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Full Moon reading for Scorpio

Greetings to all Scorpio natives, and welcome to your Full Moon reading.

Unfortunately the energies that I'm picking up for your reading are not very pleasant, at the moment, but I assure you that things will get better next year.

So let's start with the 6 of wands joined by the 3 of wands and 5 of swords. This combination tells the story, that you have worked very hard and invested lots of effort into either your work, or a project, in all cases it is something lucrative and should produce some income for you. The problem is that you have been more than patient and you put in much more work that it was required on your behalf, all, to make sure that it's gonna work out, to guarantee success. This isn't just something going on in the past, it's more like a continuous action which started in the past but it's going on in the present and most definitely will continue in the future. The rewards that it should be producing are not in correlation with the amount of energy and soul invested in it. For many of you it just doesn't make sense, everything is going like clockwork and things are following their natural course, so where is the abundance and the financial stability that was promised to you? The 5 of swords provides the answer. The problem, the blockages that stop the flow do not lie with you. If this is something you are doing alone, then it means a problem, an error, a bad strategy that has to do with accounting, blocked paperwork, an error made by someone else.

If this is a workplace and you are waiting for the promotion, a colleague, a work mate, or perhaps a supervisor is stealing your “glory”, your merits, takes credit for that which resulted out of your own efforts and creative energies, so they are the ones consuming the rewards and not sharing.

However, if it's a business, then things take a slightly more twisted significance, someone that you trust, an associate,business partner may play a foul game and deceive you. The blessing of the Full Moon for you Scorpios, comes as it will reveal the hidden catch, the person who is stealing your “harvest” and since your governor is the deity of the Underworld Pluto, you can be sure that action will be taken and bad karma will rush to those who wrong you. This is exactly what the second row of the reading, especially the Judgment reversed signifies, justice will be done, but it's not human justice, so it might not be legal action (even though that isn't excluded at all), but divine justice is guaranteed. This gives you the opportunity, to change your situation. As you see in the second row the 10 of coins is reversed, which means loss, overspending, a big material sacrifice, but when light sheds onto your situations, on the error, in some cases the deception is revealed, you can turn that 10 of coins upright and finally start enjoying the fruits of your labor. The queen of cups upwards means that you are not alone in this, you are fully supported by someone who loves you, and it also means that your intuition will guide you, and you will sense every bad move from those who may wish to conceal their true intentions from you. When you feel stuck, all you need to do is listen to your intuition, to your dreams, to your gut feeling because the Universe is your ally and will send you signals in order to see the truth. The third row opened by the Emperor reversed means that, you might be working way too hard, and you sacrificed a great deal of “YOU time” in order to get things done. This causes you to feel extremely tired, lack of energy, vitality, you simply had enough, and refuse to take on as many responsibilities as you used too. The magician reversed means that this is not the best time to make precise future plans, because you simply don't have the energy, self control, discipline and clarity of will, to successfully implement anything. What you really need now is rest, regeneration, to find your self, and to strengthen your will, and this can only be done by fully immersing yourself, even for a short time in all the small joys of life. Let go of the worries, let go of the problems, break free from your routine and every day life, as the 4 of swords suggests. It is a great time to put your work life on hold, and take time to make short travels and to indulge yourself, and most importantly as the 2 of cups suggests spend time with your loved ones. For Scorpios it's also a very good time to focus on love and romance, let's not forget that Venus is still in your sign, and the 2 of cups, (the card of union) tells you that she won't stay in your sing for long so take this opportunity and take full advantage of the magnetism and attraction that Venus blesses you with. Those in a stable relationship might take some time for themselves and travel to places they love, thus igniting the flames of passion in their relationships.



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