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General February forecast and aspects

Hi everyone and welcome to another astrology update. In this article we are going to talk about the most important aspects for the month of February, and also the New Moon in Aquarius on the 4th of February. The general feel of the month of February is going to be similar to that of January, because all the planets are going to be direct, but while January was more static from a strict material/financial point of view, February is going to be much more dynamic, full of tension and possible conflicts, but all of these negative aspects, will greatly move everything forward. (If we make decisions based on wisdom and what our heart truly desires, and give less significance to linear way of thinking.) The emotional aspects of February are going to be much more intense, freer, stronger than in January, because the first month of the year was greatly dominated by Capricorn energies and all sorts of restrictions imposed by Saturn, in February we are going to have the Sun and Mercury traversing the sign of Aquarius, so the general energies will be much more optimistic, playful and balanced. Mercury also enters Aquarius in the last part of January, which is good news for Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius natives, because it loves being in an air sign. Mercury in an air sing always encourages the speed and importance of information, the beauty and joy of discovery, research study and most of all sharing your knowledge with other people, either professionally, friendship based, or publicly. Mercury is Aquarius is going to greatly benefit everyone who speaks in public, either directly or via the internet, media, etc. (writers, translators, programmers included even if it's not public work that they do) Mercury in Aquarius also has a very strong influence over the internet and social media, controversy, viral content, conspiracy videos, motivational speeches, humanitarian speeches, comical content will blossom. Saturn and Pluto are still going to be present in Capricorn all throughout February, so this means that there is going to be a great power struggle inside big corporations, institutions, authorities of the state, and in one way or another money (globally speaking) is going to be restricted and it's value is going through a very slow an steady process of transformation. Saturn and Pluto together in Capricorn also encourages learning, hard and tireless work, and reaching a state of greater mastery of your traits and professional skills. This aspect also encourages people who wish to change their careers, and start something new, but also those individuals who do not wish a change, but rather an evolution, in the sense that they would like to climb much higher on the leadership ladder. There are certain aspects taking place in February that are very unpleasant, but these aspects need to be analyzed as well, because they might represent dangerous outbursts of power, but in the long run, it's going to motivate the collective to reach another milestone and enter into a new era. One of these aspects is Uranus slowly moving back to 29 degrees in Aries. Uranus always brings great unrest, revelations, sock, an eruption of brutal power, demand for freedom. We must take into consideration the fact that, Uranus moves very slowly, and it usually takes 7 years to travel through a sign. The very first degree (zero) and the very last degree (29) are moments, when it's power reaches maximum. When it entered the sign of Aries (approx.7 years ago, at zero degrees of course) there was a massive calamity which included the explosions at the Fukushima reactor. So, it's pretty easy to figure out that when it reaches 29 degrees Aries, (on the 6th), earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions or man made explosions can be expected. This has a very powerful impact even on a social level, because Uranus represents freedom, the inability to accept restrictions, inner uprising, which later leads to outer uprising. Social unrest, protests, violent outbursts, strikes, gatherings, is to be expected, and since Uranus also forms a conversation with Eris (micro planet between Mars and Jupiter), who is the goddess of discord and can bring forth the darkest aspects of Venus magnified tenfold (hate, unappreciative behavior, irritability, mistrust, envy, apathy etc.) it's going to be the start of a very big shift in power, where the people will claim back their power and oppose their governments and any other institution. The true problems lies with the confrontation of the two, while the people are empowered by Uranus in Aries, and the North node in Cancer, the Governments and institutions are greatly empowered by Saturn and Pluto conjunct with the South node in Capricorn. This sounds very scary, because if both opposing side are insanely empowered, then the clash has to produce a very significant and important change in the world. The last time Saturn was conjunct with Pluto in Capricorn was 500 years ago when Martin Luther, challenged the authority of the Pope and the Church and so the Reformation and the new era began. If you though that this is all the scary new I have, well then perhaps we should include Mars, who is in his home sign of Aries, into the equation. On the 12-13th of the month Mars is going to speak in conversation of harmony with Uranus, and these two planets are considered the greatest warriors of the sky. Mars holds the power of courage, boldness, determination, perseverance while Uranus provides the speed, the momentum, the inner revelation necessary to motivate everything and the power to generate random, unexpected events. If Mars is gasoline, then Uranus is a spark of electricity, it's impossible to tell what happens when the 2 meet, but one thing is for sure, it's going to be shocking and explosive. If this wasn't enough Mars is also going to form a square with Pluto (who will be conjunct with the Moon). Pluto is the planet of death, rebirth, transformation and evolution, but also everything to do with the occult, and it is the higher octave of Mars, so basically we have here the two planets who represent pure power, in different octaves. When this conversation happens, feelings of anger, frustration, unhappiness, violence, cruelty, savagery is going to flourish. Of course there is a very good side to it as well, for someone who is very balanced and very stable mentally, this could represent powers sufficiently refined and strong to bend reality it's self to one's will. So if you do any kind of spiritual, magical, energetic practices, it would be wise to practice and perform like you never did before, because it rare when such a great source of both inner and outer mystical power flows freely in the world. There is also a New Moon taking place on the 4th of February, in Aquarius, which is wonderful new for the individual, because new beginning are going to be greatly encouraged on a social level. New groups, charities, clubs, artistic organizations etc can be founded, and it will be a time when like minded, hearted and spirited people will find each other and have the chance to do something fun, useful and fulfilling together. However for the collective it's a totally different story. It's true that many people are going to find each other and form groups, but all of this for the purpose to bring chance to the system. It will be a time of social and moral awakening for most people. So in other words the beginning of the beginning :) One last aspect which will play a great role is Jupiter in his home sing of Sagittarius forming a square with Neptune. While this is mostly negative, because it urges people to believe in their illusions, misaligned beliefs, overspend, acquire lots of unnecessary items, drink too much, escape into a world of fantasy and reams, the positive side is that it also imposes compassion, morality, fairness, humanitarianism. And if we take into consideration the tension between society and the leaders, I think an excess of compassion, emotions, morality, fairness and humanitarianism is most welcome.

Thank you for reading, watch out for the February horoscope for all 12 signs coming soon!



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