Hey everyone! Welcome to this very special Samhain/Halloween Pick a card reading, with the topic: “Message from beyond”. Since, this is a day when our attentions, focus and gratitude is directed to the spirits of those who can no longer with us, I've decided to do a special reading in their honor, and allow them to speak to you through my cards.
I asked the Universe to enable my cards to bring through a message from a loved one, you lost.

This reading is NOT going to work for you unless you have a very dear and close person in mind, who is no longer with us, and who had a real impact on your life. If you don't have any deceased, who was that close to you (for example grandparent, who you didn't really get to know), then this reading won't really work for you.
Instructions: Close your eyes, think of the person who you lost, ask the Universe to guide your intuition; Look at the pile of cards with the letters for as long as you need, and choose one, which you feel irresistibly drawn too;
Jump to your letter's interpretation;
Enjoy and wish eternal joy, blessing and peace to the loved one you lost!

I'm picking up someone, who's passing was sudden, unexpected in a way, which changed the lives of his/her relatives and caused much grief and sorrow. The pain of the loss, doesn't just originate from the shock caused by the passing, but by the fact, that this person lived a life of self sacrifice, always cared for others, always put the needs of others first before their own, and most of all it would seem that they may have missed out on very much in life (like the small joys of life, travels, holidays, material goods, love life) in order to ensure a greater well being for those, who they loved.
The message is the following: Do not feel sadness, do not feel sorry for them, for all the things that they were left out of, because it was their choice, and the self sacrifice they made in life, was done with unconditional love, and all the good they managed to create was a reward and satisfaction, more than they could possibly ask for. Let go once and for all of all the pain that the person's passing may have caused you, and instead value, worship, treasure all the virtues, wisdom, positive example left behind by this person, and remember all the times when thanks to their ambition, perseverance, and willingness to do the right things, they brought forth true miracles, and got out of really really bad situations. You, the person reading this, possess an ingenuity, creative spirit, good ideas, so do not hold back, be strong, be confident and follow your ideas!

For pile “B”, I'm picking up a soul who made the lives of many people beautiful. I'm picking up a very loving, fun, humorous person, who really knew how to live life to the fullest, and inspired everyone around them.
The message that I receive is: do not blame anyone for their passing, if it's yourself you're blaming for not doing/helping enough, or if it's another person you're blaming for not doing enough to save this person's life or prevent death, then please stop feeling these emotions, do not think these thoughts anymore and if it's the case forgive! For the spirit it truly doesn't matter, and it never did, the dreams or signals that you receive from the spirit from time to time are truly messages to tell you they are more than ok, and they want you to be emotional burden free, and know that they are very happy with the life they've lived.

I'm picking up on someone who was a very just, righteous, generous, but strict person. Morality was something of the utmost importance and the person always had a great sense of duty, very reliable and honest. This soul worked hard in life, and on more than one occasion simply changed it's life around, and brought stability and happiness to their family. They may have felt great love for their partners, and family was something sacred to them.
They would like you to know that the passing was a source of joy for them, because they got the chance to reunite with someone important who, they lost during their lives, and deep inside they always longed for this reunion of souls. Also the spirit asks you to please help, offer aid, (this might be material) to someone who is related to them and who is going through a very tough time, and could really use a helping hand. (The person who the spirit asked you to help out, might not be a retaliative of yours, but it was someone dear to the spirit, and someone that the spirit might have helped in life)

For “D” pile I'm picking up a spirit who wasn't ready to pass, who had much much more to live for, and it was very difficult for them to accept the loss of their own life. The Wheel of Fortune might suggest that it might have been an accident, misfortune, or something triggered by fate, an unfortunate event. The message that's coming through for “D” is that they are ok, they did lots of “inner work” and their spirits are no longer restless, they have been watching you and the unfolding of your life from the other side and they wish you happiness and to find real love.
Also they would like you to know, that they can't move on yet, even though they aren't restless they are waiting for someone, like a soul mate, someone who they deeply loved in life (this might even be you!) to meet them again on the other side, and they will move on together in harmony.

The message that's coming through for “E” is an apology. The spirit would like to apologize for what it has left behind. Of course this includes a great deal of heartache and emotional trauma (represented by the 3 of swords), but the way, or the time the spirit left this life, may gave caused material or situational hurt, or some kind of additional loss. It ask for forgiveness, and for you to reach out to others, who suffered and might still be suffering from their loss and ask them to let the hurt go, and try to get over the negative impact the passing caused. The spirit needs to be free, the more you suffer, the more restless the spirit gets, and it would really like to see everyone who they left behind happy and content.

The message that I'm picking up for “F” comes from a very wise spirit, who in life possessed a very sharp intuition and knowledge about the ways of the world. This spirit performed things in life, which in death, rewarded them with a great amount spiritual power, and they might have ascended to a spirit guide.
The message they would like you to know is, you might have suffered a situation in your life, which left you feeling defeated, broken willed, you might think that you failed at something. They ask you to never give up, believe in yourself and your dreams like you never ever did before in your life and it sends you blessing, courage and strength from the other side, in order to help you make your dream come true.