Hello my beautiful and fabulous Gemini friends, and welcome to your special October Full Moon reading. So please join me in the following, as we analyze together what changes this Full Moon in Taurus has in stall for you guys.
The King of wands reversed, means that you have been trough a lot of emotional stress, there were times, when situations which occurred in your life, drained the very last drop of initiative, spontaneous ingenuity, joy of life, excitement for the mysterious and unknown future from your souls. You had to be that King of wands, not only for yourself, but for other people, and we're not talking about family and close friends (obviously they are included in this, but the love a Gemini has for these people is infinite, and not sufficient to drain him/her), but rather people who are linked to you professionally, people in various areas in your life, all of whom needed your Gemini intellect, your mental acrobatic skills, your flexibility, your infinite reservoir of ideas. You gave everything you had, in order to fulfill your moral duties, and right now you feel, drained, lack ideas, lack the will to be your own King, your own leader (sometimes slave driver) and emotionally you feel drained and totally exhausted. You feel like putting your sword down, letting your inner fire and passion burn out, the cinders are slowly dying, and the toxic fumes chocking you, which are emanating from your environment are also not a great deal of help.
But not all is lost friends, the 10 of coins and Page of coins have a very important message for you. The time to rest, to recuperate, to rekindle the inner fire and passion is not here yet. Yes, you may feel the need for it, you may be dying to do some things for yourself and most importantly have some YOU time, to dive deeply into your own multidimensional mind and colorful soul and all the wonders that can be found there, all of this to find regeneration, new strength, new ideas, new goals, and last but not least to clean up other people's mental filth that you accumulated throughout this year. Do not worry, do not be alarmed, the time for this will come in November-December period, when the astrological context will favor your star-sign and it will be YOUR chance to shine. But for now, there's LOTS of important work to be done, and you have to be your own best friend and to be fully, 110%, present in your life in order for things to work out.
The 10 of coins is one of the situation which will require your full attention. There is a chance for you to sort out your finances, but it will require careful planning, and full presence of the mind, the Page of coins suggests that the timing of which things and events succeed each other chronologically is very important. 10 of coins, for some of you will also mean a BIG investment, something that you have been waiting for to invest your hard earned money in, and that something will influence your life, future, your financial situation for the coming years. This could be a new job (much better paid one), a BIG purchase, a new project with promises professional fulfillment and wealth, an unexpected financial gain, like a very valuable present, winnings, good fortune of all sorts. While it will come a bit surprisingly, it's not a HUGE shock to any Gemini, because either you have been working your asses off for this, or you have been waiting for this all year or even longer. I must highlight the fact, that this is merely the beginning (as the Page of coins suggests) just the very first stages of manifestation, the full aspect of this will come after the Full Moon, probably in November, December and the beginning of 2019. From a different perspective, and I mentioned before the King of wands was reversed, you were tired, you reached your limits, but as you see things slowly coming together for you, your mind will start to find peace and focus on other aspects of life. And this is where the 10 of cups comes into play. As soon as the worry and the bad thoughts that were pressing down on your whole being start to lift, your quirky, optimistic, child like spirit will emerge and draw happy, joyful situations in your life like a powerful magnet. In other words good things will start to happen, things what will bring you emotional fulfillment, union with friends, family, get together, invitations to events (where you will the the star of the show), a sense of unity and stability within the family (parents, spouse, children, more distant relatives), there will be lots to celebrate and be joyful for. For those of you who are in a steady relationship, peace and appreciation and a rekindling of your love is very likely to happen, and this is one of those events which greatly contribute to your happiness and peace of mind. (Note that in Tarot the Lovers card is the symbol of Gemini) For those of you who are single, this might mean that Cupid might have some unexpected plans for you, your life will get very complicated all of a sudden, but this is the sort of complication that you have been waiting for. Venus retrograde slowly moving from the sign of Scorpio into her native sign of Libra has a big influence in all of this. But before she leaves Scorpio ruled by the carnal Pluto, I would advise all Gemini lovers out there to be careful, because this can also give birth to third party situations. While in present and immediate future you might feel the 3 of cups (inspiration, a boost of life, feeling very energized and sexually, aesthetically appreciated by your lover), this might be a dangerous situation if it escalates and evolves..... I repeat for those of you who are already in a stable relationships. For those of you who are single.. I can only say Carpe Diem and why not Noctem:).
Last but not least the 5 of coins reversed, means recovery from illness, if you have suffered from bad health, hormonal imbalances, even mental and psychological problems like anxiety, depression, etc. this is the time to recover, to find your balance. But this isn't something granted, you need to take care of your bodies, your health, to nurture and nurse yourself, and only in this case will recovery and healing take place. Also very important, this Full Moon in Taurus, which is all about physical well being, will show you WHY the health problems occurred, what you did in order to create the imbalances for your body, and this is the perfect chance and opportunity to get rid of addictions and bad habits which damage your health. The Empress signifies that this Full Moon, gives you the chance to fully rebalanced your life, both mentally, health wise, money wise and most importantly spiritually. This balance is very much needed, because November is a very important month for you guys, the sky and planets will be your allies, it will be your time to shine and make important decisions, but in order to bring out the very best from this Divine blessing, you need to be very lucid and balanced, and last but not least in good health!