Hello to all my gorgeous Virgo friends and welcome to your Full Moon reading for October. The first line of the reading suggests that you are working your boots off, it's all about work, it's all about endurance, effort, holding your ground and enduring all the challenges that are coming your way. These challenges that are represented by the 9 and 10 of wands are not few in numbers, in fact metaphorically speaking it's like a barrage of arrows (each arrow is a new challenge, complication, work related issue, cause of stress), it's not really about quality and the severity of the problems, but more about the quantity, which seems to be like a bottomless well. This is exactly the reason why the King of swords is reversed. You have the ideas, you have all the solutions, you have the connections, you even have the resources, what you do not have is time. You are clearly multitasking, but fortunately thanks to your own ingenuity and probably the blessing of your astrological ruler Mercury, you always seem to be just half a step ahead of all the workload, but it still isn't enough, it doesn't buy you the time your require to concentrate on that which is very important to you. But do not worry, as the numbers suggest 9 and 10 this will not last forever, your work will pay off, and when you finally get the chance for a break it will be very much appreciated.
Also, something that I find very very important to mention, is that the burdens you bare, and the work that you do are not in vane, it's not a futile effort or miss-invested strength, but a necessity, a requirement for future success, so the Universe wants you to know, that yes it's hard, yes your back is very sore from all the weight you carry, and you even feel like you'll fall to pieces if you take on anymore, but all of this will be rewarded, this is like the Ultimate exam of tolerance and endurance, an exam which when passed, is going to catapult you to a whole new professional level.
The second row looks a little bit frightening, with the presence of the Tower there, yes things are falling out of place, yes your exaggerated expectations, your unrealistic idealism is going to crumble to dust, but it will also ground you, it will cleanse your mind and heart of “the grass is greener on the other side”, it will bring you back to reality, a reality which may not be pink tinted, but it's stable and most of all it's YOURS. And this is exactly what the Hanged man reverse signifies, a change of perspective, all the negative events of the recent past and present, all the lack of success, all the losses and disaster is meant to prevent you from investing too much in unrealistic goals, it is meant to stop you from finishing your Babel tower, because ruled by Mercury, Virgos are embodiment of wisdom, so it's not hard for you guys to guess what the outcome of illusionary work is. This change of perspective, will give you clarity and strengthen your spirit to work and aim for things which matter to you more than anything else in life, and at the end of the day, to appreciate that which you already have. In the light of this, the 5 of wands doesn't necessarily mean a battle, a conflict with someone else, but rather with your own spirit, with your own rebellion, with the uprising of your own dissatisfaction which are slowly starting to drown the person who you became.
But this inner battle will be brought on by the ungratifying nature of your partners, colleagues, people who you are connected with.
The third row guided by the High Priestess, bring you fresh hope from deep within the soul. It tells you that this is just a phase you are going through, your life is overflowing with events, with plans, with contradictory values that you feed, you are caught in the middle, but it's time to take a stand, choose a side, stand up for yourself ans start eliminating things from your life, which should have been put in the trash a long time ago. Half done projects, partners, friends, acquaintances, situations, unnecessary things are all being kept alive by you just for their possible (yet very uncertain) future potential.
The High priestess tells you that being resourceful and mindful of the future is a very positive trait of a Virgo, but when out of control, it only causes you to bind yourself, occupy your mind, burden your soul, and as if my magic the quicksand is created and there's no escape from it. The more you struggle the deeper you get.
But, this Full Moon offers you a great blessing, a spiritual power to pull yourself out of the quicksand, and instead of trying to save the tower, to just sit down with your loved ones, put on a pair of 3D glasses and watch the show as things which no longer serve you burn to the ground. If you manage to muster the courage and self love to do this, let the tower burn the 9 of cups and the 2 of cups is going to be upright again, which means that not only will you find your childish innocence the world and society robbed you from, but you will also appreciate things which matter most in life, the feeling of being a live and the opportunity to rejoice in that which you already accomplished and the person who you became, and that in it's self is the key to true happiness. Also the last clarifying card that I felt the need to draw for you, tell you clearly, REST your mind, because you are making you life a million times more complicated than it already is!