing/were believing in. But, this was by no means a mistake, it was part of the learning process, you learned how to adapt, and the stability that you enjoyed before this situation arose, is a clear reflection of your own skills, talents, careful planning, devotion. One might say that not only did you enjoy success in the past, but you accomplished great things for yourself and those around you. Yes you may have supported and helped undeserving people, but you shouldn't look at this as a mistake or naivety, on the contrary, you were brave enough and pure enough not to judge anyone, and to give them equal chances. But, the learning process came to an end, and nothing that you did in the past, is relevant anymore, so you need to archive all your memories, and use them as sources of lesson, and wisdom. We're not just talking about becoming wiser as a person, but we're talking about REAL wisdom, begin a pillar of knowledge and inspiration, a messenger of love, all that you hoped and worked for in it's ultimate expression. So, in the light of this, know that the Universe had no choice but to return you to a state of innocence, the exact same state in which you were in, when you started your journey in life, recall the last big life changing crisis that you faced years ago, and just how much good came out of it, at the end. This won't be any different, so don't hope for a miracle, don't hope for someone to come and save you, because YOU are going to be your own savior, once you accept the fact hat you can't recover what you've lost, and you have to begin anew. Once you accept this, once you decide to turn your Ace of Cups upright and start filling it up again, you will draw solutions, new opportunities, everything that is right for you, back into your life. This lack of progress and stagnation that you are currently facing comes from within, your soul won't accept you to punish it anymore, it won't accept that you put the blame on yourself, it simply refuses to collaborate with you, until you give yourself the love, understanding, patience and healing that you so much need. Fall in love with yourself, open your eyes and see that the person who you are today, is exactly who you've dreamed of becoming, just because society doesn't give you the medal, the trophy, the honorary mark, that doesn't mean you are less of a person, and perhaps, all of the honor and glory that you wish for is going to come once you put yourself on a pedestal and value and worship your life, your story, everything about yourself.

If you were drawn to the Sun symbol (please excuse my lack of artistic talent) are going through a very negative phase emotionally. You feel weak willed, you can't express yourselves they way you wish too, you feel like the well of your souls has dried up and there is no emotional value that you can offer to those around you, you may feel disconnected from friends, family, life partner, and that everything that you do is just a big let down emotionally. Not only do you find it difficult to give love, but also to receive it. Some of you might be going through a period of severe self doubt, you feel very guilty because you think that YOU are the cause, why your relationship isn't working out, or the love that you once felt isn't there anymore, and you are too afraid to express this, not to hurt the other person. Others, may be struggling to brake away from a group of friends, or family, but you delay expressing your intention, because you fear negative feedback.
Regardless of what your situation is, it has to do with your emotions turning against you, the emptiness that you feel is starting to eat you up from the inside, no matter what you do, you can't find the strength to say NO, and it is heavily weighing on your soul.
The Universe wants you to know, that things aren't as bad as you think. Many times you simply can't trust your emotions, because there is so many things, that can influence it in a negative way: media, watching the news, being naive enough to believe that what other people show on social media is actually real, trying to impress and please others excessively, because you think that is going to make you a better person.
If your greatest desire is to become a sacrifice, to endlessly give to others in an unconditional way, then do not be surprised if the Universe will enable this, and will give you what you want. Your altruism, and willingness to be there for other people drew all of this in your life, so the solution is simple. You must stop this! It's time to be selfish, to focus on yourself, to focus on your inner and outer beauty, to start demanding everything back that you sacrificed for others, in other words start building up your gravitational pull, your magnetism to draw fresh energies back in your life.
By blindly pleasing others and not having the courage to stand up for yourself, you are not creating good karma, but quite the opposite, your own sufferings, your own discomfort, the loss of your own pleasures creates negative karma, because in time all of this, that you denied yourself will mount up and suffering, depression, and dark desires will start to be an everyday issue in your life.
For those of you who are doing all of this in a relationship, marriage, it's time to speak up! But, not the way you used too, this time the naked, raw, brutal truth has to come out, because, yes, it may cause some disruption, but it can no longer be delayed. Not expressing the truth, not expressing your own sovereign will, is just another form of lie and deceit, which not only damages the other person, but also yourself and it will lead to traumas, and psychological instability.
If you are single, that means that you are trying everything in your power to attract love, but you just can't seem to find the right person who you click with. In this case the Universe is telling you the same thing: Change! Don't try to lease, don't ignore your inner truth, don't ignore your own personality and uniqueness, just because it doesn't click with modern society. Remember well that not only do you have to let the inner freak out, but you have to share it with the whole world, because being unique, colorful, deep, fun and a little bit crazy is a BEAUTIFUL thing! Once you let yourself become who you truly are, you will attract what you are!

