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General prediction for 2019

Updated: Dec 6, 2018

Hi everyone and welcome to a 2019 general reading. In this reading we're gonna look at, what 2019 is going to feel like, and afterwards what important changes are going to happen globally. This is not an individualized reading, so if you're not curious about what 2019 is going to feel like globally speaking, you might wanna skip this one. The very first information that the cards transmit is about money, worth and value. This isn't about economic growth and how well nations are doing money wise, globally speaking, but about what relationship does in individual have with money, finances and what the individual can achieve with it. There is going to be a major dissatisfaction globally, about the fact that money and how money is a reflection of someone's worth in the eyes of society. While this is nothing new, everyone knows, that this is wrong, and the sad consequence, is, that lots of great, talented, passionate people, who have a true gift to give to the world, don't even have the slightest chance to start an activity, because they can't show their value, from a financial perspective. The World it's self, humanity in general, both the individual and collective had enough of this very unhealthy cycle, and there is going to be a huge uprising. This might not mean anything violent or protests, but rather an indirect uprising using the internet, and small groups to spread liberating messages, in an attempt to motivate as many people as possible, so, that the needs of the many can finally conquer the “rich” and their unfair law/rules which currently control most of the world. From this perspective there are going to be positive changes, they might not change the value system from one day to the next, but there are going to be people working on this, and world leaders are going to make promises, begin creating global reforms, which will be destined to change the banking industry, make trade much fairer, hide or conceal the economic differences in such a way, that it feel much fairer to the individual.

Also another issue which many nations are going to debate and try to find a solution is housing. A big part of this social unrest, is thanks to the very difficult, sometimes impossible manner in which, a family, can settle down and find a home for themselves.

Another important event which is going to occur, is about freedom of information. Certain very important people, possible world leaders are ready to disclose certain hidden information, which has always been kept under strict secrecy. There are going to be hidden conferences, meetings, discussions, and even these are going to be help under pressure, because a certain percentage of the population, who made it their lives purpose to uncover the truth, are going to heat things up, by creating and financing conspiracy channels/media etc.

All throughout the year, there are going to be globally highly unusual weather phenomenon, things which will need lots of explanations. That is why scientist will unite and tell us much more about what they already know and what is happening to our planet. While some things, that, are gonna be revealed will be quite scary and surprising, rest assured that they are gonna have a solution for everything.

The year 2019 is also going to be about the individual, small groups, and not the global community. This is going to play out in a very strange way, because the current tendency is globalization, everyone is telling us to stick together and help each other mutually, regardless of ethnic origins and culture, because, after all, this is the only logical way forward. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, you be the judge of this, a great separation is going to start. Countries are going to close their borders, they are going to restrict free movement, and they will welcome less and less migrants and travelers. Of course this isn't going to be done in a brutal and strict way, but rather in a way which is respectful and fair to everyone. Since, the Universe, or call it what you will, is giving more power to the individual person, the awakening also causes them to feel the blessings of the culture they were born in, not only will they feel more and more connected, to their ancestral origins, but this will be a major element which is going to form alliances, makes the individual accept another’s imperfection and becomes less critical, and so the identity of a nation, of a culture is greatly strengthened. This in it's self will form a great opposition towards migration and certain undeserving people forcing another culture to accept their ways. The U.S. and U.K. already started this movement and it is more than certain that other natures will follow this example.

There is going to be quite a bit of tensions between nations, as well. The usual conflict of interests, war for resources, political and religious differences.... all of this is going to continue, but to top everything up, most countries are going to experience inner conflict, tension, violence and protests as well. Let us not forget that the North Node moved into the sign of Cancer, which means that emotions, and the heart is going to greatly overrule the mind. That which caused us to feel fear and restricted us in the past, will no longer be an obstacle, because the North node in Cancer, is going to give us courage, emotional strength to fight for our principles and for the security and serenity of our futures.

