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Full Moon reading for Aquarius

Dear Aquarius friends please take a moment and listen to the Full Moon's message for you! The Wheel of Fortune reversed opened you reading, and this speaks of the past, especially recent past. Many of you faced a change of circumstances, which was not in your favor, it speaks of a things falling apart, the end of a cycle. The cards that accompany the Wheel of Fortune reversed tell us that, this change (for the worse) or the loss, failure, separation (or any other negative event which greatly influenced you) wasn't something that came out of the blue, but it was rather a necessary end, an end which you also played an important role in to bring forth. The interesting aspect of this, is that, even though the event that impacted you is perceived by you and everyone in your life as something negative, the truth is, it has nothing to do with polarity. It wasn't bad or good, it couldn't have been avoided in any shape of form, it was simply the end of a cycle. It is only perceived as something bad, negative, or as a misfortune or perhaps divine punishment by you, because it shook you to the core of your being, and as we know letting go or admitting defeat isn't the strong point of any Aquarius, but in the long run, if we look at the distant future, it is the greatest blessing that you could have received. It happened in order to forcefully prevent you from investing anymore effort, soul, love into something that was doomed from the start.

The second column says that the loss, or failure that you suffered is already being compensated by the Universe, you are freer than you've ever been in your life, you can do so very many things that you've always dreamed of but never had the time, energy, the opportunities from every single aspect of life are building up, mounting up for you, you even have friends and family to help you and cheer you up, BUT none of this matters to you in the current state, you simply can not see the blessings in your life.

Because of this darkened vision, pessimistic approach, psychological shackle, you own naivety and blindness and your unrealistic standards which are based on the harsh judgment of society, are robbing you from fully living your life. Right now your attitude might be your own worst enemy, and I must repeat, all of this because you are currently guided by societies illusions, fake expectations and not your own soul, not your inner voice, the child that you used to be.

All you need to do is purge your mind and spirit from the influence of others, and return to your joyful, child like self, where lightheartedness is the key to everything. If you are able to find yourself, your own inner voice (The High Priestess), there and then, in an instant, your whole life is going to change, because you will see just how lucky and fortunate you are, how incredibly talented, learned and wise you are, how many people who wish you nothing but good you have in your life, and last but not least you lost nothing, you have everything you need in your life. Many of you do realize this, you know all of this too well, but you fluctuate between a state of accomplishment and take pride in who you are, and a state of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

The last column opened by the Ace of wands reversed says that, the choice is yours, the power is in your hands, you can either hold the Wand reversed and highlight all the negative aspects of your life and keep up digging up the past and all the injustices you might have suffered, or you can hold it upwards and attract the things you lack, the things you desperately desire to be present in your life, to make it complete. The power of your mind, and the power to manifest your thoughts and wishes is yours, this is a blessing shared by all natives of Aquarius, but the problem is that you need to drop your standards, you need to let the Universe do the planning, when you are unable to, and let things find you, without obsessing over it, and without having impossible expectations. Use that Ace of wands, the power of your will, to destroy the illusions that are holding you down (7 of cups reversed) and to accept that, not everything can go according to your plans, and the second you do this, the second you change you attitude and lighten your soul up, every card that is reversed in your reading will become upright and blessings in endless number will start pouring into your life.



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