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Full Moon reading for Cancer

Hello my lovely Cancer friends, and welcome to your October Full Moon reading. When I shuffled the cards and asked the Universe to show me the guidance for your sign, during the shuffling a card popped out, so I would like to start the reading with that one, 7 of swords reversed. This means that before we get to the Full Moon, a very important information, or a clarity on a situation is going to reach you. 7 of swords usually means setting your self free from situations in which you no longer wish to be in, situations which have a negative effect on you. This could also mean that you were caught in a dispute between 2 sides and perhaps you might have been forced to take a side. But since it is reversed, it means that you will indeed, take a side, YOUR side, and end toxic relationships and situation which you consider not only unjust for yourself, but for everyone involved in it. It is a release of a worry, and light being shed on hidden matters, deceptions and lies. They might have taken you as a fool, as naive, but the Universe and the Moon is your ally and it will show you exactly what you need to see in order to make the best decisions and protect yourself from manipulative people. The first row of the reading starting with 5 of cups, means that you are not very happy with a situation in your life. This might be a relationship, an alliance, a friendship, work (but not from the material point of view, but inter-human relationship wise) something which is no longer serving it's purpose, and it's dragging you down. You haven't said the final BYE yet, as we can see the 9 of coins means that in the past it was to your advantage and it brought you not just material stability, but also contentment, joy, you felt like you were in your element, included, as being part of something, which is one of the most important aspects of life for your sign. Yet, now you are in deep thought, you are ready to leave, but are not sure of yourself, not sure if it's the right course of action, there is still a small hope in your heart that perhaps, things can be mended, or maybe you even consider that “it's not them, it's you”, but as the Moon reversed suggests, it is NOT a very good moment take make any decisions, because you might be very down psychically, you might have the blues, and lots of fears and traumas from the past are resurfacing and giving you sleepless nights and are kind of close to depressions. That's why, right now and in the close future, your feelings, intuition, thoughts, general outlook on life are not your allies, the best course of action is to not listen to anyone, not even to yourself, just take some time out, and let the inner turmoil settle down a bit. You soul, right now, is like a lake, agitated, stirred up, by a great storm, so the water is very muddy, impossible to see through. Clarity and the time to make a decisions comes, after the mud goes down to the bottom and the water becomes crystal clear. The three of wands reversed means that your patience is wearing thin, problems are building up rapidly, and as the 8 of swords suggests, because of this you feel bound and totally helpless, because the solutions do not depend on you. Some solutions depend on the passing of time, dates, appointments, schedule, while certain solutions depend on promises made to you by other people (like friends, or professionals who you turned too, like lawyer, accountant etc.). This also suggests that most of the problems you will be dealing with are not emotional ones, but things that have to do with communication, papers, authorities, institutions. The World card upright is the bearer of good news, do not worry, stress, despair, if things move a bit slower than expected, or maybe right now they are a bit stuck and stagnant, they are destined to have a positive resolution, as the World upright is the card of good endings, positive, favorable resolution. It also suggests that all these problems that appear in your life, are not meant to test your patience and resilience, but rather to teach you to trust yourself and find the balance between the inner time and outer time. When you worry, stress, time inside your soul accelerates very rapidly, and it causes you to see things very distorted and to amplify the problems, making them appear much much bigger than they really are. As a Cancer, of course your natural state of being is when you are calm inside and can do things in your own time, your own way and to have a bit of fun and laugh along the way, but there are times in life when you just have to adapt to the situation and learn not to worry as much. The last column with the the of wands reversed, may seem a bit frightening but it's actually good news. It tells you that the Universe is well aware that your burdens are so many and are so heavy that you can barely keep on going forward, but it assures you that no person get's a heavier cross than one can possibly bare. It also tells you that 50% of the burdens you carry on your back are not actually your own, you worry about other people dear to you, and that amplifies your own state of lack of energy. But since the card is reversed and the number 10 … it means you are at the end of the marathon, you are almost at the finishing life, the hardships are almost over, and you are going to lose one burden at a time, until you are your happy, life loving, and content self once again. The Temperance card reversed means that you have to pay attention to your health, because your hormonal imbalances, or maybe mineral imbalances in your body are not doing you any favors, so a healthier diet, and taking the time to focus on your self and your own well being is imperative. The last card the King of wands, bares very good news, the burdens depicted by the 10 of wands will be taken off your shoulder, someone, possibly a fire sign (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo) is going to find an ingenious solution to your problems, and this will cause you to feel relieved, and he might even turn all the burdens and all the problems that you are facing into something profitable! This Full Moon for you guys, blesses you with the help you so much need, someone either new or already present in your life, who is loyal to you guys, is coming to your rescue!



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