2019 is going to be a fantastic year for those who are major fans of conspiracy theories. Lots of unusual activities are going to occur, beginning from the start of the year, to the very end, some of these are going to be very unusual calamities, natural disasters, floods, mysterious illnesses, mysterious drugs appearing, and simultaneous technological advancements are going to skyrocket, and slowly the world will start to change before our eyes on a daily basis. This means significant advancements in space travel, anti-matter and the containment of anti-matter is no longer going to be something sci-fi, and possibly the biggest breakthrough will come from analysis of dark matter and energy. The last part of the year is a bit mysterious even for me, the interpreter, because it shows, the power of karma. I am not exactly sure what this could mean, but I am guessing from the combination of the cards, that this might represent social justice fulfilled for certain people, while at the same time, this act of justice, is going to represent the opposite to a different category of people. This can be a sign of a massive karmic change that is going to occur in 2020. It might just represent the calm before a big storm.

The second spread of the reading is designed to give us a couple of hints about the main events that are going to change the world in 2019.

The cross represents the very core towards which all event will lead, and this signifies the shift in the relationship between religious institutions and the wishes, desires, future plans of the masses it “inspires”. This is also a major karmic shift, because religion and religious dogmas had a major impact on humanity's evolution in the past and many times it forced the collective to head towards an evolutionary path no one but the religious leaders desired. Now, the contrary has to happen, most individuals are going to be free, free at mind, free at heart, free at spirit, and they will no longer accept rules, not even moral or spiritual rules, which disregard modern rights, and even the moral impact, that religion had over science is going to be lifted. Humanity will no longer consider, that they are meddling with nature or with “the Creator's” work, but they identify the god within themselves, and come to the conclusion, that perhaps, this is exactly, what they should have been doing all along, perfecting, adapting, helping to evolve something which is governed by chaos, chance more than anything.

Now let us see the events which contribute to this karmic shift:

The hanged man signifies the global movement, is going to be reversed. In other words, globalization will enter stagnation, and the differences, individuality, uniqueness of genetics, history, culture if going to fortify and there is going to be a great division. But this aspect is not going to be conflictual, it's not going to be violent, (at least not on a global scale) but rather is will strengthen the friendships and alliances between nations.

The Tower card signifies natural disasters, calamities, but some of these might be caused by man. This will bring forth great unrest, and people to unite and demand answers and a clarity on the situation from the governments of the word, so from this perspective, a lot is going to be revealed, especially from a scientific perspective, but also create a lot of conspiracies and mistrust between governments and people.

The Ace of Cups signifies the transit of the North node into Cancer, which in it's self is a great spiritual and emotional blessing. For the individual it will mean an emotional cleansing, strengthening, more and more people are going to find themselves, and each other (for new relationships) and because of their empowered and pure emotional states, they are going to see EVERYTHING totally differently, from perspectives which their old selves would have never thought about. This in the long run means the downfall of organized religion and the birth of free spirituality based on the experiences and inner configuration of the individual.

Money and economics are going to play a very important role, from one perspective there is going to be an economic crisis, but the reasons which lead to this are not gonna be anything solid or physical, but rather errors, mistakes, and miscalculations made by institutions, and this is going to cause a great avalanche. While this look pretty grim, for the individual is going to feel quite the opposite. Money and values are going to be more accessible for the middle and lower class, there is going to be an attempt for social justice, and regardless of how that plays out, from a statistic point of view, it's not gonna be a pretty sight for banks and world organizations, but for the individual, it will feel the like money is flowing exactly to where it should have been all along. So in other words, this is gonna affect the multimillionaire rich people and the governments and institutions of state more than anyone.

And finally The Ace of swords also appeared. Well there's gonna be big trouble globally, the Ace of Swords means the disclosure of very important, life changing information. But this disclosure comes at a very high price, there are gonna be hidden unseen wars and battles between different sides, but it seems that the side who wants to make everything public is winning, and if you think that this is great news, the truth is going to totally confuse and forever damage the mind of certain people who are unable to think for themselves.



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