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Full Moon reading for Libra

Hello wonderful Libras, and welcome to your Full Moon reading.

The first row, opened by the 2 of coins reversed, joined by the Devil reversed, suggests that in the recent past you've been through changes. While these changes had a material impact, which, caused your routines and the way you used to do things, strictly materially speaking, became unstable, it will take a bit of time for you to find your new balance once again, and build a new more suitable routine. The 2 of coins reversed also suggests that you should be careful and think through your expenses, because the way things are going at the moment it might not lead to prosperity, but as I said this is just a phase, it won't take long for you to find a new balance, which will be much more suitable for your future lifestyle and future situation. The Devil reversed joined by the 4 of cups means, that the true gift of this Full Moon for you is epiphany. A moment of clarity, a sudden realization, a deeper analysis of the past and of your tendencies, will highlight the fact that in many cases you were a victim of your own kindness. The Devil reversed doesn't mean that someone manipulated you and lead you down a darker path, which obviously caused you to feel more distant from your own life's path, dreams and wishes, but in fact, it means that your willingness to please, your exaggerated diplomacy,empathy, and tendency to make everyone around you happy, caused you to bind yourself with a fake sense of obligation, with a self inflicted psychic shackle, that you can't do what you wish, when you wish it, because people might depend on you and your availability. While this couldn't be more true, people do in fact depend on you, this isn't out of strict necessity, but because you allowed this situation to be born, you encouraged them to, perhaps lean on you with all their “weight”, and by this, you made their lives easier, and you think you did the right thing, and now expect good karma to come into play and reap your rewards. This epiphany that you received from the Universe, tells you a different story. Yes, you did help many people, but good karma can't come your way right now, because you ignored yourself, your own needs, and perhaps sacrificed more of your psychological liberty, of your free spirit, resources (both material and moral) than you could afford. So by exaggerated self sacrifice, you pretty much made sure that all good karma is balanced out by the scars on your own soul, scars which may not have been painful back then, but now you are starting to feel the “cuts” and have finally decided to offer yourself some very much needed “first aid”. This will be a time of healing, of thought, contemplation and self gratification, a soothing of the soul, that you so much need.

The 2 of wands reversed joined by the 7 of coins suggests that, either decisions have been made already, or you will be faced with some, and these decision are career/work related. You might feel worried that you can't trust your intuition to guide you, just just can't seem to feel the “good option”, the right choice, but this is because all possible path that you might take, are prosperous, and offer the same positive experience, the same direction in life, one of stability, self discovery and self empowerment. The time of the harvest is here soon, and everything that you worked for all throughout the year, and everything you have invested in (especially creative energies) are going to blossom, and you are free to harvest. Because you are multitalented people, perhaps the harvest is so various, you have so much to choose from, that you do not know what to pick first. But this is ok, because you have plenty of time, what matters the most is that you start with the emotional harvest, and not the material one. The Page of cups tells you that, gratification, good emotions, thoughtful gestures from your friends, and people who you might have helped in the past, are going to give you a huge emotional boost, and that is exactly what you need, it will send a jolt of positive vibe, and fresh energies throughout your being. After all, there isn't a greater sense of joy for a Libra, then the acknowledgment of the fact that, they successfully made other people happy and their actions had meaning.

The Judgment reversed along with the 2 of cups, might suggest a sense of loneliness. F

or those of you who are in a stable relationship it means that you long for a much deeper closeness with your partner, you need affection, love, understanding and the warmth of another heart beating close to yours, but as the 6 of coins suggests, perhaps your partner doesn't know how you feel, and you should express your desires and needs more clearly. For those of you who are single a seeking love, this means that, while your life may be on track from every other perspective, emotionally you are looking for your soul mate, and his/her absence, the “hole in your hearts” are getting stronger and harder to bare. The Judgment reversed tells you, that the person you seek is definitely out there, but the union that you dream of, is something too special and magical to just happen overnight, everything depends on Divine timing, so you have no choice but to wait this one out, or even better said the wait will take longer than you anticipated.

The 2 of cups means that this is an ideal time for you to look for romance, but do not have any expectations, do not reject possible candidates just because you know that they are not the “One” for you. Remember that flirts, dates, friends with benefits also serve their purpose in life, and along with life lessons, and things that you can learn from another person, maybe they can fill the hole in your heart, even if it's just a temporary fix.



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