Hello my fiery Leo friends and welcome to your Full Moon reading.
First of all the Wheel of Fortune with the King of Swords and Strength reversed tells the story that Universe might have been playing a wicked game on you. You may feel as if, luck may have abandoned you, things that you really wished to accomplish and probably worked hard for, simply just didn't fall into place, either, they were delayed, or because of a silly error on your behalf, they didn't turn out too well, or promises that were made to you by reliable people were not honored.
All of these unfortunate string of events, which may cause you to feel unlucky in the present, had an impact on your self confidence, you may feel weak,the lack of strength, you may be going through a time where you simply don't feel like yourself and it is hard for you to trust anyone.
Do not worry! Your luck hasn't really abandoned you! You were just a little bit over ambitious and wanted to haste things. This year you may have put a LOT of effort into doing things that are very important to you, you may have fought with fang and claw towards achieving your goals, your dreams, and some of these are BIG dreams, things that you wanted for years, but no matter how much you wanted them things just didn't wanna move forward, it seemed like nothing would break the stagnation. And this is where your fiery Leo spirit comes into play, because if the Universe didn't wanna favor you, no problem at all, you took matters in your own hands, and forcefully shook up everything in your life and broke the stagnation. Especially in the summer period, the future looked bright, it seemed like all your efforts would be paying off, things started moving in your favor and you were so close to achieving that what you wished for. All this great effort, investment of all your strength(especially mental strength), so that stagnation kicks in again? You might think that the Universe is playing against you, but this couldn't be more true.
The Universe, is in fact, your greatest ally, and here is the reason why things turned out the way they did. Your life wasn't ready, it wasn't fertile enough, you had people in it who weren't deserving to share your joy and success, that's why everything was put in hold for you, so that the snakes and parasites in your life could show their true colors. If this hasn't happened yet, be sure that it is coming and it is unavoidable. The Universe wants to make sure that you only share your happiness and love and your deep caring nature with people who actually deserve you and would do the same for you. The 5 of coins reversed, with the Empress reversed tells you this exact same thing. Let go! You are too strong fro your own good, you are too ambitious for your own good, you can't accept failure, because you worked so hard and put so much soul into everything, you can't even comprehend the thought, that your will might not manifest. But the change of fortune comes with letting go, learn to take things way less seriously, let things flow on their own accord. This time around you are the cause of the stagnation because you try to enforce your own will. Know that what you started at the beginning of the year and especially summer is GOING to HAPPEN, but it will only be completed, once the timing is right, once you chill out, let go of all expectations, let go of your ambitions, and reach a state of flow, lightheartedness, all of this will amplify your joy and happiness, once you achieve your goal and the Wheel of fortune shines upon you once again. If you'd be successful with the current state of mind, it wouldn't really bring you much happiness because, the process of achieving it tired you out, and you wouldn't feel much accomplishment, on the contrary many of you would feel rather disappointed by the fact that, yes, you did it finally, but you paid a heavy price for it. The Universe doesn't want this, it wants you to feel it as a divine gift, it wants you to feel special and supported, and it wants you to share your happiness with all the world. And this is exactly what the Ace of coins represents, physical well being, joy of life manifested physically, something you can feel with all your senses. And it is coming for you, the change, the result of you actions, the good fortune, all of it is coming, just let go of your expectations.
The Devil with the Queen of coins and Ace of Cups reversed, means that someone who is/was close to you, it can either be family member, very close friend, relative will disappoint you and will back stab you. The Devil signifies conflict, lies, deception, lack of honesty, manipulation coming from someone who should be your friend and ally. The light of this Full Moon is going to reveal all, and while the disappointment will cause suffering and probably tears (Ace of Cups reversed) it is one of those truths that you have ti imperatively see and know in order to move forward, and it is one of the reasons why the Universe might no cooperate with you, because you are “feeding” a very undeserving person. But do not worry, neither be sad, because all of this will increase your self worth, you will see the imperfections and lack of loyalty in another person, and appreciate the fact that you are not like that and will never become someone with such a low sense of morality. The queen of Coins also indicates that for some of you “lionesses” the Full Moon's gift will be a pregnancy, or a new opportunity for financial or material gain.