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Full Moon reading for all signs

Hi everyone! This is a special Full Moon reading for all signs. Full Moons in astrology represent completion of a cycle, and clarity in at least one area of life. February's Full Moon in the sign of Virgo at zero degrees is going to help us live our own personal truth much more authentically. Astrological aspects occurring at zero degrees are the most powerful and have the most impact, regardless of what they represent. I channeled the power of the Universe to give a short guidance for each sing: Aries:

10 of coins & Page of Swords: The Universe encourages you to put all your mastery, skill and intellectual capacities into your work. During the next Lunar cycle, you are going to be very busy, and may be solicited to perform some activities besides your normal routine. If such offers or requests enter your life, do not hesitate to accept the “challenge” even though you will have to sacrifice time and energy, that you would normally spend on yourself, because even if not immediately, in a couple of weeks or even months you will be well rewarded. The rewards could be financial in nature or you will be in the position to ask favors, which at that time will be of great help to you.


8 of Swords reversed & 9 of Coins: The Universe is going to put you in delicate situations, where you will be challenged to put those life lessons into practice, which caused you great distress and the sensation of feeling lost in the past. Your wisdom, inner strength, the clarity of your thoughts, and most of all honesty (with others and yourself and courage to express what you truly think) is not only going to advantage you and help you solve your problems, but you will also prove to yourself and others that you can manage every situation perfectly on your own. In the past, you relied on either friends, partner or parents to give you a helping hand, but life and karma forced you to learn how to manage alone. Once again that is exactly what's gonna happen, and you are going to feel pride, independence and a sense of being in harmony with yourself. The 9 of coins also suggests a state of nobility and being perceived by other people with the greatest respect and admiration.


The Hanged man & High Priestess: In the recent past you went through some very tough and challenging times, where self doubt, confusion and the lack of emotional clarity was you biggest enemy, which caused you to turn against yourself and struggle with your inner demons. Now, those experiences, have turned into valuable wisdom and emotional power, that benefit not just yourself but others who are close to you. Someone in your life is about to face similar challenges, and will need your support. The High Priestess signifies that you are going to stand from a position of clarity, wisdom and compassion, where you advice and mental skills are going to save the day. Facing you own hardship amplified your empathy, making it very easy for you to understand others, see things from their perspective, thus giving you the power to give valuable, accurate and honest advice. The emotional support you are going to offer others, is going to be rewarded by the Universe later on throughout the year. From a spiritual perspective, this will be a valid reflection, and confirmation that your intuition evolved way beyond your wildest dreams. Giving you the opportunity to see and admire your own beauty and mystery in a non-egocentric way.


5 of Cups & Ace of Coins: In the recent past you were either disappointed or let down emotionally, or you may have felt as if the routine of life drained you and has broken your dreams. Regardless of what caused this emotional restraint, the Full Moon is going to shed light on the reasons why things happened the way they did. There was a very important life lesson in all of it, and that is for you to see just how “poisonous” and unhealthy expectations are. You forget the fact that you are emotionally way more mature and sophisticated than other people, and your sense of equity and justice is a bit too absolute. Now, that you've learned these lessons, and learned to approach life and other people with no expectations, the Ace of Coins suggests that the situation (or person) which disappointed you in the past is going to return, but this time things will take a very different turn, because the Divine will reward your courage and inner strength to admit that it was wrong for you to have unrealistic expectations. This is like a second change to run the same script, but the result will delight you and fill you with new hope. The Ace of coins can also mean a gesture of kindness or present which someone uses as a sing of apology or to make you feel happy and content. This could also signify that if it's not a person or an emotional issue which caused the disappointment, rather your inability to support yourself by projecting your expectations on others, the Universe is going to send all the resources that you need to resurrect your dreams, or to make you feel as valued as you once desired.


