Let's see what blessings this Full Moon is going bring to the natives of Taurus. Before we get on with the reading, once again, I must highlight the fact that, this month's Full Moon, is going to take place in YOUR sign, so it makes this astrological event twice as important and life changing for you guys! The first row of the reading opened by the Empress (which is actually the symbol of Taurus in the Tarot, notice the Venus symbol on the heart next to her throne) suggests that you have had a very very tough year, and there were several occasion where everything in your life, material, emotional, spiritual social went out of control, and you felt that you were losing everything. The Upright position of the Empress suggests, not only that you survived, and managed excellently the whole situation, but also that you tried you very best to survive and deal with all issues with your head held up high. Right now, even though, you life reached stability, things are in fact, starting to work, the gears are starting to turn, you are attracting everything you need in your life, you are literally the Empress who is holding everything together, and working hard to ensure that the chaos of this year never happens in your life ever again. But there are things which are not going as well as you hoped for, this isn't a material aspect, it has little to do with money or finances, what it has to do with is self worth and appreciation. The stability you reached, is indeed, holding your life together, but the scars that you suffered are still very visible psychologically. Emotionally you got all the help and support you needed from your close ones (as the queen of cups suggests you are doing more than ok), but it is society (and how you appear in the eyes of society) and your career (maybe burned out, no longer satisfies you, it feels like a burden) you have problems with. The Judgment reversed means that you still feel that you are NOT where you want to be, you feel that life is still unfair to you, because you know your own worth, you know just how good, talented skilled you are, yet still you just can't seem to find the BIG opportunity in life that you so desperately need to express you professional knowledge, experience and the mastery.... all of which you worked crazy hard all your life for. It's like you have a huge bundle of talent, potential, initiative, an infinite well of creative energy, hopes and dreams (BIG dreams), but somehow life just doesn't wanna let you express these. For some young Tauruses, it isn't so much about work, or career, but it's about starting your own family, marriage, union of souls to form a little world of your own, and last but not least childbirth. Some of you may feel that you are more ready, than you have ever been to have a baby, and this desire to become a mother/father is increasing, and causing you deep in-satisfaction, even depression, and yet life still doesn't think that you are ready, when material aspects aren't an obstacle anymore then something else comes into play to prevent you from conceiving a child. What I generally get from this reading is that, regardless if it's career/work, or starting a new life, starting a new business/project, or trying to have a child, you feel that you have so very much creative energy built up inside you, almost trying to burst out, like a volcano, yet you still haven't found the proper means to it, even though you tried so so hard, and various different ways. This Full Moon, is in fact going to be the beginning of the end for you. Sounds scary right? Well you shouldn't feel even the slightest fear, rather excitement. The Devil reversed is telling you that the time for foolish ambitions, fake values, limitations of the mind, old childhood traumas, misconceptions about your own self are all going to be revealed to you. This is the beginning of FREEDOM of the mind and of the soul. The Devil reverse, is your own psyche and the blockages, limitations, emotional package that you have been carrying in your soul for such a long time, and the sweet light of the Moon will shine brightly upon your mind and soul, and all of that will be revealed, you will find all the answers that you have been seeking, (these are spiritual and deep emotional answers, for example why am I so unlucky, why aren't things working out for me, why don't I benefit from good Karma when I did so much good in the world), and with clarity, lucidity comes a great change. A change of attitude, a change of heart, a different much deeper perspective from which you look at your life with, self forgiveness, self love, and understanding of your soul. A unity and harmony with your Self. And at the end of the day full contentment, joy and gratitude, that you are the person who you are today, so all struggles, all failures, all broken dreams and drowned ambitions turned you into a much wiser and more loving person, as the Hermit suggests. This Full Moon for you will be one of gratitude where you will stop seeking those values that were so very important to you in the past, and start appreciating those huge blessings that you already have in your life. This is truly a time of epiphany, of self analysis and of purification, where you purge the tricks of the mind, fake expectations, old traumas from your soul, and start anew. This new start, that I an taking about will be very much a material one, a new job, new career, new hobby, a new way to express your creativity and your personality (Knight of coins), but beware, the Universe is a trickster, whatever comes you way, won't be anything that you might expect, (Magician reversed) it will come as a total surprise, but a welcomed one which will exceed that which, you can anticipate at this time being. (The Magician reversed means your current plans and the way you anticipate your future). Last but not least, whatever comes in your way, will be something suitable, where you can put all your effort, strength, soul in and it will become very fertile next year. 8 of coins suggest work in progress, not only planting the seeds for a future harvest but nurturing the ground, the earth, making sure it stays fertile, and protecting your crops fro the elements, so they can grow and prosper.