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Full Moon reading for Sagittarius

Hello wonderful Sagittarius natives and welcome to your Full Moon reading. The first row of the reading opened by the 2 of coins followed by the 8 of cups and closed by the 9 of coins reversed, tells the story of endurance. Life had many challenges for you in the recent past, one problem and challenge arose after the other, small, easy to solve things got overly complicated, and everything demanded your full effort and presence of mind. No one can complain, because you, not only held your ground, but you did a fantastic job at keeping the balance between all areas of your life, nothing and no one was left out. This situation demanded everything from you, and now you feel a certain melancholy, you feel as if the good times, and when you were happy is just a pale memory, you long to go back to periods of your life, where you used to be happy and you saw yourself in a different, joyful, more content light. The 8 of cups is the card of abandonment, so you either are walking away from a situation (job, commitment, leaving abroad, changing homes, getting a divorce) or someone is leaving your life (your child moving out, best friends leaving, loss of someone dear). The feelings generated by these events make you feel the 9 of coins reversed, you might have everything you need physically, materially, but you feel your life incomplete, empty.

The Full Moon bears an important message for you: in life nothing is really lost, everything that you ever did, everyone that you ever met, everything that you ever had, lives on in your memory, it's part of you, part of your soul, part of your journey in life and ultimately part of the person you are today. True loss only occurs when you give up, and when you let yourself be fully immersed into matters dominated by the illusions and filth of society, thus lowering your vibration, this way recalled memories are no longer magical and nostalgic, but painful because you don't focus on what you've gained, but on the fact that they are not available to you anymore. This is a perfect opportunity to immerse yourselves in spiritual activities, like meditation, yoga, listening to your favorite music, or perhaps going to a spiritual group or in nature. Either way you need to recharge the batteries of your spirit, because you don't react too well when you see the world in it's raw, brute state, you need a bit of pink tint on your lens, to increase the hope for the future and the pure love of living life, that you naturally posses. This isn't an act of self deception or manipulation, but rather rebalancing your vision and outlook on life. The second and third row are are greatly interlinked that's why I will interpret them together. The High Priest signifies an authority or some kind of legal binding that you are going to make. This isn't as much about career or finances but more about help you receive from an authority, state, council, organization. This could mean that you might join a group (for example start new studies so University), receive financial help, or some sort of compensation from an institution of state (benefits, sick pay, something that will upgrade a status), sign a contract (for a new home, rent, lease) and for some lucky natives it can even mean the legal consolidation of a relationship (civil partnership and marriage or adoption). The third row signifies the resolution of all matters which held you down. This could either mean a conflict of interests, the end of a medical treatment (which bares good results), the end of a continuous journey you had to make periodically, the end of sacrifices that you had to make for another person, and thus reaching a new state of peace and comfort. The 6 of wands means a big fear of change, or ill health, or the negative evolution of a problem in your life, with would have caused you great distress, but since it is reversed, it means that Charon (the one who steers the boat) will take away the fears and everything that caused worry and distress, all of these are going to disappear from your life.

The King of wands sits proudly on his throne because he brings you new initiative, new ideas, new activities, a new state of being, which will be idea to reflect your fiery and passionate selves. The message of the Full Moon is pretty clear, hold on, and don't despair, things are not as bad as you might think, your vision is a bit distorted and darkened by the negative aspects of life, but change is coming, or better said the cause of your problems are going away from your life, leaving fresh hope and love of life in their wake.



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