The Fool, Knight of Coins reversed. The Universe knows that you have been working very hard, and despite your best efforts things haven't progressed that much. The Knight of Coins suggest material issues, money, perhaps debts, which aren't going to disappear overnight, but they do not represent a threat, or a major worry anymore, because things are under control. The Fool Card is a very positive message from the Universe telling you not to worry, because even if a little bit slowly, but everything is going to work out when the time is right, but right now you need to take a break, both mentally and physically, and awake your inner child. Have fun, go out, meet with your friends, go on a journey, play, laugh, do whatever brings you joy, in other words, time to release the inner Lion and not worry about material problems. You already passed the test of the Universe, you worked hard and got very serious when life demanded it, so trust in divine timing, and dare to let your problems go and focus on the pleasures of life. Additionally the Fool may encourage you that it is a good time to take risks or to gamble (in a balanced and healthy way, for example buying a lotto ticket, or something which can't disadvantage you, the investment you put into whatever you choose should be minimal and you should be in it for the experience of playing/fun and not have any expectations)


King of Cups & Tower reversed: The Tower reversed speaks of your fears coming to life. You may feel un-grounded, not sure of yourself, things may seem to evolve in the worst possible direction, your plans and hopes are close to crumbling despite your best efforts to avoid disaster. The Universe is telling you that, you already prevented the Tower from being raised to the ground, because you were wise and cautious, but you are way ahead of yourself and the reason you might perceive that things aren't working is because you are trying to force those things to move and align with your expectations, which do not depend on you. You did your work, now you have to wait and trust in the Universe to put the puzzle together. The King of Cups represents that you are not alone, you have important people in your life to help you out and support you at all times. This could be a parent, sibling, partner, co-worker, business partner etc. who is going to bail you out both emotionally and materially if anything bad would happen. The King of Cups also suggests that positive thinking is imperative during this time, any negativity will just lead to paranoia and discord.


7 of cups & 7 of swords: the & of cups is a message from the Universe, that your wishes, desires, dreams, fantasies are going to come to life. Your intuition, life experience, your gut-feeling is telling you, that the moment of completion is close. You invested lots of spiritual energy, faith, planning, contemplation into attracting into your life, that which you desire, so you have a heightened sense of hope that things are coming together, slowly falling into place. But the Universe warns you with the 7 of swords, not to be too confident and not to make promises, because you have no control over time and things which depend on other people. Unrealistic way of thinking and expecting miracles can lead to a self sabotaging attitude, living in fantasy, which ultimately is going to disappoint you. Equally if your hopes depend on the promise of an other person, be very careful because you may be deceived, or someone is using you and your naivety for their own advantage. The combination of these cards tells you that the Universe is working with you shoulder to shoulder, to give you that which you desire the most, but you have to be patient, and keep your feelings, premonitions to your self. Also, if you receive promises, offers from someone (even like the promise of a job, an interview, a contract, a relationship) proceed wisely, only celebrate the success after you actually achieve it, after it is in your hands. In other words, it's not yours until you can hold it!


Knight of swords & 8 of wands: This combination of cards comes as an encouragement from the Universe, that you are following the right path from every perspective. You've had major blockages and standstills in your younger years, or in the past 8 years, and your evolution and the way you handled all the situations that life threw at you was simply remarkable. The 8 of wands suggests that you were guided by a higher force, your intuition and non linear way of thinking was always in your greatest advantage, and when your couldn't rely on that, sheer ambition and perseverance broke the standstill. Things are evolving for you in a very positive direction, but the Knight of swords suggests, that in order to evolve even more, make your life even easier, you need new studies or some sort of mastery, which has to take an official form (license, diploma, certificate etc). Since you already have a huge amount of experience and practical knowledge, obtaining official recognition for your skills won't be hard, and can be accomplished quite fast. Additionally if you have your own business or are a freelancer, the combination of these 2 cards suggests that maybe a business offer is going to come from abroad, greatly widening your perspective, and giving you way more options than you currently have.


