I would like to apologize in advance, because this very first entry is going to be a general one. My original intent was to offer a separate reading for all signs individually, but things didn't go according to schedule this month, so this first reading is going to be a general one for all signs. In the future, separate readings will be posted at the beginning of every moth for all star signs.
October 2018 is going to be a very challenging month for every star sign. It is dominated by powerful Pluto energy and also a New Moon in Libra.
The last 2 weeks of September were also heavily influenced by the powers of Pluto. Many of us found ourselves bombarded by resurfacing emotions, buried deep in our subconscious. Pluto is well known to draw all sorts of traumas, unresolved issues, broken trust, traumatic experiences, depressions anxiety and many other negative emotions which were caused by past events. While this may mark a very challenging time, or spiritually what is knows as "The dark night of the soul", all of this pain, suffering, resurfacing of the past, is meant to be in our best interest.
Many may ask, but how can this be? Well my friends, Pluto destroys everything it touches and brings ruin to all things, BUT it only corrupts and harms elements in your life and in our psyche that do not serve any positive purpose anymore. It brings forth ruin and destruction to enable rebirth. You see things that do not serve you anymore in life, traumas, obstacles, fears, old conflicts, are just blockages, they were once upon a time life lessons, but their purpose was already served, so like it or not Pluto decided that it is tine to LET GO.
Ideas, plans, projects, lucrative purposes, creative impulses, that can't or do not produce anything useful are going to disappear from your life, no matter how hard you try to hold on to them. Pluto brings fourth a purging, a purification, where everything in your life that doesn't advantage you has to be seen, has to come to the surface, so that life can force you to deal with it, and let go.
This is very important because There is a New Moon in Libra which is destined to amplify this process and these energies governed by Pluto. While Pluto help you see the truth, and confront the pain, the New Moon is turning the page in your book to start a new chapter.
This new chapter begins with THOUGHT. The beginning of October is a very important time to create intellectually, it is very very fertile for inner growth, inner work, knowing your SELF in a totally new and fresh light. Highlighting your hidden talents, giving you a new, empowered self confidence, the ability to believe in yourself and in your dreams!
The communication between Mercury and Uranus will be a great ally as well, because it will encourage everything that you "dreamed" up. You will find connections, people, (both new and old) opportunities to advance your plans even further, it is a massive boost to every creation process, artistic attempt, to begin a new field of study, to successfully finish new courses, new studies. But it also hold a mirror, a mirror in which you can see yourself clearly and get all the feedback that you need from the outside world, giving you the chance to adapt, make changes and evolve together with your work, projects efforts.
Another very important aspect of this month is Venus going shadow. Combined with the present Pluto energies, you will find yourself changing many priorities in your life. Things that you already got used to, will no longer appeal to you, you may feel the urge to change your appearance, style, buy new clothing, new gadgets, new things that are meant to offer you the small joys in life.
All star signs are going to be very analytical, critical, have raised standards, for many different elements in their life. It will be the time to ask yourself, Do I really love this and that?; Am I truly happy with myself and my performance?; Am I happy in the relationship that I am in, or is it just out of convenience?
Usually when Venus goes into shadow it is the season fro break-up, end of marriages, partnerships, but at the same time, the rest of the planets with the New Moon in Libra favor new beginnings, new relationships, new romance, new sexual encounters. But as a word of warning when Pluto is this active in the sky and this close to the Earth (the closest it's been since 1930) third party situations and infidelity it's at it's peak. So if you find yourself in a situation where your partner is perhaps cheating on your or flirting with someone else, it's not the best moment to make quick hot-headed decisions, because they may feel an uncontrollable urge to do this, thanks to Pluto's powerful influence.
This month is also a good time to visit family/close friends, there is a powerful communication of planets in the sky which brings back nostalgic feelings, memories, good times, positive moments which shaped one's life, successes, etc.
October's Full Moon will bring forth energies of gratitude. It is the perfect time to express your appreciation, sincere feelings, reiterating your "thank you" s to people in your life who deserve it. But also to give full credit to yourself for everything that you have been trough, all the hardships that you survived, all the situations where you did the "right thing" despite being in a bad situation.