Those of you who felt a connection with the Moon symbol, may be facing a very tough time but for reasons, which have very little to do with the Self. You might be facing a great stagnation, and the lack of prosperity, likes of which you never faced before in your life.
The Empress suggests, that you are very dynamic, resourceful, creative, fun loving, fast paced people who always get everything done very fast, and you can put a huge amount of effort into something in a very short time. But, despite trying very hard to get things moving, your situation just doesn't wanna change. You might feel extremely frustrated, tired, and your patience is stretched to limits, you didn't even know you had, but all of this causes great deals of stress, and makes you become your worst selves. For other this might translate to illness, physical imbalances in the body, pains, aches, symptoms which just don't go away no matter what you do, and you are losing your patience with everything.
Or as the three of cups might suggests, those of you who work in creative domains, artistic fields, simply reached a standstill, no matter what you do, no matter what you try, things just don't bare any results.
Regardless of what you situation is, all the failed attempts to get things moving, all the wait, all the hope and self motivation you put into it, is catapulting you to your limits. Some of you may feel so frustrated, so angry, so unsatisfied that you might consider abandoning everything, giving up on yourselves, and planning on living a simpler, yet much more uncomplicated life, a downgrade if you will.
The Universe wants you to know NEVER to give up. The source of all your problems is your unrealistic expectations. You are used to things always moving at your own speed, you are used to receiving an immediate reward for all your positive input into things, you are used to good karma always lending you a helping hand, so you simply can not understand or accept that a time came in life when the world simply doesn't work the way you know it.
Also, the 5 of swords means, that your stress is amplified by those around you, who are putting extra pressure on you, many of your friends and family wish to help and bombard you with questions/solutions/unsolicited advice, which makes thing much much worse from a psychological point of view. The Universe advises you to change your attitude, to change the way you look at your own situation, stagnation is a perfect opportunity to rest, and do some inner work, or to dedicate more time and more effort on things which bring you small joys. Accept the fact that no matter what you do, you can't control the flow of time. Right now the World it's self, is going through a certain stagnation, a calm before the storm, nothing is really fertile right now, not just in your lives, but very many people are going through the same issues as you. Be patient, trust your knowledge, and your life experience, the seeds that you planted are growing, yes they are slow, but the time will come when everything that you done, and everything that you want to accomplish will blossom, and when this negative phase ends, you will get the chance to recover everything that you missed out on, and your happiness, the joy and success will be that more blissful.

People attracted by the flower symbol (yes, that's supposed to be a flower) :), are going through, what they call the "Dark night of the soul". The World card suggests that the problems that you are currently facing, are such in nature, which hurt you the most, which cause you the most possible damage, and are deeply rooted in your childhood experiences. You might be reliving the traumas of the past, history might be repeating it's self, it might seem, that, right now that the Universe is totally against you and is looking for new ways to hurt you and break your spirit. These old traumas, and difficulties are resurfacing, because your life is about to change forever, and you as a person are going to be changed into someone you've always dreamed of. All the catastrophe, bad luck, problems, money issues arose to purify your soul. Before, you can begin the most important cycle of your life, before the most impactful and meaningful events can take place, you need to see yourself the way you truly are. All these negative events are meant to show you, just how pure, selfless, empathic, good willed, and magical you truly are, because in your future, self doubt, questioning your own morality, purity, has absolutely no place.
Also, many of the events that trouble, even torture you are your own creations. We're not talking about psychology, but we're talking about a great power that the Universe gave you, you were able to manifest all your fears. Yes I know what you're thinking, then why can't you manifest your deepest desires? The answer is simple, you are about to become someone of great power and influence, someone the Universe chose to express it's self through, and that's why, this is the only way it can make sure that you win the battle against your own demons (fear, traumas, misconceptions, misaligned beliefs). The Universe wants you to know, that it is your greatest ally, and YOU are it's chosen, you are one of those people who are given the chance to be totally connected to the Source, and this will reflect in all areas of your life, but before this can happen, your life has to be ready.
People, who will never understand what you're gonna become have to disappear from your life no matter how much you love them, and people who are gonna be your real friends have to come into your life. And this takes time.
The 7 of cups is present upright twice!!!! There simply can't be a more clear sing, that your dreams, hopes, wishes, those which always were within you, ever since early childhood, the visions, premonitions, divine guidance that you are getting is REAL and very soon, that is gonna be your new life, and the new you! Very soon it won't be just an inner reality, or fantasy, or daydream, but it's gonna be your real life!!!