Death & Ace of wands reversed: The Universe is telling you, that it knows you desire a major change in your life, and it is working hand in hand with you to enable that change and bring new, fresh opportunities into your life. Unfortunately, your spiritual power, your belief, your magnetism is not sufficient to draw that which you desire the most into your life. The Death signifies that you may be going through a process of spiritual cleansing, when things, situations, people, routines are starting to disappear from your life, but are not being replaced. This is not bad luck, or any form of divine punishment, the Universe is waiting for you to change your way of thinking, the way you perceive your own life, your own persona, and become more aligned with the person who you know you are deep inside. The Ace of wands is reversed, because many times you show, behave, manifest totally differently, than how you truly feel, or are blocked by miss-aligned beliefs. This is a form of compromise to fit into society, and while it's undeniable that may times in life this compromise is necessary for survival, there are also times when you have to perfectly align with your own principles, inner values, take the risk of expressing them and standing up for yourself. If you manage to muster the inner strength and courage to adapt this attitude, then you will gain the true strength of the Ace of Wands, which can be seen as one's personal power, one's divine spark, and this will open all doors for Pluto (The Death Card) to transform your life into that which your desire the most. For some of you this combination may mean that you have to quit old habits, say no to addictions and escapism, in order to start living a fuller and healthier life.


King of swords & 3 of Cups reversed: This comes as a warning from the Universe to be very careful how you communicate. Sometimes what you are trying to say, and what actually comes out are 2 totally different things, and this could lead to major misunderstandings and confusion. You were blessed with great intellectual capacities and with an extremely quick and sharp mind, so it is easy for you to draw quick conclusions, come up with ingenious solutions in every area of life, but you may be making the mistake of expecting others around you, even close ones, like partner, close friends and family, the have the same mental quickness. You are always one step ahead of everyone mentally, but this might not be the case emotionally. The 3 of cups is reversed, because it advises you to be more emphatic, and have realistic expectations of others around you, in the sense, that not everyone has such a sharp and mathematical mind, and for some people emotions and the way they feel are more important than thoughts. Sometimes, you have to slow down your thoughts, giving others a chance to catch up, otherwise this could lead to disharmony, giving you the impression that you are not accepted the way you are and others do not enjoy your company. Also, try to separate thoughts from feelings, because many times you lack the ability to understand emotions and how other people truly feel. Emotions, and the way they make people behave are not always logical, so in order for you to be in tune with the emotional states of others you have to develop your own “emotional intelligence” and intuition, even if you do not believe in the existence of such things.


9 of wands reversed & 2 of swords: The Universe is telling you that, you are performing really well work, creativity, resource and time management wise, and you take all your responsibilities and duties very seriously. If others depend on your work, if you work with a public, or offer a public service, or perhaps someone is under your care, you are putting in way too much effort and time into those activities. You may feel the need to perform, to demonstrate your skills and personal power both to others and yourself, but you are ignoring your own emotional needs, your own feelings and inner harmony, in the process. The 2 of swords suggests, that everyday life is starting to put a blindfold over your eyes, and the way you perceive your priorities is leading you on a wrong path of self neglect. During this time you may want to listen to the advice and feedback of those around you, because they may see your situation and the life pattern that's playing out more clearly and authentically than you. If you manage the take off the blindfold, by allowing others to be the mirrors for the person who you are, that 9 of wands reversed, won't be a burden of responsibilities anymore, but inner resource, strength, experience, enabling you to be a kind of “super-hero”, who has a solution to every problem, in your own life and others, thus leading you towards happiness.


8 of wands & 7 of coins: The Universe encourages you to keep on doing what's you are doing because it's leading you towards your own personal success. You have friends, acquaintances, relations, connections everywhere and lots of those people were helped by you in the past. Now the Universe is turning the tides, and you may find that people will contact you offering you all kinds of help, friendly gestures, presents or any other sort of rewards. This is a fantastic opportunity to start new projects, new journeys, set new goals, raise your standards, because help and support is around every corner for you. While ultimate success and accomplishment is not yet within your grasp, you know you don';t have to wait long, and also you feel that you are definitely on the right path. The combination of these 2 cards suggests that your life is slowly being upgraded from every perspective, and towards the end of Summer you might have the opportunity to visit a place/country/destination that you've always dreamed of.



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